Strategic plan questions

Question 1

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Describe the steps required to review and develop new organisational


Question 2

An organisation’s internal environment has many variables, such as management structures, workforce development and operations it has some control over. Its external environment is less controllable, so successful organisations need to consider and respond to external variables when undertaking strategic planning.

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List five key elements in a typical organisation’s external environment and explain how these can impact an organisation’s strategic planning.

Question 3

A SWOT analysis outlines the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that can provide important information on the internal workings of an organisation. Explain how this is useful.

Question 4

Market share describes the section of a market that an organisation has control over, and can be used to compare the strengths of the organisation over its competitors. By understanding your customers’ profiles, strengths and weaknesses, you can better plan to meet their needs.

Describe four strategies you can use to get to know your customers.

Question 5

When undertaking a strategic planning process, there will often be situations where it becomes necessary to consult specialists and experts for advice, often as part of a risk mitigation strategy.

Name five such experts or specialists, and give an example of what type of advice you might expect from each of them

Question 6

You need to consider the legal, regulatory and industry requirements – including in relation to intellectual property – that needs to be reviewed and analysed for the development of a strategic plan.

Provide two examples of each of the following:

a. Legislation
b. Regulations
c. Codes of practice

Question 7

When undertaking a cooperative venture, like any major business decision, a risk analysis should be undertaken to identify any risks and develop strategies to manage them. Ventures that pose significant risks may even need to be reconsidered.

What steps would you take to undertake a risk assessment of a proposed collaborative or cooperative venture?

Question 8

Strategies are statements of how you will achieve goals and objectives, and must link back to the vision and mission. They can then be defined into specific actions and tasks, which is expressed as a strategy.

Give an example of each of the following strategies, explain how you would implement them and why they are important in the strategic planning process:

a. Resource strategies
b. Time lines
c. PIs

Question 9

Strategic plans typically cover a period of three to five years. This is considered enough time to implement real and measurable progress in the not-too-distant future.

However, in dynamic and volatile environments, it may be necessary to amend the plan to reflect these changes. Describe some of the factors which might warrant changes to the strategic plan, and describe critical points to consider when making the changes and the final stage of the review process.

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