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7-1 Short Paper: Measuring Success and Making Recommendations


Considering the high level of maternal mortality in Haiti, wide range of interventions has been developed to bring the rate to a minimal level. Although these interventions have been effective but can be improved to offer a better service to the Haitians. To improve the provided intervention, the following recommendations has been made:

· It is recommended that skilled care should be provided to mothers before, during and after childbirth. In addition, they should be encouraged to have various antenatal care visits where they should be attended to by skilled care workers. This service should be made free if possible or should be of low-cost because many Haitian women have no access to such services due to poverty.

· It was identified that most of the Haitian women in the rural areas were attended by unskilled birth attendant and this was the major reason for high maternal mortality within the region. Therefore, it is recommended for educational programs be developed to educated them. Some efforts should also be channelled to community mobilization as well as the prediction and prevention of pregnancy complications.

· The level of ignorance was also recognised as one of the major determinants of the high maternal mortality in Haiti, it is therefore recommended that access to basic and higher education for both boys and girls should be made available so as to promote a sustainable development within the country. In addition, the act of improving the level of education will affect the Haitian population positively in several ways such as reducing the level of poverty and at the same time increase gender equality as well as reduce maternal mortality.

Measuring the success of the intervention

The level of success of the developed intervention to address the issues of high maternal mortality in Haiti can be measured by comparing the rate of maternal mortality before and after the interventions were established. According to World Health Organisation (2017), the rate of maternal mortality in Haiti was identified to be decrease by 15% since the implementation of various interventions.


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