soil in construction rev1

Chapter 9

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Please see complete illustration in text book

Soil in construction sixth edition Don C. Warrington W. L. Schroeder

1. Figure 9.21 is representative of soil conditions at a construction site. If you are the contrac-tor, select a dewatering method you would consider appropriate for each of the projects described below. Consider the information given in this chapter, earlier chapters and any other information that may be appropriate. Describe in detail how your system would be built and operated. Justify clearly any assumptions you make. Discuss what difficulties you may encounter and how you should plan for them. a. A circular reservoir 100 ft in diameter is to be built with a bottom slab 25 ft below present ground surface. The groundwater level must be held at least 2 ft below the slab until the reservoir is filled. b. A bridge pier with a driven pile foundation is to be built with the bottom of the pile cap 40 ft below present grade. The cap is 20 ft by 30 ft in plan view

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2. 2. Repeat Problem 1 for the following projects with soil conditions as indicated in Figure 9.22. a. 1200 ft of an 18-in. sewer line is to be placed in a trench about 16 ft below ground surface. b. A 30-ft-diameter concrete pump station is to be founded on the basalt rock at 65 ft in depth. c. Conditions as in a, except that the pipeline is 28 ft below the ground surface.

Chapter 9


Please see





Soil in construction


Don C. Warrington

W. L. Schroeder


Figure 9.21 is representative of soil conditions at a construction site. If you are the contrac

select a dewatering method you would consider appropriate for each of the projects described
below. Consider the information given in this chapter, earlier

chapters and any other
information that may be appropriate. Describe in detail how your system would be built and
operated. Justify clearly any assumptions you make. Discuss what difficulties you may encounter
and how you should plan for them. a. A circul
ar reservoir 100 ft in diameter is to be built with a
bottom slab 25 ft below present ground surface. The groundwater level must be held at least 2
ft below the slab until the reservoir is filled. b. A bridge pier with a driven pile foundation is to
be bui
lt with the bottom of the pile cap 40 ft below present grade. The cap is 20 ft by 30 ft in
plan view


2. Repeat Problem 1 for the following projects with soil conditions as indicated in Figure 9.22. a.
1200 ft of an 18

in. sewer line is to be placed in a t
rench about 16 ft below ground surface. b. A


diameter concrete pump station is to be founded on the basalt rock at 65 ft in depth. c.
Conditions as in a, except that the pipeline is 28 ft below the ground surface.

Chapter 9

Please see complete illustration in text book
Soil in construction sixth edition Don C. Warrington W. L. Schroeder

1. Figure 9.21 is representative of soil conditions at a construction site. If you are the contrac-tor,
select a dewatering method you would consider appropriate for each of the projects described
below. Consider the information given in this chapter, earlier chapters and any other
information that may be appropriate. Describe in detail how your system would be built and
operated. Justify clearly any assumptions you make. Discuss what difficulties you may encounter
and how you should plan for them. a. A circular reservoir 100 ft in diameter is to be built with a
bottom slab 25 ft below present ground surface. The groundwater level must be held at least 2
ft below the slab until the reservoir is filled. b. A bridge pier with a driven pile foundation is to
be built with the bottom of the pile cap 40 ft below present grade. The cap is 20 ft by 30 ft in
plan view

2. 2. Repeat Problem 1 for the following projects with soil conditions as indicated in Figure 9.22. a.
1200 ft of an 18-in. sewer line is to be placed in a trench about 16 ft below ground surface. b. A
30-ft-diameter concrete pump station is to be founded on the basalt rock at 65 ft in depth. c.
Conditions as in a, except that the pipeline is 28 ft below the ground surface.

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