Several questions about religion

700- to 1-050-words on the origin and basic tenants of Islam.Make sure the following is in your paper:The history of JudaismThe Hebrew scriptures and their importance to the religionThe major beliefs and concepts of JudaismRituals and symbolsDescribe a Jewish Holy Day: the history of its beginning and how it is observed today.Describe the rituals and elements used in the celebration of that Holy Day.Answer the following question:Do other religions have similar Holy Days and celebrations?  If so, how are they similar and/or different? 700- to 1-050-words on the origin and basic tenants of Islam.Include the following in your paper:The Qur’an and its significance to the religionThe Five PillarsThe importance of Ramadan in IslamThe Sunni, Shiite, and Sufi branches of Islam350- to 700-words about the New Religious Movement and challenges facing traditional religions in contemporary society.Include the following in your paper:Explain how new religions, cults, and sects fit within Western culture.Compare new religious movements with traditional religions.Identify contemporary challenges religions face today.Format your paper according to appropriate course-level APA guidelines.

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