self-reflection essay

1. What were the three most valuable lessons you learned in the bible? 

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2. Why were they the most valuable?

3. How have they affected your character?

4. How will they influence your future life?

APA 7 and 5 pages

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Lecture 3: Introduction to the Law

A. Almost every significant Old Testament idea is introduced in the Law (Torah)

B. Torah – Hebrew for “instruction” (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy)

C. Two Types of Law

1. Command

2. Case

D. Different kind of instruction: Genesis 1 – Exodus 19

E. The Author of the Law: Moses

F. The Audience of the Law: first Israel, later all the other nations

II. Genesis

A. Main Points:

1. God creates the world and puts humans in charge of it

2. Humans sin and ruin themselves and the world

3. God judges humans for their sin

4. God makes a plan to save the world

5. God begins to carry out the plan to save the world

6. Defines the people of God’s Kingdom

B. Outline

1. Genesis 1:1 – 11:9 – Creation and Sin

2. Genesis 11:10 – 25:18 – Salvation Plan and Abraham

3. Genesis 25:19 – 36:43 – Isaac, Jacob, and the twelve sons of Jacob

4. Genesis 37 – 50 – Joseph and Judah

C. Contents of Genesis

1. The Creation of the World (1 – 2)

i. Are the creation stories of Genesis science?

ii. Two stories of creation. Why?

a. Two views of God

b. Two views of humans

c. Two views of the world

d. Two views of evil

2. The Fall into Sin (3)

i. What is sin?

3. Effects of Sin on the Human Race (4 – 6)

i. Sin begins to spread

ii. The key text: Gen. 6:5 –

iii. God judges the human race for sin by the flood (6-9)

iv. God saves Noah and his family

4. God makes Covenant never to destroy the earth (9:11)

5. Humans again Rebel at the Tower of Babel (11:1-9)

i. What was the people’s problem?

ii. What was God judgement?

6. The Call of Abraham (11:10 – 12:9)

i. Reveals the God’s plan of saving the world
Abraham Israel World

7. Abraham’s Struggle for Faith (12:10 – 25:18)

8. Isaac: The Promise Continues (25:19 – 26:35)

9. Jacob: The thief who became a giant of faith (27 – 36)

10. Joseph and Judah: The foundation of the nation of Israel (37 – 50)

11. Summary and Looking Ahead

I. Lecture 1: What is the Bible?

1. What it is not

2. What it is: A Story Conveying a ‘Worldview’

i. Why are stories important?

ii. What is a ‘Worldview’?

iii. Why are world views important?

a) The four great Questions of life:

1. _____________________________

2. _____________________________

3. _____________________________

4. _____________________________

iv. What do Worldviews enable us to do?

v. What are the ingredients that make up a Worldview

a. __________________________________

b. __________________________________

c. __________________________________

II. Lecture 2: What is the Bible?

1. The Bible is the __________________ of the Christian worldview

i. What is the main message of the whole Bible?

ii. What are the main elements of a kingdom:

a. ____________________________

b. _____________________________

c. _____________________________

d. ______________________________

Summary: __________________________________________________

2. How is the Christian Bible constructed?

i. The Old Testament (OT) containing ____________ books

ii. The New Testament (NT) containing ____________ books

iii. The structure and contents of the OT

a. The Law (5 books)

b. History (12 books):

c. Wisdom (3 books)

d. Poetry (3 books)

e. Prophets (16 books)

3. Understanding the different genres in the OT and why it is important to know this

a. How to find a particular text in the Bible (see slide 13)

4. What Christians believe about the origin and nature of the Bible

i. Revelation – How the message of the Bible came from God to the people

a. General Revelation –

b. Special Revelation

ii. Inspiration – How certain chosen people recorded the message of Bible

a. 2 Tim. 3:16

b. 2 Pet. 1:19

c. Jn 10:35; Matt. 5:17

d. Ps. 19:7-10

iii. Authority – How the people of God view the Bible

iv. Canon – How the people of God know what books belong in the Bible

v. Text – How scholars ensure that what we read in the Bible today is what the original author said

vi. Translations – How the Bible is translated into different languages

5. How do people study the Bible?

i. Exegesis: ________________________________________________________

ii. Hermeneutics: ___________________________________________________


©Ivan De Silva


I. Introduction

Exodus tells the story of the escape of Israel from Egypt and what happened to them as they travelled to the Promised Land. They had been in Egypt for 400 years. The Egyptians made the Israelites into slaves and treated them harshly. The Israelites cried out to God to be saved. God heard their cries and decided to save them. God chose Moses to be the one to bring the Israelites out of Egypt. Moses did this by judging Egypt through plagues and leading Israel through the Red Sea. God gave Moses laws to give to the people and the people built God a tabernacle. The people committed great sin by building a golden calf and worshiping it. God judged the people, but forgave them as well. The people built the Tabernacle and God’s presence came and dwelt in the tabernacle.

A. Setting

Begins with Ex. living well in Egypt, ends with Is outside in the wilderness.


Time Period

Moses 1450 BC, 500 yrs after Abraham. Exodus 1446 BC

C. Historical Context

Egypt was very strong. They had just been through a period of weakness, but now were rebuilding themselves. They had started a huge building project, and that is probably what the Israelites ended up working on as slaves.

II. The Theme of Exodus: God Saves His People

A. God Delivers Israel Out of Egypt (1–18)

1. Egypt enslaves Israel (1)


. Introduction to Moses (2)

3. God calls Moses to save Israel (3)

4. God through Moses leads the people out (5-18)

i. The ten plagues and what they teach us (7-12)

ii. The Passover (12)

iii. The crossing of the Red Sea (14)

iv. Israel travels in the wilderness to Mt. Sinai (15-18)

B. God delivers Israel so they can be a holy people (19–24)

1. Standards of the covenant – Ten Commandments (19-20)

2. Case laws (21-23)

3. God and Israel enter into covenant (c. 24)

C. Priests that will serve God and lead in keeping the covenant (25–31)

D. Idolatry and covenant renewal (32–34)

1. Israel makes an idol of a golden calf (32)

2. Moses prays for the people and God does not destroy them all (33-34)

E. Building the tabernacle (Chapters 35-40)


Lecture 8 Joshua

I. Introduction
The book of Joshua describes how God enabled Israel to conquer the Promised Land. Under the leadership of Moses’ successor, Joshua, the new generation of Israelites entered and took the land from the Canaanites by defeating them in battle. While this story shows God’s faithfulness to his people to give them the land, it also raises the difficult question of Holy War. Is it alright for God to order the killing of the Canaanites so that Israel can take their land? We will try and answer this question in this lecture.

II. Who is Joshua? Who is Joshua

“Joshua, Moses’ unique successor, serves as a model for Israel’s kings.” (Bruce Waltke, Biblical Theology Old Testament)

1. Joshua as successor to Moses

2. Joshua as model for Israel’s kings

III. Holy War

1. Purpose of ‘holy war’

2. Two misconceptions to avoid

3. Holy war not for ________________________________

4. Holy war not for _______________________________

IV. Outline

1. Taking the land (chs. 1-12)

i. Israel’s foreign policy (Dt. 20)

ii. Spying the land (ch. 2)

iii. Crossing the Jordan (ch. 3)

iv. Battle of Jericho (chs. 5-6)

v. Failure at Ai (chs. 7-8)

vi. Treaty with the Gibeonites (9)

vii. Conquering the Southern Coalition (ch. 10)

viii. Conquering the Northern Coalition (ch. 11)

2. Assigning the land (13-21)

3. Keeping the land (22-24)

i. Joshua’s farewell speech
14 “Now fear the Lord and serve him with all faithfulness. Throw away the gods your ancestors worshiped beyond the Euphrates River and in Egypt, and serve the Lord. 15 But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.”

RELS 101
Lecture 3 Introduction to the Law

The Progress of Creation

Genesis 1 – Creation of the World
Day1: Light
Triad 2:
Elimination of Bohu
Triad 1:
Elimination of Tohu
Day 4. Luminaries
Day 2. Vault:
Day 5. Inhabitants:
Day 6: Animals and,
Day 3: Dry Land and,
Day 7: Sabbath

Gen. 3 The Fall into Sin

Gen. 4 Sin Begins to Spread

Gen 6-9 Noah and the Flood

Gen. 9:11 Covenant with Noah

Gen. 11:1-9 Tower of Babel

The Plan of Salvation
Gen. 12:1-3




RELS 101
Lecture 4 Exodus

Cycle Plague Text Warning? Time Instruction Agency Progression God
I Blood
Lice 7:14-25
8:16-19 Yes
No Morn
None Station yourself
Go to Pharaoh
None Aaron
Aaron “By this you will know that I am the LORD” (7:17)
Pharaoh’s Magician:
“This is the finger of God” (8:19) Osiris
II Insects
Boils 8:20-28
9:8-12 Yes
No Morn
None Station yourself
Go to Pharaoh
None God
Moses “So that you will know that I, the LORD, am in this land”( 8:22)
Pharaoh’s Magicians:
“The magicians could not stand before Moses” 9:11) Hathor
III Hail
Darkness 9:13-35
10:21-29 Yes
No Morn
None Station yourself
Go to Pharaoh
None Moses
Moses “So you will know that there is none like me in all the earth” (9:14)
Pharaoh’s Officials:
“Do you not realize that is ruined?” (10:7) Seth
Amun Re, Aten,
Climax Firstborn 11:1-8; 12:29-30 Yes None None God Osiris

Cycle of Plagues

What does the Plagues Narrative Teach us about the LORD?

2. God is a Warrior
Exod. 6:2-3 – God also said to Moses, “I am the LORD [YHWH]. I appeared to Abraham, to Isaac and to Jacob as God Almighty[El-Shaddai] but by my name the LORD [YHWH] I did not make myself known to them.

Gen. 4:26 – At that time people began to call on[i] the name of the LORD [YHWH].
Gen. 12:8 – There he built an altar to the LORD [YHWH] and called on the name of the LORD [YHWH].

What does the Plagues Narrative Teach us about the LORD?

2. God is a Warrior
Exod. 15: 3 – YHWH is a warrior;
YHWH is his name.

What does the Plagues Narrative Teach us about the LORD?

3. God is Sovereign
– Over the gods of Egypt
– Over the forces of Nature
– Over the heart of Pharaoh

God’s Sovereignty over Pharaoh’s Heart
God Hauron Protecting Pharaoh Ramses II

The Ten Commandments
I am the Lord your God,
1. You shall have no other gods before me
2. You shall not make for yourself an idol
3. You shall not make wrongful use of the name of your God
4. Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy
5. Honor your father and mother
6. You shall not murder
7. You shall not commit adultery
8. You shall not steal
9. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor
10. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or anything that belongs to your neighbor

The 10 Commandments
First Three Commands Relate to Israel’s Relationship to God
Janus – Fourth Command Relates to Both God and Israel
Final Six Commands Relate to Israel’s Relationship with Each Other

Lecture 1: What is the Bible?

1. What it is not –

-A book of laws

-A book about how to know what God wants me to do

-A book about how I should live

Lecture 1: What is the Bible?
2. What it is –
The Bible is:
A Story Conveying a “Worldview”
i. Why are stories important?

ii. What is a “Worldview”?
1. The overall perspective from which one sees and interprets the world.
2. A collection of beliefs about life and the universe held by an individual or a group. (Free Online Dictionary)

iii. Why are worldviews important?
a. The Four great Questions of life and the need to answer them:
1. Who am I?
2. Where am I?
3. What’s wrong?
4. What is the solution?

Theology/World View
iv. What do worldveiws enable us to do?

v. What are the ingredients of a worldview?
1. Stories
2. Symbols
3. Actions

Lecture 2. What is the Bible?

1. Ans. The Bible is the STORY of the Christian worldview
i. What is the main message of the Bible’s story?
Ans. The COMING of God’s kingdom into the world

ii. What are the main elements of a kingdom?
1. Common People
2. Common Law
3. Common Land
4. Common King
Summary: The Bible is the story of how God is gradually setting up his kingdom on earth so that one day the whole earth will become His Kingdom

2. How is the Bible Constructed?
The Old Testament (39 books)
2. The New Testament (27 books)

2. How is the Bible Constructed?
iii. The Old Testament Structure
a. 39 books divided into five parts:
Law – Genesis to Deuteronomy (5 bks)
History – Joshua to Esther (12 bks)
Wisdom – Job/Proverbs/Ecclesiastes (3 bks)
Poetry – Psalms/Song of Songs/ Lamentations (3 bks)
Prophets – Isaiah to Malachi (16 bks)

3. The genre’s in the OT and why it is important to know this?
“Kicking off 8 p.m. this Saturday, Jan. 11, and going until it can’t go anymore, the “Russian Old New Year Ball,” celebrated at Star Theater (13 N.W. 6th Ave.), promises to be a great way to re-celebrate 2014.
“Defence was an issue when the Rapids took a 2-1 lead early in the second half. Goalie Clint Irwin sent a ball downfield and Deshorn Brown beat defender Young-Pyo Lee to the ball just inside the box.

1.Name of Book
3. Verse Number
2. Chapter Number
2 Chron. 14:14

4. The Origin and Nature of the Bible
i. Revelation – How God communicates knowledge of himself to humans
a. General Revelation – Creation points to God (Pss. 19:1-6)
b. Special Revelation – God himself communicates to people knowledge about himself and his acts
(Pss. 19:7-14)
c. Two reasons why we need revelation from God to know Him?

3. The Origin and Nature of the Bible
ii. Inspiration – How certain chosen people recorded God’s revelation
1 Tim. 3:15-16 – “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,  so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.”
b. How were God’s chosen people inspired?

3. The Origin and Nature of the Bible
a. How were God’s chosen people inspired?
Inspiration is not ‘dictation’
Inspiration is ‘concursive’

4. The Origin and Nature of the Bible
iii. Authority – How people of God view the Bible
a. What is ‘authority’? according to the Bible?

Creations as an example of God’s use of authority
God uses his authority to turn darkness into light, chaos into cosmos, death into life.
God has now placed that power in the Bible so that when it is read and applied it will bring life to people who are dead. That is the authority of the Bible

3. The Origin and Nature of the Bible
iv. Canon – How people of God know what books belong in the Bible
a. Definition of canon:
“A collection of books that functions as a communities’ authority in what to believe and how to live.”

3. The Origin and Nature of the Bible
iv. Canon – How people of God know what books belong in the Bible
b. How did the people of God get the canon?
Ans: Not by creating the canon, but by recognizing that certain books and writings had authority and others, even though good to read, did not have authority.

3. The Origin and Nature of the Bible
v. Text- How scholars make sure that what we read today was what the original author said.
b. The reason for the problem:
1. We do not have the original writings of the author. Only copies of copies of copies of copies.
2. None of the copies that we have, even when about the same story, are exactly the same.

3. The Origin and Nature of the Bible
v. Text- How scholars make sure that what we read today was what the original author said.
c. The solution: The science of Textual Criticism (TC).
What does TC do?
Ans: Textual Criticism uses the texts we now have to try and reconstruct what the original text was.

3. The Origin and Nature of the Bible
v. Text- How scholars make sure that what we read today was what the original author said.
d. How does TC restore the original text?
1. By finding the oldest copies
2. By comparing copies with copies
3. By the principle of Bengal’s Rule:
“The more difficult text is the more original text.”

17:38:23 From Ivan De Silva :
17:40:05 From Ivan De Silva : Exodus adds the common law
17:41:59 From Ivan De Silva : Why did the Egyptians make the Israelites into slaves?
17:42:51 From Ivan De Silva : 3 ways in which Israel tried to control the growth of the Israelites
17:46:34 From Ivan De Silva : Story of Exodus begins in Egypt with Israel as slaves; ends in the Wilderness of Sinai with Israelites free
17:47:23 From Ivan De Silva : Exod is all about how Israel went from slaves top free people
17:48:08 From Ivan De Silva : Ans. becauuse God redeemed them with a mighty hand and outstreched arm
17:48:46 From Ivan De Silva : Reddem=to get back
17:50:03 From Ivan De Silva : Israel is God’s property and Egypt is holding God’s property illegally
17:53:59 From Ivan De Silva : Moses was 40 yrs when he ran away from Egypt;
17:54:28 From Ivan De Silva : Moses was a shepherd for 40 yrs
17:54:44 From Ivan De Silva : Now God appears to Moses when he is 80 yurs
17:55:05 From Ivan De Silva : Burning bush
17:56:10 From Ivan De Silva : Exod 3
17:58:48 From Ivan De Silva : God wants to get Moses’ attention
17:59:04 From Ivan De Silva : So why not put the bush right in front of Moses?
17:59:54 From Ivan De Silva : God waited to see if Moses would care to investigate the strange bush
18:00:44 From Ivan De Silva : oftentimes God does not appear directly to people, people must go over to God
18:05:57 From Ivan De Silva : God never forgot his people
18:06:23 From Ivan De Silva : God uses humans to do his work
18:07:07 From Ivan De Silva : How do you think Moses feels about this mission?
18:08:54 From Ivan De Silva : 1. excuse Who am I? = I am nothing
18:09:50 From Ivan De Silva : God’s answer to Moses’ first excuse?
18:10:08 From Ivan De Silva : I will be with you.
18:12:21 From Ivan De Silva : 2. excuse I don’t know your name
18:12:51 From Ivan De Silva : Name = character=power
18:14:24 From Ivan De Silva : God’s answer: My name is “I AM!”
18:14:52 From Ivan De Silva : I AM = The eternal and all powerful one
18:15:14 From Ivan De Silva : I AM is God’s personal name
18:15:24 From Ivan De Silva : God = generic
18:16:15 From Ivan De Silva : I AM is Israel’s God’s personal name
18:17:52 From Ivan De Silva : LORD = God’s personal name I AM
18:19:40 From Ivan De Silva : 3. Excuse they won’t believe me
18:21:03 From Ivan De Silva : God’s anser = miracles and signs of wonders
18:24:53 From Ivan De Silva : the conversion of people who become Christians
18:27:20 From Ivan De Silva : 4. Excuse I have a speech problem
18:29:23 From Ivan De Silva : God’s answer: I am the one responsible for all people’s birth defects
18:31:08 From Ivan De Silva : He made Moses with the speech problem
18:32:01 From Ivan De Silva : 5. excuse
18:37:55 From Mengfei (Fred) Wang : Zoom crashed. Lets meet again at 6:45 pm
18:47:17 From Ivan De Silva : 5. Excuse
18:48:18 From Ivan De Silva : Please just send someone else
18:50:33 From Ivan De Silva : Moses has to go beyond his comfort zone
18:52:59 From Ivan De Silva : Lessons: 1. God is very patient
18:53:46 From Ivan De Silva : Islam = submission without quetion
18:56:29 From Ivan De Silva : 2. when all is said and done, you still have to obey God’s call;
18:56:53 From Ivan De Silva : 3. God doesn’t leave Moses hanging alone
18:59:02 From Ivan De Silva : if God is the one who is responsible for babies and their birth defects, should we abort babies that have birth defects?
19:06:47 From Ivan De Silva : God sends 12 plagues upon Egypt through Moses and Aaron
19:07:25 From Ivan De Silva : Plague=disaster
19:08:11 From Ivan De Silva : To Egyptians the Nile river was a god
19:09:12 From Ivan De Silva : The Nile was seen as the life blood of Egypt
19:09:24 From Ivan De Silva : So God turned the water of the Nile into actual blood
19:10:12 From Ivan De Silva : Frogs were the symbol of the god Heket
19:10:39 From Ivan De Silva : Heket was the god in charge of childbirth
19:11:03 From Ivan De Silva : In Egypt if you killed a frog you would be killed
19:13:24 From Ivan De Silva : locutst = grasshoppers
19:14:15 From Ivan De Silva : the most powerful god of Egypt?
19:14:22 From Ivan De Silva : Ra
19:14:36 From Ivan De Silva : Ra = sun god
19:15:25 From Ivan De Silva : 12th plague
19:15:55 From Ivan De Silva : God is going to kill all the firstborn sons of in the land opdf Egypt
19:16:21 From Ivan De Silva : The Israelites also live in the land
19:16:50 From Ivan De Silva : How will they be protected while God’s angel of death kills the Egyptians
19:17:26 From Ivan De Silva : Ans. God gives Israel the Passover ceremony to protect them
19:17:39 From Ivan De Silva : Passover
19:18:41 From Ivan De Silva : Exod 12
19:19:37 From Ivan De Silva : the Israelites must take a lamb and being it into thier homes for 14 days
19:20:18 From Ivan De Silva : 15th day, they must kill the lamb
19:20:46 From Ivan De Silva : Take some of the blood from the lamb and put it on their doors
19:21:37 From Ivan De Silva : When the Angel of Death sees the blood he will Passover that house
19:24:27 From Ivan De Silva : Exod. 12:5-8
19:31:40 From Ivan De Silva : Foundational narrative of Israel
19:34:24 From Ivan De Silva : Exodus reveals a new character of God
19:34:38 From Ivan De Silva : God is a Warrior
19:35:04 From Ivan De Silva : God fights the gods of Egypt
19:35:46 From Ivan De Silva : cows are the god Apis
19:36:09 From Ivan De Silva : All the plagues are attacking some god of Egypt
19:36:33 From Ivan De Silva : To show that there is no God but I AM!

17:36:23 From Ivan De Silva : Kingship, Monarchy
17:36:55 From Ivan De Silva : kingdom of priests
17:37:15 From Ivan De Silva : priests are mediators, bridge builders
17:38:06 From Ivan De Silva : Israel is the bridge that connects God and the rest of the nations
17:38:51 From Ivan De Silva : people, law, land, king
17:39:24 From Ivan De Silva : the people are the children of Abraham
17:39:37 From Ivan De Silva : Israel
17:40:50 From Ivan De Silva : power or by law
17:41:49 From Ivan De Silva : dictator
17:43:30 From Ivan De Silva : Constitutional monarchy
17:44:06 From Ivan De Silva : monarchy/king is under the law
17:44:59 From Ivan De Silva : kinship is given in the books of Samuel
17:45:18 From Ivan De Silva : 1 Sam. 1
17:46:12 From Ivan De Silva : Why do nations have a king? what do they want the king to do?
17:47:32 From Ivan De Silva : 1. protect the people – attacking the enemy and by defending the boundary
17:48:38 From Ivan De Silva : 2. make sure there is a good economic system
17:48:58 From Ivan De Silva : just
17:49:33 From Ivan De Silva : 3. to maintain law and order
17:50:41 From Ivan De Silva : what kind of characteristics should a king have?
17:51:41 From Ivan De Silva : 1. strict – enforce the law
17:52:02 From Ivan De Silva : 2. promise keeper
17:52:28 From Ivan De Silva : honest, integrity
17:53:01 From Ivan De Silva : 3. courage, bravery
17:53:35 From Ivan De Silva : 4. shepherd
17:54:29 From Ivan De Silva : 5. ready to disadvantage himself to advantage others
17:57:22 From Ivan De Silva : wicked leader says, you sacrifice for me
17:59:41 From Ivan De Silva : where in the Bible are the laws for a king?
17:59:59 From Ivan De Silva : Deut. 17
18:00:39 From Ivan De Silva : Deut. 17:14-20
18:05:36 From Ivan De Silva : 1. must be one of their own people
18:06:51 From Ivan De Silva : 2. do not go to Egypt for help
18:07:39 From Ivan De Silva : 3. Must be chosen by God
18:09:49 From Ivan De Silva : 4. do not make too many foreign alliances
18:13:25 From Ivan De Silva : 5. must not use his position for personal benefit
18:15:27 From Ivan De Silva : 6. king must create a huge military so that he depends on his military for sucess in battle
18:16:51 From Ivan De Silva : 7. must write down a copy of the law for himself
18:17:54 From Ivan De Silva : why do this last step?
18:18:12 From Ivan De Silva : 1. so he understands that he too is under the law
18:18:42 From Ivan De Silva : 2. so he knows the law
18:18:57 From Ivan De Silva : king is the top judge in the land
18:20:50 From Ivan De Silva : Israel got her king in two stages
18:21:15 From Ivan De Silva : stage 1. was a evil king; stage 2. she received a godly king
18:21:30 From Ivan De Silva : evil king was Saul
18:21:41 From Ivan De Silva : godly king was David
18:22:12 From Ivan De Silva : 1 Sam. 8
18:22:46 From Ivan De Silva : Samuel = a prophet in Israel
18:23:03 From Ivan De Silva : prophet?
18:23:20 From Ivan De Silva : prophet a messenger from God to the people
18:24:05 From Ivan De Silva : 1000 BC
18:27:39 From Ivan De Silva : “we want a king like the other nations”
18:28:34 From Ivan De Silva : God gives them a king like the other nations
18:28:45 From Ivan De Silva : Saul = and he rules by power not law
18:29:45 From Ivan De Silva : In what ways was Saul not goog?
18:30:36 From Ivan De Silva : 1 Sam. 9 shows Saul’s character
18:32:02 From Ivan De Silva : Saul looked good on the outside
18:32:22 From Ivan De Silva : charisma
18:33:42 From Ivan De Silva : Saul is given a mission, mandate, a job
18:34:45 From Ivan De Silva : PROBLEMS
18:37:06 From Ivan De Silva : in the Bible it is very important to note what are the first words a character speaks
18:38:23 From Ivan De Silva : Lets go back…
18:38:34 From Ivan De Silva : Lets give up
18:58:36 From Ivan De Silva : Why did God give Israel a bad king?
18:59:57 From Ivan De Silva : What is the biggest problem in solving problems?
19:00:24 From Ivan De Silva : Solving the RIGHT problem.
19:02:55 From Ivan De Silva : be careful that the solution does not create more problems later
19:06:18 From Ivan De Silva : What process was used to elect the king in Israel?
19:06:30 From Ivan De Silva : 1. Election by God
19:06:54 From Ivan De Silva : 2. Demonstration
19:07:46 From Ivan De Silva : fighting the enemy in battle
19:08:13 From Ivan De Silva : 3. Public Coronation
19:20:59 From Ivan De Silva : Psalm 23
19:22:34 From Ivan De Silva : poet, powerful warrior, wise king
19:23:01 From Ivan De Silva : 1. election
19:24:09 From Ivan De Silva : Philistines
19:24:21 From Ivan De Silva : Crete
19:25:18 From Ivan De Silva : Palestine
19:26:50 From Ivan De Silva : Goliath
19:37:58 From Ivan De Silva : Saul allowed Goliath to define the battel
19:38:43 From Ivan De Silva : Saul looked at the battle as warrior against warrior
19:39:32 From Ivan De Silva : David defined the battle according to himself
19:40:15 From Ivan De Silva : David didn’t go warrior to warrior
19:40:28 From Ivan De Silva : Shepherd to predator
19:43:06 From Ivan De Silva : David is true to himself
19:45:11 From Ivan De Silva : 3. Coronation takes 15 years
19:46:31 From Ivan De Silva : David becomes a criminal in the eyes of Israel; and has to run and keep hiding from Saul
19:47:59 From Ivan De Silva : during that time David learns to become a true leader by suffering
19:48:44 From Ivan De Silva : Every great leader in the Bible is forced to go into the desert
19:51:08 From Ivan De Silva : To live not by bread alone, but by faith in God
19:53:33 From Ivan De Silva : Psalm 2, 3, 22

18:13:18 From Jacobs( Jing ) Tan : When God sent the plagues upon Egypt to make them release his people, he sent ___________ plagues. The last one was to __________________. But he protected the Israelites from this plague by giving them the ceremony of the _________________________.
Which of the following has the correct terms in the blanks.
18:16:50 From Ivan De Silva : standards of the covenant – Ten Commandmens
18:17:39 From Ivan De Silva : Ten Comm= common law
18:17:57 From Ivan De Silva : Exod. 20
18:19:03 From Ivan De Silva : Commandment is a command to do something or not do something
18:19:17 From Ivan De Silva : imperative
18:20:58 From Ivan De Silva : 1. not to have any other gods
18:22:46 From Ivan De Silva : 2. no making idols
18:25:05 From Ivan De Silva : 3. Do not do evil in God’s name
18:28:12 From Ivan De Silva : 4. honor parents
18:30:19 From Ivan De Silva : how do you show honor for your parents
18:33:21 From Ivan De Silva : 4. keep Sabbath
18:33:25 From Ivan De Silva : rest
18:34:00 From Ivan De Silva : Why rest?
18:34:12 From Ivan De Silva : 1. because God is not a slavemaster
18:35:04 From Ivan De Silva : 2. you must have faith that God will provide even if you don’t work for one day
18:36:14 From Ivan De Silva : 6. do not murder
18:36:47 From Ivan De Silva : murder is killing innocent people
18:37:15 From Ivan De Silva : you can kill in war and in capital punishment for criminals
18:37:51 From Ivan De Silva : manslaughter
18:39:17 From Ivan De Silva : abortion = murder
18:39:57 From Ivan De Silva : 7. do not have sex with someone else’s spouse
18:40:31 From Ivan De Silva : if you are married then no sex with ANYONE else
18:41:07 From Ivan De Silva : 8. do not steal
18:41:34 From Ivan De Silva : physical property
18:41:56 From Ivan De Silva : reputation
18:42:44 From Ivan De Silva : 9. do not tell lies about someone in court
18:44:17 From Ivan De Silva : 10. do not strongly desire another’s things
18:45:02 From Ivan De Silva : to break the first nine comm. you need a body; but to break the 10th you only need a mind
18:46:26 From Ivan De Silva : to strongly someone else’s stuff, usually means you are not happy that they have it
18:47:45 From Ivan De Silva : Comms. 1-3 are about God
18:48:03 From Ivan De Silva : Comm. 5-10 are about getting along with humans
18:48:27 From Ivan De Silva : Command 4 is for both God and humans
18:49:51 From Ivan De Silva : until a person properly relates to God, they cannot properly relate to humans
18:50:45 From Ivan De Silva : logic of the 10 Comms.
18:51:16 From Ivan De Silva : wherever they do not honor God, neither do they honor human life
18:52:11 From Ivan De Silva : in atheistic societies, human rights are abused
18:52:55 From Ivan De Silva : Conclusion of 10
18:52:58 From Ivan De Silva : comm
18:53:14 From Ivan De Silva : 1. no other culture around Israel had a law like this
18:54:06 From Ivan De Silva : 2. Israel’s law is a moral law
18:54:57 From Ivan De Silva : 3. 10 comm are for all humans.
18:55:36 From Ivan De Silva : Homework: read Exod. 20-40

17:33:06 From Ivan De Silva : Proverbs
17:34:16 From Ivan De Silva : Wisdom
17:35:18 From Ivan De Silva : wisdom = eyeglasses that you wear to see better
17:37:18 From Ivan De Silva : what is wisdom?
17:38:08 From Ivan De Silva : skill to navigate the maze of life and avoid the many traps that can destroy life
17:39:43 From Ivan De Silva : poverty
17:42:08 From Ivan De Silva : Prov. 24:30-34
17:43:12 From Ivan De Silva : I?
17:43:17 From Ivan De Silva : Sage
17:43:32 From Ivan De Silva : sage = a teacher of wisdom
17:44:11 From Ivan De Silva : sluggard?
17:44:27 From Ivan De Silva : a very very lazy person
17:47:51 From Ivan De Silva : sluggard is one who has no sense
17:48:31 From Ivan De Silva : sluggard loves sleep
17:51:35 From Ivan De Silva : vinyard = symbol for a person’s life
17:53:32 From Ivan De Silva : there is a force in life that will destroy it if it is not kept out
17:56:02 From Ivan De Silva : force of chaos
17:57:01 From Ivan De Silva : wisdom = a totalizing concept
17:58:16 From Ivan De Silva : 2. deed-destiny nexus
17:59:11 From Ivan De Silva : your deeds create your destiny
18:06:29 From Ivan De Silva : how do you acquire wisdom?
18:07:22 From Ivan De Silva : Prov. 30:24-28
18:08:19 From Ivan De Silva : small = physically weak
18:08:33 From Ivan De Silva : vulnerable
18:09:13 From Ivan De Silva : how can these small, weak creatures still survive so well?
18:09:31 From Ivan De Silva : because they have wisdom
18:11:41 From Ivan De Silva : the world goes in cycles
18:11:48 From Ivan De Silva : plenty and nothing
18:16:13 From Ivan De Silva : hyrax = seeks protection in something stronger than itself
18:16:27 From Ivan De Silva : it seeks protection in an outside sourde
18:18:00 From Ivan De Silva : God
18:18:11 From Ivan De Silva : let God be your protection
18:19:23 From Ivan De Silva : grasshoppers never travel alone
18:19:44 From Ivan De Silva : they go in crowds that are 10 million sometimes
18:21:11 From Ivan De Silva : church
18:24:32 From Ivan De Silva : lizard lives in the right house
18:27:55 From Ivan De Silva : wisdom is not IQ
18:30:23 From Ivan De Silva : where does wisdom come from?
18:30:26 From Ivan De Silva : God.
18:31:09 From Ivan De Silva : the key to the book of Proverbs
18:31:26 From Ivan De Silva : Gate to the book
18:31:57 From Ivan De Silva : fear of the LORD?
18:32:00 From Ivan De Silva : 1. actual fear
18:32:18 From Ivan De Silva : 2. respect
18:32:28 From Ivan De Silva : 3. obedience to his word
18:33:24 From Ivan De Silva : Why does wisdom have to come only from God?
18:37:13 From Ivan De Silva : knowing the future
18:38:38 From Ivan De Silva : you cannot know anything for certain if you don’t know everything
18:39:23 From Ivan De Silva : unless we know everything we know nothing
18:45:47 From Ivan De Silva : because God knows everything
“Do not boil a baby goat in its mother’s milk.”
we look at life through the key hole
18:56:23 From Ivan De Silva :

17:31:00 From Yan Cheung : Hi professor, I have sent you an email. And my car battery is dead.
17:37:58 From Ivan De Silva : Exod. 20
17:38:33 From Ivan De Silva : 1. Do not worship other gods
17:38:45 From Ivan De Silva : worship?
17:39:12 From Ivan De Silva : respect,
17:40:10 From Ivan De Silva : praise it, love it
17:40:18 From Ivan De Silva : sacrifice
17:41:11 From Ivan De Silva : what is a god?
17:42:30 From Ivan De Silva : something powerful,
17:42:48 From Ivan De Silva : faithful
17:43:52 From Ivan De Silva : super power
17:44:00 From Ivan De Silva : supreme being
17:44:43 From Ivan De Silva : god=anything that gives you security and significance
17:50:57 From Ivan De Silva : in Israel if you want to know what God looks like, read his law
17:53:10 From Ivan De Silva : 1-3 how to treat God
17:53:28 From Ivan De Silva : 5-10 how to treat others
17:53:50 From Ivan De Silva : 4. both how to treat God and how to treat humans
17:54:31 From Ivan De Silva : logical= you must first get right with God before you can get right with people
17:55:49 From Ivan De Silva : 10 comm are all about how to have a just and fair society
17:57:16 From Ivan De Silva : no murder = not to take innocent life, or take life illegally
17:59:37 From Ivan De Silva : 10 comm=Israel’s constitution
18:02:52 From Ivan De Silva : law is a boundary marker
18:03:06 From Ivan De Silva : it separates the insiders from the outsiders
18:05:14 From Ivan De Silva : who is Israel and what is her purpose?
18:05:31 From Ivan De Silva : Exod. 19:5-6
18:07:21 From Ivan De Silva : in rescuing Israel God did it all
18:07:56 From Ivan De Silva : God showed a new characteristic in the Exodus
18:08:03 From Ivan De Silva : exit=out of it
18:08:26 From Ivan De Silva : exodus= out of Egypt
18:09:02 From Ivan De Silva : God is Warrior
18:09:39 From Ivan De Silva : Grace
18:10:12 From Ivan De Silva : God’s unearned/underserved favor
18:12:11 From Ivan De Silva : 1. Israel is God’s special treasure
18:15:00 From Ivan De Silva : 2. a kingdom of priests
18:15:11 From Ivan De Silva : what is a priest?
18:15:33 From Ivan De Silva : to preach
18:15:59 From Ivan De Silva : priests connect god and humnas
18:16:46 From Ivan De Silva : Latin=pirest=bridge builder
18:17:29 From Ivan De Silva : God and the nations
18:18:12 From Ivan De Silva : 3. Israel is a holy nation
18:18:19 From Ivan De Silva : holy =
18:19:20 From Ivan De Silva : holy = separated from ordinary use for special use
18:21:01 From Ivan De Silva : holy does not mean perfect or better than others
18:22:47 From Ivan De Silva : keeping the law does not make Israel God’s people, Isreal is already God’s people before the law.
18:44:25 From Ivan De Silva : 120 yrs.
18:44:44 From Ivan De Silva : Joshua
18:45:10 From Ivan De Silva : problem with the land is there are people in it
18:45:21 From Ivan De Silva : Canaanites
18:46:30 From Ivan De Silva : Joshua is Hebrew
18:46:45 From Ivan De Silva : In Greek = Jesus
18:47:19 From Ivan De Silva : Holy War
18:47:31 From Ivan De Silva : = God’s war
18:48:09 From Ivan De Silva : Is it fair for God to take away the land of the Canaanites and give it to Israel?
18:49:14 From Ivan De Silva : take the land by destroying the Canaanite cities
18:49:36 From Ivan De Silva : is not genocide
18:51:26 From Ivan De Silva : not for ethnic cleansing
18:52:01 From Ivan De Silva : it is judgement on the Canaanites for their evil activities
18:52:38 From Ivan De Silva : Gen 15
18:53:35 From Ivan De Silva : why did God command Abraham not to attack the Canaanites; but commanded Joshua to attack them?
18:55:22 From Ivan De Silva : sin of Amorites not yet complete
18:55:36 From Ivan De Silva : Amorite = Canaanite
18:56:19 From Ivan De Silva : Canaanites not yet bad enough to be judged by God
18:58:05 From Ivan De Silva : finally God’s patience is over
18:58:53 From Ivan De Silva : what kind of things did the Canaanites do that angered God?
18:59:04 From Ivan De Silva : Lev. 18
19:01:15 From Ivan De Silva : what are the Canaanites practising?
19:01:31 From Ivan De Silva : v. 6. incest
19:04:04 From Ivan De Silva : love is love
19:08:46 From Ivan De Silva : 2. adultery
19:08:59 From Ivan De Silva : 3. child sacrifice
19:09:18 From Ivan De Silva : 4. homosexuality/lesbianism
19:09:24 From Ivan De Silva : 5. Bestiality
19:11:50 From Ivan De Silva : Joshua and the army is God’s sword to punish them
19:13:03 From Ivan De Silva : Jericho
19:13:49 From Ivan De Silva : prostitute in the bar rescues the Israelite spies
19:14:31 From Ivan De Silva : Rahab
19:16:57 From Ivan De Silva : Rahab repents
19:17:18 From Ivan De Silva : Rahab is not killed with the rest of the Canaanites
19:18:29 From Ivan De Silva : she marries the leader of the tribe of Judah
19:19:09 From Ivan De Silva : Matt. 1
19:22:15 From Ivan De Silva : Rahab beomes Jesus’ great, great, great, great….grandma
19:23:45 From Ivan De Silva : 1. God takes a nation’s sin very seriously
19:24:44 From Ivan De Silva : 2. God is patient with nations
19:25:13 From Ivan De Silva : 3. But there is a time when the period of grace will end
19:27:50 From Ivan De Silva : 1. Joshua took the land by war
19:28:12 From Ivan De Silva : 2. Joshua distributed the land to the 12 tribes by lot
19:28:24 From Ivan De Silva : lot = dice
19:29:18 From Ivan De Silva : 3. Every family in every tribe got some land
19:33:01 From Ivan De Silva : 4. how does Israel keep the land?
19:33:13 From Ivan De Silva : 1. by practicing God’s law in the land
19:33:56 From Ivan De Silva : All the land of the earth belongs to God
19:34:12 From Ivan De Silva : Gen. 1:9 – He made the dry land

17:38:38 From Ivan De Silva : What is the problem with Jacob at the start of his story?
17:39:03 From Ivan De Silva : Ans; Jacob is a cheater and a scammer
17:39:35 From Ivan De Silva : Jacob= one who grabs the heel
17:40:23 From Ivan De Silva : Esau
17:40:30 From Ivan De Silva : E-saw
17:41:30 From Ivan De Silva : parents show favortism
17:41:48 From Ivan De Silva : Isaac likes Esau and Rebekkah likes Jacob
17:44:37 From Ivan De Silva : Jacob runs to his uncle Laban
17:44:49 From Ivan De Silva : 20 years
17:45:48 From Ivan De Silva : Gen. 29
17:55:35 From Ivan De Silva : Bible teaches poetic justice
17:56:08 From Ivan De Silva : You get treated like you treat others
17:57:02 From Ivan De Silva : Jacob cheated his dad by taking advantage of Isaac’s blindness
17:57:33 From Ivan De Silva : Jacob the younger put himself for the older Esaau
17:58:46 From Ivan De Silva : Laban takes advantage of darkness to put older sister for younger Rachel;
18:00:15 From Ivan De Silva : Jacob’s two wives and their two slaves end up making life terrible for Jacob
18:00:43 From Ivan De Silva : Jacob never loves Leah, but he never abuses her;
18:00:49 From Ivan De Silva : Jacob loves Rachel
18:01:01 From Ivan De Silva : Leah can have kids; Rachel can’t
18:02:05 From Ivan De Silva : Each wife wants what the other has
18:02:24 From Ivan De Silva : Leah wants Jacob’s love, Rachel want’s kids
18:02:56 From Ivan De Silva : 12 sons
18:03:17 From Ivan De Silva : Rachel gets pregnant and has two kids: Joseph and Benjamin
18:04:00 From Ivan De Silva : Ruben, Simeon, Levi, Judah ….total 12 children
18:04:20 From Ivan De Silva : The 12 children become the tribes of Israel
18:05:33 From Ivan De Silva : Jew=Judah
18:06:29 From Ivan De Silva : After children born Jacob runs back to Israel
18:06:57 From Ivan De Silva : But he is very afraid if his brother is still mad and will kill him
18:17:30 From Ivan De Silva : he kicked Jacob in the balls
18:19:13 From Ivan De Silva : poetic justice
18:20:16 From Ivan De Silva : Jacob cant fight so he clings to God
18:21:28 From Ivan De Silva : Jacob hangs onto God even after God hurts him
18:22:03 From Steven CAI #617304 : hello
18:23:37 From Ivan De Silva : Why does ask for Jacob’s name?
18:24:05 From Ivan De Silva : Who are you?
18:24:23 From Ivan De Silva : I am Jacob=I am the cheater
18:25:27 From Ivan De Silva : Jacob finally confesses to God that he is a cheater
18:26:18 From Ivan De Silva : Israel
18:26:51 From Ivan De Silva : moment of Jacob’s conversion to become a full follower of God
18:27:44 From Ivan De Silva : God changes people
18:28:49 From Ivan De Silva : Judah
18:29:38 From Ivan De Silva : Why is Judah important?
18:29:58 From Ivan De Silva : Jesus comes from Judah
18:30:31 From Ivan De Silva : David comes from Judah
18:30:56 From Ivan De Silva : All the true kings of Israel come from Judah
18:31:11 From Ivan De Silva : Jacob makes Judah the leader of the family
18:49:25 From Ivan De Silva : Genesis = common people = Israel
18:49:44 From Ivan De Silva : Because God chose Abraham
18:50:08 From Ivan De Silva : Exodus=common law
18:50:44 From Ivan De Silva : At the end of Gen. there was a huge famine
18:51:18 From Ivan De Silva : Jacob and his family go to Egypt to live there
18:51:40 From Ivan De Silva : They live there for 400 yrs
18:52:17 From Ivan De Silva : What happened to Israel during the 400 yrs?
18:52:34 From Ivan De Silva : 1. They worshipped the gods of Egypt
18:53:27 From Ivan De Silva : 2. They grew in population that the king of Egypt became afraid of them
19:00:54 From Ivan De Silva : Ughyar
19:01:54 From Ivan De Silva : Chinese Muslims
19:02:59 From Ivan De Silva : How does Egypt control the Israelites?
19:10:53 From Ivan De Silva : Makes them slaves
19:11:51 From Ivan De Silva : Making them slaves didn’t work
19:13:57 From Ivan De Silva : 2. infanticide
19:18:23 From Ivan De Silva : that also fails
19:18:52 From Ivan De Silva : Moses
19:20:46 From Ivan De Silva : 3. drown the male babies in the river Nile
19:21:55 From Ivan De Silva : puts Moses into a basked and puts the basket in the river
19:23:06 From Ivan De Silva : Hebrew=Israel
19:24:09 From Ivan De Silva : Moses grows up in the king of Egypt’s palace
19:24:27 From Ivan De Silva : He becomes the prince of Egypt
19:24:49 From Ivan De Silva : Moses get the best that Egypt has to offer
19:34:49 From Ivan De Silva : Moses who murdered a man will be the man who later gives the command not to murder
19:35:17 From Ivan De Silva : Moses the murderer becomes the world
19:35:23 From Ivan De Silva : greatest lawgiver
19:39:57 From Ivan De Silva : Jethro makes Moses in charge of his sheep
19:43:25 From Ivan De Silva : 40 yrs when he ran from Egypt and now he has been a shepherd for 40 yrts
19:49:43 From Ivan De Silva : Moses needed to be humbled and broken as a man
19:50:35 From Ivan De Silva : God does not use proud people

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