
Assignment 2: Practice ProblemEvidence based practice is essential to effective social work practice. For this assignment, you are required to (a) identify a current practice problem relevant in your current agency (i.e., working with resistant clients, engaging clients when they don’t talk much, having negative perceptions about your client, counter transference, etc.), (b) after identifying your practice problem, conduct an extensive literature search as it relates to your practice problem that provides you with a complete understanding of the practice problem.Based on your findings in the literature, what did you discover that will help you address your practice problem? How might your research guide your work in your field agency?  After reviewing the literature/research and comparing it to the practice problem, the student is expected to do the following:Submit a 1-2 page reflection paper that:1.      Briefly discusses the literature 2.      Briefly identifies the practice problem3.      Briefly explains how the literature will be used to address the practice problem while engaging in the agency.References (use 2 or more)Garthwait, C. L. (2017). The social work practicum: A guide and workbook for students (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

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