Speech 1017 Final Exam and

Hello, Looking for an individual to help out with my speech Final.  You will need to create one speaking outline (50% of exam grade) and approximately 45 other multiple choice, matching, true/false and fill-in-the-blank questions.  If doable please respond to me. 

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Below is the instructions and an outline example.  


Final Examination Outline

You will create one speaking outline (50% of exam grad


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and approximately 45 other multiple choice, matching, true/false and fill-in-the-blank questions. There is one extra credit question. The exam is not timed, but must be finished in one sitting. There is only one attempt – no stopping and restarting exam. You are encouraged you use your notes, but may not work with peers. Cheating will earn you an “F” in the course.

In parentheses is the number of questions and number of points for the topic.

1. The First Amendment (1 – 10)

2. 4 Stages of Anxiety and Techniques to Control It (2 – 10)

3. Active Listening (1 – 10)

4. Prezi (1 – 10)

5. Delivery Skills – lecture (1 – 10)

6. Speech Parts (2 – 20)

7. Verbal Communication & Rhetorical Devices (4 – 45)

8. Nonverbal Communication (3 – 30)

9. Organizational Patterns (1 -15)

10. CRAAP and Media Bias Site (2 – 30)

11. Oral Citations (2 – 20)

12. APA Citation of a Journal by Issue (1 – 20)

13. Scholarly Journals (2 – 15)

14. Asch Experiment (1 – 10)

15. Persuasive Speaking Basics (4 – 50)

16. Appeals & the Audience (2 – 30)

17. Fallacies of Reasoning (1 – 20) (Not in lecture due to brevity of the semester so will be extra credit)

18. Perception, Attribution, and Perceptual Tendencies (3 – 30)

19. Gender Bias (1 – 5)

20. New Media & Big Data (3 – 40)

21. Intercultural Communication (3 – 30)

22. Hofstede’s Dimensions (1 – 20)

23. Empathic Civilisation, Flint Crisis, Mni Wiconi, Avocados, Mill Times, Google Earth, Global Goals (7 – 40)

24. Speaking Outline – Water Justice Outline (1 – 450)

a) Use keywords! Use Intro Speech template!

b) Include Oral Citations (not in-text citations) – reference page not required – 3 class sources required

c) Label and include all parts of speech and numeric format

d) Note and correctly use organizational pattern – if you use a persuasive pattern, be sure it is applied throughout


You can type the outline in a document and paste into Blackboard using ctrl+v. Test first!

Grossman, M. 1

Grossman, M. 3

One Dream, One Voice

I. Introduction

A) Attention Grabber: How many of you have seen something that you thought wasn’t right, but stayed silent because it wasn’t “your business?”

B) Thesis: Martin Luther King Jr. was a transformative activist who led the way on race relations (alliteration) in America.

C) Preview of Main Points: Today we’ll learn about the history of race relations in America, Martin Luther King Jr.’s critical activism and lessons that can be applied to today’s society.

Transitions: Let’s begin by examining the evolution of the race relation issue in America.

II. Main Point 1: Slavery to Subordination

A) (History Channel’s webpage Slavery in America) 1619 Jamestown – 1st slaves

B) 1600 – 1800 Farming, Cornerstone Southern economy

C) 1830 – 1860 Abolitionist movement, Freed slaves, Underground Railroad

D) 1861 – 1865 Civil War, Lincoln, Emancipation Proclamation

E) 13th / 14th Amd End slavery, 15th Voting rights

F) Sharecropping, Social suppression, Segregation & inequality, Legal violations

Transition: While the slaves were technically freed, the generations to follow would remain subordinated by the establishment of whites. Martin Luther King Jr. undertook the arduous task of changing this problem.

III. Main Point 2: MLK’s Life Work

A) (Nobel Peace’s webpage MLK Jr’s Biography updated 2017) Atlanta Pastoral Family

B) BA Morehouse College 1948, BD 1951, PhD 1955

C) Married, Baptist Pastor, Montgomery

D) NAACP, Bus Boycott – 1st demo

E) Endured Violence, “Negro” Leader

F) 1957 – 1968 6m miles/2500 speeches

G) Major Demos

1. “Coalition of Conscience”, Bus boycott

2. “Letter from Birmingham”

3. Voter Registration Drive AL

4. Washington DC March – “I Have a Dream”

5. Nobel Peace Prize, Time’s Man of the Year, President Johnson

H) Assassinated April 4, 1968 Memphis – “Mountaintop”

Transition: Although Marth Luther King Jr’s life ended that night, his legacy endures and can enlighten us today.

IV. Main Point 3: Lessons Learned

A) (Mary Elizabeth King, focused on Peace and Conflict Studies at the UN, journal article 2016 ‘Confluence of Thought’) Educated on Rights

B) Inclusive

C) Persistent

D) Peaceful

E) Police Brutality Today

Transition: In summary,

V. Conclusion

A) Summary of Main Points: We’ve learned about the evolution of race relations in America, MLK’s life work and some lessons for today’s society.

B) Restatement of Thesis: Martin Luther King Jr remains one of our most notable social activists in America to address race relations.

C) Last Thought: “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” MLK

Organizational Pattern: Chronological


History. (n.d.). Slavery in America. Retrieved June 9, 2017 from


King, M.E. (2016). Confluence of thought: Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr. Peace and Change 41(1), 115 – 117, Retrieved June 12, 2017 from 10.1111/pech.12179.

Nobel Prize. (2017). Martin Luther King Jr. – Biography. Retrieved June 11, 2017 from


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