Module 2 – SLP

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After a Hard Day’s Work at ACME

You have the opportunity to delve further into the talent management function and HR’s role in it. As you may recall from the video on talent management– performance management, learning and motivating, compensation, career development, and succession planning all are contributors to building a strong talent pool.

You will learn more about two employees who have been with ACME, Inc. for two years. Andy is working as a quality assurance specialist in the plant and Ismal is an IT robotics specialist. These employees are friends and often meet outside of work with a few other ACME employees, including Henry, a new employee recently hired as an HR Staffing Specialist.

Ismal caught some movement out of the corner of his eye. It was a video on the overhead TV screen:
(People Squad Solutions, 2018)

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People Squad Solutions, 2018. HR Basics: Employee Retention. Retrieved from

“Quiet….Listen to this,” pleaded Ismal. The table of acquaintances turned to the screen. “That’s it–I make good money at ACME, but lately I feel something is missing.”

“Something is missing? Ismal, you are lucky. Many things are missing for me,” said Andy.

“Yep, more than one thing for me too,” said Ismal, thinking about his lousy boss.

Your Role: You are Henry, the HR staffing specialist. Henry wants to impress his boss and thought “what an opportunity….I’m going to prepare a plan to save ACME from losing these and other ACME star employees as well.”


Prepare a 3-page actionable plan addressing HR’s role (ACME-wide) for one of the three areas of your choice related to employee retention noted in the video. Pull in as many good HR practices as possible.

Choose one of the following:

· Purpose for Employees

· Pathways for Employees

· Recognizing the Person

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