Social Diversity


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Throughout this course, you will learn how to apply a sociological perspective to better understand diversity and diversity-related social issues. Each week, you will be prompted to visit the discussion board to reflect on how you apply the course concepts and theories in your life and to share your diversity experiences and perspectives with your peers. To get started, choose one of the following to include in your initial post:

  • Discuss an example from your life or from your observations that illustrates one or more of the concepts or theories introduced in What You Need to Know or the Interactive Learning Activity (Theoretical Encounters). Make sure you are clear in describing the concept or theory that best applies to your experiences or observations. Examples of concepts include social constructions, minority group, dominant group, ascribed status, prejudice, discrimination, stereotypes, and power. Examples of theories include Patricia Hill Collins’s theory of intersectionality and Marx’s and Weber’s theories of inequality.
  • Locate a relevant and credible news report or other media story (an article, TV program, documentary, or radio program) that focuses on one or more of the concepts or theories introduced in this week’s reading or audiovisual resources (What You Need to Know or the Interactive Learning Activity). Discuss which concepts or theories you noticed in your media selection.

This prompt will be the same for each week of the course. Regardless of which prompt you choose, you are encouraged to use one of the assigned readings or audiovisual resources to support your points.

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