Strategies, SWOT Analysis and Marketing Project


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Analysis and Marketing Project

Due Week 7 and worth 120 points 

In this assignment, you will be writing a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis for a health-care provider of your choice. 

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First, choose a health-care provider, one that you are familiar with or one in your community or one that you are curious about. Research and review online information. You will need to look at the following information: 

  • The health provider website: Annual reports, etc. 
  • CMS.Gov quality reports 
  • Healthgrades data and/or patient satisfaction scores/ratings
  • County or regional demographics

For your paper, you will do the following:

      1. Introduce your provider and provide background information (1-2 pages).

      2. Based on the information gathered, develop a SWOT analysis in chart or list format.

  • Two strengths of your provider
  • Two weaknesses of your provider 
  • Two opportunities for your provider 
  • Two threats to this provider

      3. Provide reasoning and support for your analysis (minimum two sentences per choice). 

      4. Develop a marketing flyer directed to a particular segment of the provider’s market that highlights their strengths (one flyer). 

      5. Utilize at least three sources and cite them in SWS format. 

      6. All aspects of the project should be in SWS format. If you wish, this project may be completed in PowerPoint format.

Video on SWOT

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are as follows:

  • Analyze the U.S. health-care system at local, regional, state, and national levels. 
  • Examine the influence of political, economic, and social factors on the historical and current structure of the U.S. health-care system.  
  • Determine the various roles and responsibilities of interdisciplinary health-care team members and the required credentials.    

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