Semester term paper

 From any source of your liking, write a minimum of 2 paged paper describing a construction case in which an error in surveying resulted in damages to the job (which may also include injury to workers or any other faultiness in the resulting project outcome costing money or liability issues, etc.). In your paper, you should report the solution or recommend solution(s) to the error or problem identified. You are expected to be able to present this paper sometimes towards the last class. You can be in groups to finish this work. 

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*need someone have Knowledge and good back ground in Construction major*  


Semester term paper (15%)


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From any source of your liking, write a minimum of 2 paged paper describing a construction

case in which an error in surveying resulted in damages to the job (which may also include injury

to workers or any other faultiness in the resulting project outcome costing money or liability

issues, etc.). In your paper, you should report the solution or recommend solution(s) to the error

or problem identified. You are expected to be able to present this paper sometimes towards the

last class. You can be in groups to finish this work.

Part one: Identify the error(s) and write a rough draft of the paper highlighting the ideas that you

will be discussing in your final paper. This phase is to get your ideas straight and have an outline

of your paper before beginning the full writing process. This can be ½-1 page long and will be

10% of your midterm grade.

Part two: After getting your feedback and discussing it with me, you are to finalize the paper

and present it to the class. In your final submission, you must include a marked copy of your

initial submission (part one). This final piece will form your semester grade.

Paper format

Your paper should have the following format:

1. use 8.5 x 11 inch paper;
2. have 1 inch margins top and bottom and 1 inch margins on the sides;
3. use single spacing;
4. use a 12 point font;
5. use Times New Roman font;
6. include a blank line between each paragraph, and do not indent the first word in each


7. Your paper should be word-processed and may include figures and/or tables as


Paper: 10 points

Presentation: 5 points

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