Sociology assigment


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The purpose of this assignment is to give you the opportunity to demonstrate knowledge of what you have learned so far by applying the sociological concepts to film. The learning objectives and which outcomes they assess can be found in each individual move assignment, since they all assess different aspects of the first part of the course.

In order to NOT be penalized for a short answer I recommend you have at minimum 200 words per answer.  Each answer should follow the rules of

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for grammar, punctuation and

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. This means your answer should NOT be one long paragraph. I recommend having at minimum one paragraph that defines the concepts and another that provides examples. But, each of these paragraphs should be nor more than 5 to 7 sentences. If you need more than that then break up into smaller paragraphs. 

The paper can be either double or single spaced, but must not have a font larger than New Times Roman 12 and a 1 inch margin. There are additional instructions in the attached Word documents regarding the content of your answers.

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