Strategic management

Please write a minimum of four pages APA formatted paper.  Please read the “mini case” on page 29 of your textbook. Provide explanation and analysis by answering the following questions”. 

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Please provide at least six (6) peer-reviewed resources in support of your arguments. 

●  What competitive advantages do you believe Starbucks seeks to establish? What are the main challenges the firm faces as it tries to maintain the advantage or advantages you identified? 

●  Please research about Starbucks Inc. and identify three or four capabilities you believe Starbucks possesses. Please explain your opinion if any of these capabilities are considered as core competenceand justify your reasoning.

●  Starbucks’ mission is “To inspire and nurture the human spirit—one person, one cup and one neighborhood at a time.” According to your research and (may be personal experience as well) what actions do you recommend the firm take to reach this mission?

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●  Please read about Starbucks’s new chief executive officer Kevin Johnson. Do you believe he is a strategic leader? What would be your recommendations to the CEO in terms of challenges he is facing in strategic management?  

Note ; Plz go through the case study attached below 

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