Speech #4 Persuasive Speech –

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Cover Page

, Outline, Final Draft, Work Cited Here

Persuasive Speech Submission

Check the Due Dates!

  • Final Draft Due by Wednesday, by 11:59P   

EC Opportunity

  • Dress in business attire for your speech = 5 points of EC

Persuasive Overview   

  • Subject:    An issue of your choice
  • 8-10 minutes in length
  • 3-4 Note cards are allowed
  • 3-5 Audience members required

Here is a breakdown of how I will evaluate your persuasive speech: 


  • Start with a hook, a quote, something that introduces the tone of your topic.


Review the

  • Organizational Pattern
  • Lectures

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    Choose one of these Persuasive Organizational Patterns

    • Problem – Solution Pattern
    • Monroe’s Motivated Sequence
    • Comparative Advantage Pattern
    • Refutation Pattern

    Choose one of Aristotle’s Three Persuasive Appeals 

    • Pathos
    • Logos
    • Ethos

    Choose two of Maslow’s Five Basic Needs

    • Physiological
    • Safety
    • Love/Belonging
    • Esteem
    • Self-Actualization

    Cover Page

    Please include a cover page which clearly designates the following strategies you’ve chosen to make your case;

      Organizational Pattern

    • 1 of Aristotle’s Persuasive Appeals
    • 2 of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

    Additional Strategies

    Use evidence and reasoning to support each of your main points. Present both sides of the issue. If you forget to address what your critics believe, your argument will be one-sided. Make sure you address any possible counterarguments, then demolish them with strong evidence to support your points.

    • Use transitions for clarity. These can be internal summaries or previews. For example, “Now that I have discussed X, and explained why it is so important, I am going to turn to Y and show you the benefits…” 


    • Give a signal phrase such as “In conclusion…” or “In closing…” or “As I bring this to an end…” and a clear summary of each main point.

    Academic Sources

    • 5-7  Academic Sources (Follow the Informative Guidelines) and a Work Cited Page (MLA)

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