SMGT 504 – Sport Outreach Plan – Programming Activities Assignment

Sport Outreach Plan- Programming Activities Assignment

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As a step in creating a comprehensive Sport Outreach Plan, you will create a detailed description of the programming for the Sport Outreach organization (the proposed activities) to include detailed descriptions of all key participant activities and planning for travel, facility and equipment needs as applicable. The description should be consistent with previous and subsequent elements of the Sport Outreach plan. 

As part of the assignment, you will submit your work by attaching it to a post in the Sport Outreach Programming Activities Discussion Board for peer review and feedback.

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This is a draft of the third section of a comprehensive Sport Outreach plan you will create throughout the course:

· The draft should include at least two full pages of text.

o This excludes a title page, abstract, reference page(s) and any appendices

· The work should be in APA format (the most current edition)

· At least three sources supporting the work should be formally cited and listed in the reference page.

· A minimum of three sources should be external to the course, i.e. in addition to the course text and any readings provided within the course.

– Include a biblical passage/verse.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the SafeAssign plagiarism tool.



Sports Outreach Plan – Mission & Vision Assignment

Chet L. Walker

Liberty University

SMGT 504 – Foundations of Sport Outreach

31 January 2021


The sports outreach organization is aimed at providing sport activities to the youth who are in rural areas. This is a non-profit making organization that concentrates on improving the welfare of the youth. It has a mission and vision statement that will guide it in meeting the critical objectives.

Mission Statement

To empower, educate, and equip youth sports leaders, parents, and volunteers in rural areas so they can enjoy the benefits of sports.

Vision Statement

Create a future for sports where the coaches, officials, and parents get education and youth gain positive and safe sports experience.

Organizational Structure

Officiating coordinator

Executive Director

Ndbdj Management Committee

Development Officer
Coaching Director

Coaching Coordinator
Management Committee is the top layer of this organizational structure. It includes the chairman, vice-chairman, Treasure, and Secretary. The Executive director ensures that the sports organizations’ operations are running smoothly (Thompson & Parent, 2020). The lowest levels, such as the officiating coordinator, fundraising coordinator, and coaching coordinator, support marketing the organization and looking into the club’s activities.
Staffing Plans
The staffing plan is a blueprint of how the staff will run the sports organization’s operations smoothly and efficiently (Moreau & Nabhan, 2020). The organization’s primary goal is to ensure that it benefits the youth in the rural areas. This implies that the management should ensure that the staff members are moved near the targeted geographical location for effective leadership. When the staff locates a talent, they will be dedicated to nurturing it until they see it grow and become a reality. This organization consists of the staff members of the seven categories listed in the organizational structure. The members of each category will embrace teamwork while executing their duties.
The organization is ready to manage a team of any size, given that its primary goal is to locate all youth from the rural areas. The teams will be managed by the coaching coordinators who work under the coaching director. The coaching coordinator will ensure that he nurtures the competencies of all players and make improvements where possible. For the low performers, they will be trained on how to improve their skills. The staff members must be 25 years of age and above, and their tenure should be for three years after the election will be conducted. In the future, the organization will work hard to expand and even reach the youth who are in the urban areas. We recommend organizational management because of its efforts to ensure that the organization’s vision is achieved.
Funding Plans
The fundraising coordinator will ensure that the organization has adequate finances to run its operations. Because this is a non-profitable sports organization, the management will plead with the government for support. Youth empowerment through sports is an initiative that will gain a lot of support from the government through sports and social affairs. Another source of funding will be through the members’ subscription fee, which is non-refundable. The organization will be open to welcoming well-wishers who may boost the organization by donating financial resources. Every sports organization needs to develop and implement development plans to raise capital for the organization (Stewart, 2017). They will launch projects like selling refreshments during the sporting activities, which in one way or the other will build the financial position of the organization. The money raised will buy sport attires and balls. It will also support those youths who come from poor backgrounds.

Moreau, W. J., & Nabhan, D. (2020). Sports Coverage for Traveling Teams. In Sports-related Fractures, Dislocations and Trauma (pp. 11-15). Springer, Cham.
Thompson, A., & Parent, M. M. (2020). Understanding the impact of radical change on the effectiveness of national-level sport organizations: A multi-stakeholder perspective. Sport Management Review.
Stewart, B. (2017). Sport funding and finance. Routledge.



Sports Outreach Plan – Target Population Assignment

Chet L. Walker

Liberty University

SMGT 504 – Foundations of Sports Outreach

31 January 2021


This is a plan designed to provide sporting activities to a specific group in society. It aims to make sure that those who engage themselves in sports get advantaged in one way or another. The target problems affecting the group get reduced. In this sports outreach plan, the target group is the youth. This plan targets the youth who are especially in rural areas. This is because there are inadequate employment opportunities in the rural areas, making the youth engage in illegal activities. Reaching the youth through sports would provide education to them and make them occupied to not engage in stealing, drug abuse, and irresponsible sex, which cause unwanted pregnancies. Both girls and boys benefit from sports.

Rationale Why Youths Are the Appropriate Group

Participating in Sports help youth to gain several benefits:

i. Increase in Physical Health and Activity

The youth get motivated and encouraged to participate in sports, and they develop healthy habits. Exercise is very beneficial to a person’s growth (Howie, Daniels & Guagliano, 2020). It lowers fat and makes the body muscles and bones stronger. It also reduces the risk of contracting cardiac diseases. When the youth participate in sports, the body can function well, which is healthy for a person’s growth.

ii. Strong Community and Social Bonds

When the youth come together and participate in sports, they make new friends. They can know each other as the same local area members, which helps develop a sense of caring for each other (Rogol, Cumming & Malina, 2018). This helps in reducing crime rates in rural areas. Bonds that have been established increase the level of trust between the youth players and their coaches, who act as their role models. The act of volunteering to help one another develops and contributes positively to the community. They create a sense of helping each other and wanting the best for the members of the club.

iii. Improved Academic Potential

Youths who engage in sports possess a high self-concept and way of setting goals. They are well organized in the classroom since a strong link exists between academic success and youth sports (Appelqvist-Schmidlechner et al., 2018). A large percentage of youth athletes perform exemplary in school.

iv. Ability to Overcome Challenges

This means that the benefits of sports extend beyond the playing ground. The youths who play sports can make decisions well and work together (Rogol, Cumming & Malina, 2018). When discomfort arises, they can rely on their teammates. The challenging experiences that youths encounter in sports help them to gain resilience until adulthood.

v. Ability to build a Lifelong Health Foundation

When youths participate in sports, they develop healthy habits that they use in their lifetime. Those who take sports as a routine can gain new skills, contributing to self-improvement (Appelqvist-Schmidlechner et al., 2018). Engaging in sports help the youth to become active adults when they grow old. Those who take part between 9-18 years are six times more active into adulthood.

Biblical Justification

In the Bible, God used the youth such as Josiah, Joseph, Mary, John, Timothy, and Mark. This means that God works with the young people and ensures that they walk in the right ways. Jesus chose his twelve disciples and trained them to spread the gospel. Deuteronomy 6 shows how God made it possible for his word to be known from one generation to another. This means that God used the youth because he had a promising future for them and those who will come after them. Involving the youth in activities like sports will act to model them to be future successful leaders. It is according to God’s expectations to engage the youths in activities that bring them benefits and success.


Appelqvist-Schmidlechner, K., Vaara, J., Häkkinen, A., Vasankari, T., Mäkinen, J., Mäntysaari, M., & Kyröläinen, H. (2018). Relationships between youth sports participation and mental health in young adulthood among Finnish males. American journal of health promotion, 32(7), 1502-1509.

Howie, E. K., Daniels, B. T., & Guagliano, J. M. (2020). Promoting physical activity through youth sports programs: It’s social. American journal of lifestyle medicine, 14(1), 78-88.

Rogol, A. D., Cumming, S. P., & Malina, R. M. (2018). Biobanking: a new paradigm for youth sports and training. Pediatrics, 142(5).

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