suicide among law enforcement (topic)


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Research Paper Topic Instructions

During Module/Week 2, the student will submit a research paper topic in the form of a paragraph on a Microsoft Word Document exploring a specific problem in Crisis Intervention. If you are new to argumentative writing, simply rely on the Socratic Method. Your paper consists of all of the questions a person would ask if you mentioned the hypothesis to them. What is it I am researching? What is the current problem? What is the solution? What do my critics say about the problem and my solution? What does the literature say about the problem and my solution? What gaps in the literature will my solution address? If successful, what are the implications of my research? Add a conclusion as well. Suggested topics include but are not limited to: Crisis response to active shooter situations, suicide response, police training for hostage taking crisis, police officer stress, and use of force. A thesis statement would include a statement of the problem along with statistics or some other method for expressing the depth of the issue. For example, if you were discussing suicide among law enforcement, you would want to include suicide statistics to illustrate how significant this problem is and why it needs to be addressed.

**1-2 paragraphs 

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