Signature Assignment – Literature Review

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Choose four leadership theories that most resonate with you from the theories you read about this week.

Note: The readings this week only cover four contemporary leadership theories so please research to familiarize yourself with historical leaders and other contemporary leadership theories.

Write a 500- to 750-word literature review of the four theories you chose.

Identify a problem in your organization or industry. You can use the problem you identified in your Week 1 assignment or you can choose a different problem.

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Choose one theory from the four you selected and discuss how a leader could apply the theory to address your identified problem.

Support your assertions with citations from at least three peer-reviewed articles.

Format your paper according to APA guidelines using the

APA Paper Template


Include APA-formatted in-text citations, a title page, and a references page.

Submit your paper to by clicking the™ Access link located below the Course Syllabus. 

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Signature Assignment: Literature Review

Shon Cosby

University of Phoenix

LDR/711A: Leadership, Theory, and Practice

Pam Gordon, Ph. D.

April 28, 2020

Signature Assignment: Literature Review

The leadership theories transactional, transformational, servant, and authentic are approaches that will help to clean up the foster-care system. These leadership theories are all taught in a doctoral program of study. Without learning these theories, the solutions to most workplace problems would not get solved. The problem with the foster-care system is that it does not prepare children for when it is time for them to transition out of the system. Using the transactional, transformational, passive/avoidance, and the authentic leadership theories within the foster-care system would help thousands of kids per year.

Transactional Leadership

Running on a staff of volunteers makes transactional leadership an idea method. According to Northouse (2019), transactional leadership focuses on the exchanges that occur between leaders and followers. Transactional leadership could be used to reward the volunteers for working with the non-profit. Gift cards and other small gifts would be raffled off and given away to volunteers to thank them for their servitude. Having a volunteer appreciation day would be an excellent way to utilize the transactional theory of leadership. Gift cards and other rewards for a job well done could also be given out throughout the year to volunteers so that moral is not lost. “Specifically, transformational leadership has been linked to a dynamic external environment, unsatisfactory organizational performance and times of revolutionary change, while transactional leadership has been associated with stable and predictable environments, acceptable organizational performance and established organizations. In other words, transactional leadership is useful for institutionalizing, reinforcing and refining existing knowledge, whereas transformational leadership is useful for challenging the existing state of affairs” (Baskarada, Watson, & Cromarty, 2017. pg. 507, para. 1). Non-profits require a stable and predictable environment hence the use of transactional leadership.

Transformational Leadership

Transformational leadership has the benefit of being motivational and has positive psychological gains. “Their findings suggest that transformational leadership can result in positive psychological gains for both leader and follower” (Northouse, 2019). Foster care needs more leaders who have morality who can instill that morality into their followers. Motivated followers would ensure that every kid is well taken care of and prepared for their transition out of the foster care system. They would also be someone who everyone looks up to and trusts wholeheartedly. Leaders like this are needed within the foster care system.


Servant leaders are those who put others over themselves. Changing the foster care system is a long and tiring process. Which is why there are other ways to help that will assist the people in need in a much quicker fashion. “Servant leaders make it a priority to listen to their followers and develop strong long-term relationships with them. This allows leaders to understand the abilities, needs, and goals of followers, which, in turn, allows these followers to achieve their full potential” (Northouse, 2019. Pg. 240, para. 8). A non-profit organization is a good way to be of service to the community and to help foster kids. Servant leaders are those that listen to the wants and needs of their followers. This is exactly what is needed when working with kids in foster care.


These days it is important that leaders keep it “real” with their followers. Therefore, authentic leadership would also be effective when establishing relationships with followers. In this case, most of the followers will be teenagers. Teenagers are the generation of keeping it “real”. Therefore, this theory would also work well with a non-profit organization geared towards helping foster children. This type of theory can be practiced by simply telling the truth. “Authentic leaders are self-actualized individuals who are aware of their strengths, their limitations, and their emotions. They also show their real selves to their followers” (Kruse, 2013. Pg. 2, para. 4).

The four leadership theories mentioned are all theories that could apply to the foster care system. There are ways to apply all four theories to a non-profit organization. Transactional, transformational, servant, and authentic theories are all four vastly different theories, but all can be applied to the foster care system. Choosing just one to apply to the organization would be impossible. Ways were found for all four theories to be used on the foster care system.


Baškarada, S., Watson, J. and Cromarty, J. (2017), “Balancing transactional and transformational leadership”, International Journal of Organizational Analysis, Vol. 25 No. 3, pp. 506-515. Retrieved from


Krause, K., (2013), “What Is Authentic Leadership?”. Retrieved from


Northouse, P. G. Interactive: Leadership: Theory and Practice Interactive eBook. [VitalSource Bookshelf]. Retrieved from




Problem and Explanation


5% of total grade


The problem is fully introduced. The explanation makes a strong and exceptionally clear connection between the problem in an organization or industry and fully explains how solving the problem relates to the knowledge gained by completing the doctoral program.

90 – 100%


The problem is partially introduced. The explanation makes a partial connection between the problem in an organization or industry and partially explains how solving the problem relates to the knowledge gained by completing the doctoral program.

70 – 89%


The problem is minimally introduced. The explanation makes a minimal connection between the problem in an organization or industry and minimally explains how solving the problem relates to the knowledge gained by completing the doctoral program.

50 – 69%

Not Evident

A problem is not identified or explained.

0 – 0%


Leadership Theory and Its Application

30% of total grade


The selected leadership theory applies well to the identified problem. The explanation thoroughly and clearly describes how the leadership theory can be applied to address the identified problem

90 – 100%


The selected leadership theory applies somewhat to the identified problem. The explanation partially describes how the leadership theory can be applied to address the identified problem.

70 – 89%


The selected leadership theory loosely applies to the identified problem. The explanation minimally describes how the leadership theory can be applied to address the identified problem.

50 – 69%

Not Evident

A leadership theory is not identified.

0 – 0%

Support from Peer-Reviewed Articles

25% of total grade


At least three peer-reviewed articles are used to support the assertions identified. Peer-reviewed articles fully support assertions by fully integrating relevant evidence from quality sources related to the discipline.

90 – 100%


Less than three peer-reviewed articles are used to support the assertions identified. Peer-reviewed articles partially support assertions by integrating relevant evidence from quality sources related to the discipline.

70 – 89%


Less than three peer-reviewed articles are used to support the assertions identified. Peer-reviewed articles minimally support assertions by integrating evidence from quality sources, though the evidence may not be relevant.

50 – 69%

Not Evident

No peer-reviewed articles are used to support the assertions.

0 – 0%


15% of total grade


Rare occurrences of mechanical errors do not detract from the content.

90 – 100%


Occasional occurrences of mechanical convention errors may detract from the content.

70 – 89%


Frequent occurrences of mechanical convention errors detract from the content.

50 – 69%

Not Evident

Mechanical convention errors are so numerous the paper is illegible.

0 – 0%

APA Formatting

5% of total grade


Correct APA notation for all sources.

90 – 100%


Partially correct APA notations with some errors in standardized formatting criteria/guidelines.

70 – 89%


Incorrect APA notation for all sources.

50 – 69%

Not Evident

APA notation for sources is not included.

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