Social Venture

Each student will develop a one to two page description of a venture idea that answers the following questions. What is the name of your venture? What is the product or service you are providing? What is the problem/issue you are trying to address? Who are the potential customers or clients or communities you serve? Why are you writing this business plan? Explain why/how this venture concept creates social value for the consumer, client, community etc.

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(Please Note: Do not put these questions into the assignment – write a narrative that answers these questions.)

Your venture idea should be a 1-2 page business document that describes your venture idea. Use any format that allows you to explain your venture idea. You may include charts or tables if you like but do not go over the two page limit. My expectation is that your writing style and the content of the document reflect critical thinking and good business sense. Keep in mind, this is the kind of overview document that you would use to gather support and resources from a close group of friends and family. The details would follow in a business plan.

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