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Start by reading and following these instructions:

Do not just answer the questions. You should be able to explain the logic behind your answer and point to a credible source to support your position, even if it is just the textbook. You are expected to spend at least 5 hours studying the questions, finding and studying good sources, and understanding the nature of the answers and at least an additional 5 hours answering these questions and polishing your writing, so the answers are compelling. Invest your time wisely, giving more time to the complex answers in order to ensure that you demonstrate that you truly understand the answer. Typical assignment should be roughly 3,000 word in length. Shorter compelling answers are fine. Answers with needless filler will be marked down.

Assignment: APA format Essay Questions

Essay Questions:

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1. Discuss in scholarly detail challenges facing e-tailers that can slow the growth of an organization’s e-tailing efforts and their impacts.   

2. Discuss in scholarly detail value-added attributes that drive the development of m-commerce based on ubiquity, convenience, instant connectivity, personalization, and localization of products and services.

3. Discuss in scholarly detail ways wireless or mobile technologies can support marketing or operations of an enterprise.

4. Discuss in scholarly detail what business opportunities or operations virtual communities create or support. 

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