Soc 520- topic 2


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irst, analyze the course information provided to you by the college administration in the “Course Design Criteria” document.

Then, in an essay (750-1,000 words), citing three to five scholarly sources, address the following prompts:

  1. Review the information in the “Course Design Criteria” document and describe the specific student learning outcomes and skills you feel students should have after completing this course. Explain how you used the information in the document to draw your conclusions.          
  2. Describe which adult learning theories would be most pertinent to help you design the course. Explain why each of these theories is applicable for your design of this on campus course.  
  3. Explain what can be deduced from the student survey information at the bottom of the “Course Design Criteria” document. How can an instructor use this information to inform the course design?  
  4. Recommend some possible critical thinking strategies that could be used to engage the students enrolled in this course. Recommend what facilitation methods an instructor could use to engage students throughout this course.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.


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Course Design Criteria

Instructors of sociology should be able to analyze competencies or standards in order to design course curriculum that assesses competencies in an appropriate structure.

Imagine you are a sociology professor assigned the task of designing a college course based on the information below. Use this information to complete the Topic 2 essay assignment:


Principles of Sociology- This is the first course in the Bachelor of Science in Sociology program. This course presents an overview of the concepts, theories, and methods used by sociologists to explain the effects of social structure on human behavior.

Our Social World


1.1: Describe how social factors in society influence individual behavior and the development of the social self.

2.1: Describe the role of research methods in furthering sociological knowledge.

3.6: Analyze the role of religion and its effect on society.

Students Survey Results:

After surveying the 50 students who have enrolled in this course, the following was determined:

70% consider themselves to be visual learners.

20% consider themselves to be visual/kinesthetic learners.

10% consider themselves to be auditory learners.

85% are Sociology majors.

15% are Social Work majors.

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