strategic management

8 choice question and 200word essay 

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Term: 2019 Winter

Assignment 1

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(1) Which of the following is not a strategy company usually considers?


Corporate Strategy

b. Business Strategy

c. Functional Strategy

d. Innovation Strategy

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Recall that in the Basic Model of Strategic Management, there are four basic elements. Which one is the development of long-range plans for the effective management of environmental opportunities and threats?


Environmental scanning

b. Strategy formulation

c. Strategy implementation

d. Evaluation and control

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or False: Strategic decisions deal with short term needs of an entire organization.

a. True

b. False

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(4)It is crucial that we understand the steps involved in strategic decision making process in order to improve the process. Please rephrase to the best of your knowledge the steps involved in a rational approach to strategic decision making.

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Term: 2019 Winter

Assignment 2

Name: ___________________________ Time: _______________ Total: _________



or False: The corporation is fundamentally governed by the board of directors overseeing top management.



b. False

(2)In your own words, summarize the differences between Agency Theory and Stewardship Theory.

(3)During an environment scanning, which category does Economic Forces fall under :

a. Natural environment

b. Social environment

(4)Various techniques are used to forecast future situations. A study of nearly 500 of the world’s largest corporations revealed which method to be the most widely practiced form of forecasting?



b. Brainstorming

c. Statistical modeling

d. Prediction markets

Term: 2019 Winter

Mid Term Exam

Name: ___________________________ Time: _______________ Total: _________

Essay 1: What are the four basic elements of strategic management? Explain how these four elements interact in your own words in less than 250 words.

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Essay 2: Corporate strategy is about the choice of direction for a firm as a whole and the management of its business or business portfolio. What are the three key issues corporations facing as a whole?

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