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 Discussion 2

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In a Word document or PDF document, complete the following:

  • Locate two images or advertisements: one that represents aging in a positive way and one that seems to be representing an older person in a less flattering or ageist way. Include the website link to the images or advertisements. You can use images from any source, such as greeting cards, as long as you can show the image or advertisement. (You can take a picture of the greeting card, for example, and copy and paste it onto the document, then identify the greeting card.) Include the context or target from where you found the images or advertisements. For example, if you found one of your images from the Dove campaign, indicate that.
  • Identify what you believe to be the intended or target audience for each image or advertisement.
  • Compare and contrast the images you found and how you think they represent society’s views about aging. Use the learning materials to support your claims.
  • What role as a service provider for aging adults, would you have in combating ageism, and how might you achieve this?

Your initial post should be 300 to 500 words, with one to two supporting references included.

Discussion 1


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Imagine you are a senator preparing for this year’s policy agenda. You must rank, from the highest priority to the lowest priority, the following social aging concerns to determine which issue should be your major focus. Include an explanation for your ranking choices that can be understood by ordinary constituents as well as make sense to professionals in the field.

  • Fall prevention program
  • HIV/AIDS interventions
  • Social isolation
  • Mental health services gap

Your initial post should be 300 to 500 words, with one to two supporting references included.

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