Statistics PPT

20 Slides PPT Statistics assignment. Due in 18 hours. No Plagiarism. Detailed Speaker notes is necessary. 

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Learning Strategies Mini Lesson Rubric


Levels of Achievement

Content 70%




Not present


10 points

Strategy is CLEARLY named and identified and include necessary APA formatted references. Both state and national standards are named and identified. Strategy is an OUTSTANDING match for the listed content standards and age/grade.

9 points

Strategy is named and identified and includes necessary APA formatted references. State standards are identified. Strategies are a GOOD match for the content standards and age/grade.

1 to 8 points

Strategies is named but references are not present AND/OR standards are not identified for this work AND/OR strategies are a poor match with for the listed content strategies OR age/grade.

0 points

Not present.

Descriptions and Implementation Plan

14 to 15 points

Description provides a CLEAR, CONCISE summary of the strategy, its relevance, an explanation of when/how it is used, and WHY it supports learning in the content area. Steps for constructing the strategy are VERY detailed and accurate, but CONCISE. Steps for implementing the strategy are detailed and broken down into logical steps that include all of the components. At least THREE logical ways that strategy could be used beyond what is described OR realistic variations for different learners are included.

13 points

Description provides a summary of the strategy, its relevance, an explanation of when/how it is used, AND why it supports learning in the content area. Steps for constructing the strategy are SOMEWHAT detailed and accurate and FAIRLY concise. Steps for implementing the strategy are SOMEWHAT detailed and broken down into MANAGEABLE steps while remaining fairly concise. At least TWO logical ways that the strategy can be extended beyond what is described OR realistic variations for different learners are listed.

1 to 12 points

Description may not provide a summary of the strategy, its relevance, an explanation of when/how it is used, or why it supports learning in the content area. Steps for preparing and implementing the strategy are not detailed or accurate; they are NOT concise OR are missing some or all of the implementation components. Includes only one or no ways that the strategy could be extended beyond what is listed on the primary page.

0 points

Not present.

Instructional Components

5 points

Handout or teachers guide has VERY clear directions and expectations; visual aids or handouts are very visually appealing; Answer key/rubric CLEARLY shows how the students might respond.

4 points

Handout or teachers guide has SOMEWHAT clear directions and expectations; Answer key/rubric is present but may not show how students might respond.

1 to 3 points

Handout or teachers guide is missing or has UNCLEAR directions; Answer key/rubric MAY BE missing or UNCLEAR.

0 points

Not present.


5 points

Text is VERY GOOD match for the strategy, standards, and age/grade.

4 points

Text is a GOOD match for the strategy, standards, and age/grade.

1 to 3 points

Text is NOT a match for the strategy, standards, and age/grade.

0 points

Text is not present.

Structure 30%




Not present


5 points

No spelling, grammar, and/or punctuation errors are present.

4 points

Candidate makes three or fewer spelling, grammar, and/or punctuation errors.

1 to 3 points

Candidate makes more than four spelling, grammar, and/or punctuation errors.

0 points


5 points

A correctly formatted title page is included. APA formatted citations are provided in a reference page at the conclusion of the paper with references of selected texts as well as any substantiating works. No errors in APA formatting are present.

4 points

A correctly formatted title page is included. APA formatted citations are provided in a reference page at the conclusion of the paper with references of selected texts as well as any substantiating works. Minor errors in APA formatting are present.

1 to 3 points

A title page and references section are included but may have multiple (more than 5) errors throughout OR references and correctly formatted title page are missing from final document.

0 points

APA Formatting

5 points

Final paper is well organized. Headings are used throughout to help with the overall organization and writing is clear and concise.

4 points

Overall arrangement is logical but can be difficult to follow at times. Headings are present throughout to help with overall organization. Writing is mostly clear and concise.

1 to 3 points
Writing lacks clarity or conciseness. Lack of focus makes the presented points hard to understand or your ideas are not fully developed. There are multiple readability and organization issues throughout that make the work difficult to understand.

0 points

Coffee Cafe Night

Student’s Name

Executive Summary
Data set for a restaurant of Cafe Chain
Thorough analysis of data needed
Data analysis to result to:
Exploratory analysis
Menu analysis

The data set provided is for a restaurant of Cafe Chain.
It requires thorough analysis to result to exploratory and menu analysis essential to improve the profitability of the restaurant.

The Café Chain aims to increase its revenue
Restaurant has no loyalty program
Dataset with customer level information not available
Point of sale data available

The Café Chain aims to have a data analysis to help it increase its revenue.
It is worth noting that the restaurant has no loyalty program to encourage customers to keeping purchasing products from the restaurant.
Additionally, there is no dataset with customer level information to help identify areas that need improvement.
However, the point of sale data is available which is key to streamlining certain tasks in the restaurant for smooth operation.
This information is critical for stocking and labor control.

Exploratory Analysis
The restaurant’s grand quantity is 163519 and 32805895.27
Top items in quantity sold are;
Food at 62141
Beverages at 50637
Tobacco at 37384

The total quantity of products sold is 163,519 units at 32805895.57.
The items sold most in quantity are food at 62,141, beverages at 50,637 and tobacco at 37,384.
This means that food is the most consumed followed by beverages and tobacco.

Top Items in Quantity Sold

The top items in quantity sold by the restaurant are graphical represented in a pie chart.
Food takes the largest share at 62141 followed by beverages 50637 then tobacco at 37384 and liquor at 10283.
This means that most customers take food and beverages at the restaurant which contribute the largest share in sales.
Quantity Sold
Food Beverages Tobacco Liquor 62141 50637 37384 10283

Exploratory Analysis (cont’d)
Customer’s lowest demand products are:
Liquor quantity of 1
Liquor and Tpbacco quantity of 63
Merchandise quantity of 551

Some products in the restaurant have low demand.
They include liquor which recorded one sale, liquor and Tpbacco which recorded 63 sales and merchandise which recorded 531 sales.
This information is significant to the restaurant in terms of stocking as well as the decision to scrap off or continue selling these products.

Lowest Items in Quantity Sold

This pie chart is a graphical presentation of goods with the lowest quantity sold in the restaurant.

Quantity Sold

Liquor Merchandise Liquor & Tpbacco 1 551 63

Restaurant’s Highest Sales
Restaurant’s highest sales are;
Tobacco at 14507075.74
Food at 9952727.98
Beverage at 5510239.1

This indicates the restaurant’s highest sales in amount. Despite tobacco being the third highest in terms of quantity sold, it has the highest sales in monetary terms.
Food then follows and beverages.

Highest Total Sales

This is a chart illustrating the highest total sales of products in amount.

Total Sales
Food Beverage Tobacco Liquor 5510239.0999989947 9952727.9800000004 14507075.74 2112397.1600000067

Exploratory Analysis (cont’d)

This chart illustrates the total sum of products sold in the restaurant the entire year.
Some products like food, beverages and tobacco attracted relatively high sales while others like liquor and tpbacco performed poorly.
Sum of Quantity BEVERAGE FOOD LIQUOR LIQUOR LIQUOR & TPBACCO MERCHANDISE MISC TOBACCO WINES 50637 62141 10283 1 63 551 1385 37384 1074 Sum of Total BEVERAGE FOOD LIQUOR LIQUOR LIQUOR & TPBACCO MERCHANDISE MISC TOBACCO WINES 5510239.0999989947 9952727.9800011441 2112397.1600000067 1050 42561.52 120074.02000000027 206858.12999999989 14507075.740002131 352911.62

Trends in Consumer Behavior
Most purchases are done on the first days of the month
There are few purchases in the middle of the month
Most purchases are done in the afternoon
Some days recorded very minimal sales

Consumer behavior at the restaurant indicates that most purchases are made on the first few days of the month. The first day of every month recorded relatively high sales.
Fewer purchases are made towards and after mid month.
Most purchases are done in the afternoon during most days.
Lastly, minimal sales are recorded in certain days.

Recommendations on Consumer Behavior
Ensure adequate stock at the end of every month
Minimize orders in the middle of the month
Offer discounts during low sales seasons

Due to the consumer behavior trend realized, it is good to ensure there is adequate stock at the end of every month due to the increased demand for the restaurant’s products/.
Since there are few sales towards and after mid month, minimizing orders can be a good strategy to manage stock.
Alternatively, the restaurant can offer discounts during the low sales seasons to boost sales.

Menu Items
Some menu items that can be taken of are:
Liquor quantity of 1 total 1050
Liquor and tpbacco quantity 63 total 42561.52
This is because the quantity sold is relatively low

The menu contains several items. Some items, especially those with low quantity sales like liquor can be taken off.
There is no need of considering this an item in the menu yet only one unit was sold the entire year.

Trends across Months
Most purchases are made from June to December
The purchases are low from January to June
Food and Beverage sales highest across months

The trends of making purchases at the restaurant indicate that most purchases occur from the months of June through to December.
Purchases are low from January to June.
It is worth noting that food and beverages record the highest sales across most months.

Menu Analysis
Involves identification of combo meals
Listing of best combo meals from menu items

The menu analysis aims at understanding the menu items of the restaurant in order to list best combinations meals.
This may increase profitability when two products are purchased from the combo menu.

Suggestion of Best Combo Meals
Item 1 Item 2
Chicken salami panini Add fries
Lemon iced tea Cookie monster
Italian omelet breakfast Lindt chocolate shake

Some suggestions for best combo meals are;
Chicken salami Panini with fries
Lemon iced tea with cookie monster
Italian omelet breakfast with lindt chocolate shake.

Suggestion of Best Combo Meals (cont’d)
Item 1 Item 2
BMT panini Sambuca
Caffe latte Add hazelnut flavor

Other suggestions are;
BMT Panini with Sambuca
Caffe latte with hazelnu

Have adequate stock for both peak and low season
Offer discounts to boost sales
Ensure enough staff during peak season
Inclusion of combo meals essential to boost sales

Coffee Café Night can improve sales through discounts
Should reduce stock levels during low season
Should increase stock level during peak season
Items with low quantity sales should be taken off
This helps prevent unnecessary costs

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