Short Responses

Answer three questions in two to three sentences. Please read the rubric 100% before beginning. Thank you in advance.

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Question 1:

a. Was this TED Talk engaging? Did you want to keep listening? Why or why not?


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b. During the presentation, did you ever feel lost or confused? Did you understand the technical concepts that Sabeti presented when explaining her work?


c. After listening to her talk, do you feel personally connected to the issue? Does her work affect you? Why or why not?


d. Discuss at least one potential drawback of Sabeti’s approach that you want to see her address in future presentations, publications, or research.


Question 2

a. Who is the audience of Pardis Sabeti’s TED Talk? Focus not only on the audience shown when the camera cuts away from the stage but also on Sabeti’s message and how she chooses to present this message. Who does it seem like she is talking to? What evidence do you rely on to help answer this question?


Question 3

How does Pardis Sabeti tailor the message of her presentation to her audience?


Each short response should be about 2 to 3 sentences in length unless specifically noted otherwise in the instructions. Follow the instructions at the bottom of Theme: Tailoring the Message to an Audience, learning block 5-4 (page 5), to download your work and submit it to your instructor as a single Microsoft Word document uploaded in the learning environment. Refer to the Submitting Webtext Assignments Guide for assistance on downloading, saving, and submitting this assignment.

Each short response should be about 2 to 3 sentences in length unless specifically noted otherwise in the instructions.
Follow the instructions at the bottom of Theme: Tailoring the Message to an Audience, learning block 5-4 (page 5), to download your work and submit it to your instructor as a single Microsoft Word document uploaded in the learning environment. Refer to the Submitting Webtext Assignments Guide for assistance on downloading, saving, and submitting this assignment.

SCS 200 Week 5 Short Response Guidelines and


Overview: The short response activities in the webtext throughout this course are designed to show your understanding of key concepts as you engage with
course content.

Prompt: During the fifth week of the course, you will respond to several questions in the webtext as you complete each assigned learning block. At the end of
Week 5, you will review your answers to these questions and ensure that you have responded to each question. It is important that you answer each question.
Otherwise, the words no response will appear in brackets when you submit the assignment. The questions and their original locations in the webtext are listed in
the table below in case you want to refer back to the reading as you edit, but you can edit your responses to all the questions directly in Theme: Tailoring the
Message to an Audience, learning block 5-4 (page 5), before exporting to Word for submission to your instructor in the learning environment.

Question 1 a. Was this TED Talk engaging? Did you want to keep listening? Why or why not?
b. During the presentation, did you ever feel lost or confused? Did you understand the technical

concepts that Sabeti presented when explaining her work?
c. After listening to her talk, do you feel personally connected to the issue? Does her work affect

you? Why or why not?
d. Discuss at least one potential drawback of Sabeti’s approach that you want to see her address in

future presentations, publications, or research.

Theme: Tailoring the Message to an
Audience, learning block 5-1 (page

Question 2 a. Who is the audience of Pardis Sabeti’s TED Talk? Focus not only on the audience shown when the
camera cuts away from the stage but also on Sabeti’s message and how she chooses to present
this message. Who does it seem like she is talking to? What evidence do you rely on to help
answer this question?

Theme: Tailoring the Message to an
Audience, learning block 5-2 (page

Question 3 How does Pardis Sabeti tailor the message of her presentation to her audience?


Guidelines for Submission: Each short response should be about 2 to 3 sentences in length unless specifically noted otherwise in the instructions. Follow the
instructions at the bottom of Theme: Tailoring the Message to an Audience, learning block 5-4 (page 5), to download your work and submit it to your instructor
as a single Microsoft Word document uploaded in the learning environment. Refer to the Submitting Webtext Assignments Guide for assistance on downloading,
saving, and submitting this assignment.

Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (75%) Not Evident (0%) Value

Engagement and

Written responses directly and
comprehensively address short answer
prompts, drawing from presented course
concepts and terminology

Written responses are topically related
to short answer prompts, but responses
do not consistently draw from presented
course concepts and terminology

Written responses do not address topics
identified in short answer prompts


Critical Thinking Written responses demonstrate
understanding of course content
through inclusion of original ideas and

Written responses demonstrate
understanding of course content
through reiteration of provided
materials but do not consistently include
original ideas and examples

Written responses do not reflect original
ideas and examples


Articulation of Response Written responses are captured in
complete sentences without errors
impacting legibility and the clarity of

Written responses are captured in
incomplete sentences or include
numerous errors that negatively impact
legibility and the clarity of response

No written responses are captured in
complete sentences


Total 100%

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