Stay Current Essay

This essay paper focused on ethics in technology-related concerns or new technology, service, or event that particularly interests you. Scan the articles from the Stay Current RSS feed that detail ethics in technology-related concerns or explains a new technology or service. 

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Conduct research to obtain additional information on the topic you selected. You should have at least three (3) sources, including the RRS feed that you chose.

Use reliable sources. Do not use blogs, discussion boards, or Wikipedia sites as citations. Those sites may give you ideas for furthering your research, but they are not appropriate for citations in an academic paper.

Content (Information, Evidence, Citations):

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After selecting the article that is of particular interest to you, summarize the article in the first paragraph of the essay. Develop a discussion including the additional research that you completed. The final paragraph of the article should be your reflection on the topic that includes why you were interested in the article, what you learned from it, and how you could use it in your career as an IT professional.

The content should be about three pages double-spaced.

Reference Page:

Create a reference page.  Enter your sources in APA format. Use hanging indents, arrange the sources in alphabetical order by authors’ last names, and double-space the sources.

Refer to OWL for APA requirements. However, for the purposes of this paper, the formatting for web site references is slightly different. Treat the web page title as an article name, not a journal title. If an author is not available, include an editor’s name. If that is not available, use the organization’s name as the author when applicable.

Writing Style:

The writing style should be formal and objective. It should not sound like a casual conversation. Do not use first-person pronouns (I or we) or second-person pronouns (you) until the last paragraph, your reflection.


  • Times New Roman 12 point font
  • Double-spaced with 0 pt spacing after paragraphs
  • First line of each paragraph indented
  • Left alignment
  • Running head per APA style for the body of the report (includes title and page number)
  • First-level heading and second-level headings formatted in APA style for headings
  • Internal citations according to APA style

Refer to the Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL) for APA formatting guidelines: (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)

. Pay close attention to line and paragraph spacing, running heads, first- and second-level headings, font size, etc.

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