styles of leadership

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Styles of Leadership in an Organization


The research paper will focus on leadership styles and how the relate to organization performance. There has an inherent correlation between leadership style and organization culture, which in turn is influenced by type of organization. The paper will also focus on the type of leadership in an organization and how it influences the achievement of organizational goals. It is known that organization effectiveness is leveraged on the style of leadership deployed within an organization. How style of leadership influences organizational performance will be the focus of this research paper (Mustaqim, 2016). The paper also will analyze the appropriate leadership style for the organization under consideration in relation to the type of organization and organizational culture. Besides, it will focus on what appropriate leadership styles are preferred by employees in an organization environment. The paper will then be focused on interviewing employees to find out this claim and make recommendations based on findings.

Literature review

There is close correlation between organizational performance and style of leadership. Various literatures have been detailed on how style of leadership relate to organizational performance. The literature review section of the research paper will provide a detailed analysis of various styles of leadership and how they influence organizational performance. Besides, the style of leadership should be connected to a particular type of an organization given that a privately owned company would call for a different style of leadership compared to a publicly owned company (Mustaqim, 2016). Besides, the culture of an organization is highly connected to its style of leadership. Transformational leadership and transactional will be evaluated how it influences organizational performance and culture. Both male and female employees from a healthcare organization will be included to evaluate how style of leadership relates to its performance. The participants will be selected randomly to avoid biased results.


The expected findings of the research paper will be to establish the correlation between leadership style and organization. Characteristics of leaders dictate the style of leaders they adopt, and this influences the performance as well as culture of the organization under consideration. The greatest concern is that organization is not about the style of leadership as per se, but more importantly how leadership influences employees to perform. Private organization would observe serious leadership and management tactics based on motivating employees as opposed to public organization where laxity is observed and mismanagement calling for adoption of appropriate style of leadership (Liao et al., 2017). The relationship between organizational style of leadership and organization culture will be established based on how leadership affects effectiveness and overall performance. Leadership style also influences job satisfaction among employees and their contentment on jobs they are holding in an organization. Transformational leadership tends to better influence employees since a leader is responsible for bringing about the desired change to see better improvement within the organization (Zareen, Razzaq, & Mujtaba, 2015).


The type of organization should be considered prior to adopting a given style of leadership. Transformative leadership need to be considered by for profit organization for them to remain sustainable. The culture of an organization is strongly influenced by the type or organization and style of leadership that influences a positive culture within the organization need to be emphasized (Al-Sada, Al-Esmael & Faisal, 2017). Transformative leadership enables employees to develop responsibility on their daily duties making it suitable for most organizations. The benefits derived from a style of leadership need to be emphasized to ensure appropriate traits and culture is developed within an organization to drive efforts aimed at achieving its overall goals and objectives. Besides, the style of leadership needs to be aligned with the mission and vision to ensure there is efficiency. Training programs need to be emphasized to enhance communication between employees and their leaders. Employee motivation should be given a priority because the main goal of organization is performance and efficiency, thus appropriate leadership style should be adopted.


Leadership style adopted has significant impact on culture of an organization. A leadership style that inspires employees’ motivation, promotes trust and loyalty, as well as innovativeness in an organization should be adopted (Ohemeng, Amoako-Asiedu & Darko, 2018). An organization needs to understand how it is structured so that the right leadership strategy is adopted. The leadership style that derives maximum benefits to an organization such as transformative leadership need to be embraced by organization since it meets the needs of an organization. However, not all organization need the same style of leadership since different organization are in different growth stages and they need different management strategies. Besides, decision making process need to be considered before choosing the style of leadership. Job satisfaction is also connected to the style of leadership, and leadership style in a specific organization should align to the needs of its workforce to promote maximum performance.


Al-Sada, M., Al-Esmael, B., & Faisal, M. N. (2017). Influence of organizational culture and leadership style on employee satisfaction, commitment and motivation in the educational sector in Qatar. EuroMed Journal of Business.

Liao, S. H., Chen, C. C., Hu, D. C., Chung, Y. C., & Liu, C. L. (2017). Assessing the influence of leadership style, organizational learning and organizational innovation. Leadership & Organization Development Journal.

Mustaqim, D. (2016). The Influence of Leadership Style and Motivation of Employee Job Satisfaction. International Journal of Economics and Finance, 8(10), 176-183.

Ohemeng, F. L., Amoako-Asiedu, E., & Darko, T. O. (2018). The relationship between leadership style and employee performance. International Journal of Public Leadership.

Zareen, M., Razzaq, K., & Mujtaba, B. G. (2015). Impact of transactional, transformational and laissez-faire leadership styles on motivation: A quantitative study of banking employees in Pakistan. Public Organization Review, 15(4), 531-549.


Mustaqim, D. (2016). The Influence of Leadership Style and Motivation of Employee Job Satisfaction. International Journal of Economics and Finance, 8(10), 176-183.

The article sought establish whether leadership has an influence on employee motivation, job satisfaction, and overall motivation of employee on job satisfaction based on style of leadership. The research utilized descriptive technique and employed random sampling in selecting sample population. Linear regression was used to establish relationships between research variables and indicated that leadership style has a bearing on employee job satisfaction.

There is an assumption that leadership influences organization performance, but it is not mentioned how it influences organization performance. Leadership that is concerned about the welfare of its employees motivates them to dedicate their efforts in pursuing organizational goals. Motivation can be in monetary terms or encouragements through creating a safer work environment and promoting good performing employees. This translates to motivation and better performance.

Popli, S., & Rizvi, I. A. (2016). Drivers of employee engagement: The role of leadership style. Global Business Review, 17(4), 965-979.

The article discusses the influence of leadership style on employee engagement. The article was based on multi-cross sectional descriptive design and is based on empirical study where 340 frontline employees from five different organizations were involved. The results showed a significant relationship between employee engagement and leadership style. The age and education were also influential factors in the style of leadership and employee engagement. The study showed that leadership style has a significant role to play in promoting a culture of engagement within the organization.

Employee engagement is an important aspect in an organization because it shows how employees are passionate about their jobs. Leadership style dictates how the employees feel about their jobs. A leadership style that fosters employee engagement within the organization should be encouraged to achieve organizational goals.

Liao, S. H., Chen, C. C., Hu, D. C., Chung, Y. C., & Liu, C. L. (2017). Assessing the influence of leadership style, organizational learning and organizational innovation. Leadership & Organization Development Journal.

The article sought to describe how the style o9f leadership affects organizational learning and creates an atmosphere of innovation. A structural equation modeling was used to evaluate how these variables influence each other using data from top 100 financial and 1000 technology enterprises. The findings indicated organizational learning dictate the relationship between leadership style and innovativeness in an organization. Leadership need to enhance innovativeness to promote organizational performance.

Leadership style has been an instrumental factor in dictating how people feel about their jobs. When an organization has adopted a leadership style that grants employees an environment of freedom, they are able to maneuver through their daily duties effectively while identifying new approaches to handles challenges and tasks, therefore making them innovative. Leadership should be concerned about creating efficiency for employees while promoting a culture of innovation.

Zareen, M., Razzaq, K., & Mujtaba, B. G. (2015). Impact of transactional, transformational and laissez-faire leadership styles on motivation: A quantitative study of banking employees in Pakistan. Public Organization Review, 15(4), 531-549.

The article focuses on how relationship between organizational leadership and employees influence their motivation. Effective leadership style is important to achieving employee motivation. However, managers have varying behaviors that influence how they relate with their employees. An analysis transactional, transformational, and laissez faire styles of leadership using 100 employees from five banking organizations shows a significant positive relationship with employee motivation. Leadership styles influences employees significantly although the influence might be of different degrees.

The style of leadership influences employee’s motivation based on how it is implemented. An organization with motivated employees is influenced by the leadership, which translate to good performance and higher revenues. Transactional, transformational and laissez faire styles of leadership have a bearing on employee motivation depending on how they are implemented in an organization.

Al-Sada, M., Al-Esmael, B., & Faisal, M. N. (2017). Influence of organizational culture and leadership style on employee satisfaction, commitment and motivation in the educational sector in Qatar. EuroMed Journal of Business.

The article investigates the impact of leadership and organizational culture on job satisfaction, commitment and work motivation in education organizations. Data was collected using questionnaire and analyzed using a multiple regression factor analysis to establish relationships between variables. Results shows that supportive leadership promotes job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and work motivation. Understanding leadership styles and organizational culture are critical to promoting job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and motivation.

Organization culture helps employees to learn how things are done within an organization which promotes teamwork towards common goals. The relationship between organizational leaders and employees is critical to promoting commitment to organizational goals. Besides, the employees feel motivated to undertaking duties within the organization and reduces employee turnover. The right leadership culture enhances organizational commitment through promotion of the appropriate organizational commitment.

Ohemeng, F. L., Amoako-Asiedu, E., & Darko, T. O. (2018). The relationship between leadership style and employee performance. International Journal of Public Leadership.

The paper assesses the implications of bureaucratic style of leadership on public administration in developing countries. The methodology was exploratory evaluation of literature in human resource, leadership, and public administration in developing countries. The results show that bureaucratic style of leadership need to focus on building relationships to enhance trust among stakeholders. The study indicates the need to focus on building social connections rather than being preoccupied with conventional organizational functions.

Bureaucratic style of leadership is focused on making employees follows and stakeholders to follow certain rules and lines of authority formulated by their superiors. This reduces their ability to be part of the decision-making process, which tends to affect their motivation negatively since they feel sidelined on matters that affect them directly in their line of duty. Changing this style of leadership to establish more integrated leadership where everyone has a say.

Holten, A. L., & Brenner, S. O. (2015). Leadership style and the process of organizational change. Leadership & Organization Development Journal.

The study aimed at the establishment of relationship leadership styles and the followers’ acceptance to change based on engagement of the management. Structural equation modeling was used to establish relationship between variables on data collected using longitudinal survey of 351 followers of two Danish organizations. Both transactional and transformational leadership were related to change engagement of managers, which promoted employees’ appraisal for change. Leadership style is instrumental in change management, which shows that change appraisal can be improved if development of leadership style.

Implementing change within an organization might be faced with opposition from stakeholders. However, if the management is engaged in the process, employees are more likely to embrace change. However, this is dependent on many other factors such as skill level among employees.

Salehzadeh, R. (2017). Which types of leadership styles do followers prefer? A decision tree approach. International Journal of Educational Management.

The article is based on finding on the preferred leadership style using decision tree approach. Data was collected from 750 university students to establish the type of leadership that followers like. The results indicated 27 rules were preferred with undergraduate, postgraduate, and PhD students preferring directing, coaching and supporting, respectively.

Leaders need to understand their followers before they decide on the style of leadership to follow. Some leaders may prefer using bureaucratic approach while followers prefer a coach, which would result in misunderstanding and demotivated workforce. This would affect performance of an organization. The leadership should therefore understand their followers before they employ a given style of leaders, which may vary across different categories of followers.

Wirawan, H., Tamar, M., & Bellani, E. (2019). Principals’ leadership styles: The role of emotional intelligence and achievement motivation. International Journal of Educational Management.

The study aimed at the investigating the impact of emotional intelligence and achievement motivation on task-oriented leadership and relationship-oriented type of leadership. Data was collected using surveys among 280 elementary principles. Task-oriented and motivation-oriented leadership can be predicted using emotional intelligence although it outperformed the two-leadership motivation.

Emotional intelligence can yield better outcomes for an organization if it is implemented appropriately. Emotional intelligent leaders can discern the preference of their followers and adjust accordingly while remaining focused on achieving organizational goals. Besides, leadership with high emotional intelligence can identify the abilities of their employees and employ appropriate motivation strategies that ensure their followers deliver their best to the organization.

Choi, S. B., Kim, K., & Kang, S. W. (2017). Effects of transformational and shared leadership styles on employees’ perception of team effectiveness. Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal, 45(3), 377-386.

The study focused on the effectiveness of transformational and shared leadership styles in relation to team effectiveness. A 3-set regression model was used based on a sample of 424 employees working in insurance companies. Transformation leaders influenced team output effectiveness while shared leadership improved planning effectiveness. This is an indication that different leadership styles impact employees differently.

The type of leadership style has a significant impact on employees if it is appropriately employed. Most leaders fail to foresee how the leadership style they use impact employees because they are more concerned about output rather than operational efficiency. For leaders to reap maximum benefits out of employees, they should focus on creating efficiency rather than focusing on output at the expense of wellness of their employees.

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