Signature Assignment: Strategic Management Research Project Presentation

Important:  The company is  Caterpillar Inc.’s …..not Caterpillar.

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Create a 12- to 14-slide presentation, complete with speaker notes for Caterpillar Inc.’s leadership team, in which you summarize your key findings, propose recommendations, and provide a rationale for your recommendations. 

It must include an introduction and a conclusion.  Each slider must have speaker notes not less than two paragraphs (4/5 sentences each).  

Address the following topics and prompts in your presentation:

Topic: Caterpillar Inc.’s Vision

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  • Summarize your evaluation of the alignment between what Caterpillar Inc. is currently doing and their mission, vision, or values statement.
  • Recommend any changes you would make to Caterpillar Inc.’s mission, vision, or values statements to improve organizational goals.

Topic: Caterpillar Inc.’s Competitive Advantages and Disadvantages

  • Summarize your analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of Caterpillar Inc.’s competitive advantages and disadvantages.
  • Recommend operational changes to improve Caterpillar Inc.’s competitive advantages and business performance.
  • Propose a plan to measure and monitor the effectiveness of your recommended operational changes in Caterpillar Inc.’s competitive advantages to achieve organizational goals.

Topic: Caterpillar’s Global Strategy

  • Summarize your assessment of Caterpillar Inc.’s global strategy.
  • Recommend operational changes to improve Caterpillar Inc.’s global strategy and business performance.
  • Propose a plan to measure and monitor the effectiveness of your recommended operational changes to Caterpillar Inc.’s global strategy to achieve organizational goals.

Topic: Caterpillar Inc.’s Vision (Week 1 and Week 4 Strategic Management Research Journal assignments)



       Summarize your evaluation of the alignment between what Caterpillar Inc. is currently doing and their mission, vision, or values statement. For example-Week 1

· Mission: Caterpillar says “Enable economic growth through….. and protect the planet. Is Caterpillar doing this? If so or not present a slide summary and include speaker notes that aligns with your evaluation.

· Vision: Caterpillar says “A world in which all people’s basic needs…. and the communities where we live and work”. Is Caterpillar doing this? If so or not present a slide summary and include speaker notes that aligns with your evaluation.

· Value statement: Caterpillar says “INTEGRITY, Commitment, excellence, sustainability and teamwork.” Is Caterpillar doing this? If so or not, present a slide summary and include speaker notes that aligns with your evaluation.

· You can review Caterpillar Inc’s annual report and sustainability report to help support your summary and evaluation.

· Recommend any changes you would make to Caterpillar Inc.’s mission, vision, or values statements to improve organizational goals.

· Caterpillar Inc’s short-term and long-term goals:

· I suggest any change recommendations you have be made to help improve their short-term goals. Summarize your recommendations on the slides and explain in their speaker notes. And you should have some recommendations, right? For example:

· On Caterpillar Inc web site they have two categories of short-term goals to choose from:

· 2020 Goals for Operations (7 goals)

· 2020 Goals for Product Stewardship (4 goals)


Topic: Caterpillar Inc.’s Competitive Advantages and Disadvantages

·        Summarize your analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of Caterpillar Inc.’s competitive advantages and disadvantages.

· Go to Caterpillar Inc and look for Press Release information or 2020 Annual report data etc. and see which of their business, divisions or product lines is having profitable growth and it is a strength. Where there is no profitable growth it is a weakness. 

· Put your summary analysis on the presentation slide.

·        Recommend operational changes to improve Caterpillar Inc.’s competitive advantages and business performance.

· Put your recommendations on your speaker notes.

·        Propose a plan to measure and monitor the effectiveness of your recommended operational changes in Caterpillar Inc.’s competitive advantages to achieve organizational goals.

· Put your proposal plans in the speaker notes.


Topic: Caterpillar’s

Global Strategy

·        Summarize your assessment of Caterpillar Inc.’s global strategy.

· Go to Caterpillar Inc at (

) learn about Caterpillar Inc’s global locations footprint and determine which of the 4 strategies describe Caterpillar Inc and summarize your assessment. 
Is it transnational or transnational or could it be transnational? …hint…hint!  

·        Recommend operational changes to improve Caterpillar Inc.’s global strategy and business performance.

· Use Exhibit 10.7
integration-responsiveness framework

· Recommend operational changes to improve Caterpillar Inc’s global strategy and business performance.   

·        Propose a plan to measure and monitor the effectiveness of your recommended operational changes to Caterpillar Inc.’s global strategy to achieve organizational goals.

· International, Multi-domestic, Global-Standardization, and Transnational Strategies: Characteristics, Benefits, and Risks matrix to help you propose a plan to measure and monitor the risk for Caterpillar Inc type of global strategy.

 From the Instructions:

·        Include relevant media and visual aids on each slide of your presentation. You may have more than 1 slide for an assessment or evaluation. But should be 12-14 slides not including the Introduction, Conclusion and Reference slide. 

·    Throughout your presentation Include Speaker Notes and citations to support your analysis and or any recommendations for Cat’s leadership team.

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