self-evaluation cover sheet


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Topic: E-books are Better than Paper Book

Purpose: To influence more people on using e-book.

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Type of Audience: Against

Actuation Speech: Consideration of using E-books

Paper book has been in use for ages. Its reputation stands for its many years; it has been used as a tool for sharing and obtaining knowledge. However, is it relevant enough for its use in contemporary education? E-book is a relatively new advancement in the education sector (Letchumanan, 2013). The benefits that e-book has brought to the modern world is significant. Therefore, a convincing argument is imperative on the contribution of the e-book in education.

The world is fast changing. As a result, activities are getting innovative ways to fit in the ever-changing condition. With the advent of technology, various fields such as medicine, communication, and education are being improved. The education system has been revolutionizing to make it easy for learning to be conducted. This factor is essential for all students and learners involved. They must tap this change to make progress in the field of education. I have had the opportunity to experience both the paper book and e-book learning tool. Therefore, l can make a comparison based on the experience l have with both of them without a doubt. This speech will consider which between paper books and e-book is a useful learning tool.

An e-book is portable (Siegenthaler, 2010). Their number of smartphone users is rising. The advantage of an e-book is that it can be stored on a smartphone. This is a smart move since a smartphone is a portable device. To understand this, consider the paper book, which is a printed publication. The physical size of a book, on average, is bigger than a smartphone. An e-book stored in a smartphone can be considered light since it is the same weight. Therefore, it is more convenient to store a heap of information on a smartphone than a paper book. With an e-book, one can store a thousand of the information stored in an e-book. Therefore, an e-book gives a simplified version of a paper book.

An e-book is boundless. The information that can be accessed from a paper book is limited. It is limited in that one can only access information written by only that author of the book. However, with an e-book considering it can be stored in multiples in a smartphone and variety of genre and authors, makes it boundless. This means a person can access material related to any field from various authors by simply using an e-book. An e-book opens up the world of information to a single gadget. The only limitation to a gadget is the memory space. For instance, in a college where many courses are being studied, an e-book can be a student best study tool since it simplifies all the classes the student takes in a single platform, an e-book.

An e-book has a broad audience. The quality of being portable gives an e-book the ability to have a broad audience. Recent research shows that many people are considered to stay on their phones on average, three hours a day. Therefore, people spending more time on their phones allows many of its users to access the e-book. An added advantage to this is the availability of the internet. Either using a laptop or a smartphone, one can access materials online. Therefore, consider a student that is far away from the library of the school. It would be convenient for that student to access the information on an online platform. Therefore, many of its users have access to e-book than a paper book leading to a broad audience.

In conclusion, an e-book adapts to modern learning. Therefore, it is here to stay. With that realization, the education sector should implement it in teaching. The benefits of supporting e-book are far much better than a paper book. The whole idea behind the education system is availing information to its students. An e-book supports that vision better since a person with just a smartphone or computer device; they can access millions of information. Thousands of e-books can be stored in a device without taking any physical space. Therefore, it eliminates the need to carry many paper books, which can be cumbersome. An e-book makes the entire learning process efficient.


Letchumanan, M. &. (2013). Migrating to e‐book: a study on perceived usefulness and ease of use. . Library Hi Tech News.

Siegenthaler, E. W. (2010). Improving the usability of e-book readers. . Journal of usability studies, 6(1), 25-38.

Running head:




Topic: Paper Book are Better than E-books

Purpose: To influence more people on using Paper Book.

Type of Audience: Against

Actuation Speech: Consideration of using Paper Book

Humanity has been transferring knowledge from one generation to the next. Paper book has been as an important tool in this process. It has stored knowledge for the next generation for ages. Therefore, unlike e-book, paper book has been used to make a lot of modern advancements in knowledge. Therefore, it is arguable that it is an efficient means. My entire education has been in paper book. Therefore, this makes me a better candidate to argue the importance of paper book.

There are specific scenarios for an exception in using a paper book. For instance, when a backup is required (Wang, 2018, September). This is because one cannot transition into an e-book without considering that the information stored can be easily compromised. A smartphone or a computer device can be used in altering information content in an e-book. However, a paper book is more stable. Once the information has been written down, not many changes can be made to it. Any changes made to the book means making another edition of the book; therefore, the original material remains the same. Hence the originality of the book remains.

A paper book creates more attention than an e-book. Usually, a paper book is used in a more conducive environment like a library. Hence, its environment is fixed. However, the ability of an e-book being portable means it can also be used in a place that does not necessarily support learning. Furthermore, since an e-book is used in a device, it allows the student to access irrelevant sites on the internet. Thus, a student is more susceptible to distraction while using an e-book. As a result, learning through a paper book becomes a better option.

Unlike an e-book, a paper book can exist on its own. An e-book has to be in a gadget, either a smartphone or a computer device. This implies that the cost of purchasing either one of these devices must be planned. At times, this can be a challenge to a student from a poor background. It is inaccessible to them. As a result, a paper book is a much better alternative. With access to a free library, a student can access information. Also, unlike e-book, the paper book does not need internet connectivity to be enhanced. Lastly, an e-book runs on an electronic device. When an unfortunate incident happens, and electric power is lost, then the devices cease to work. This is inconvenient, mostly if the e-book was the only alternative. Hence, a paper book is more reliable.

A paper book is a published material that does not rely on technology to disseminate information. On the other hand, e-book relies on technology. Therefore, its continued use leads to a condition of excessive use of mobile phones. Research made on excessive use of phones suggests that it leads to psychological health problems. Therefore, a student becomes more anxious, with low self-esteem, or gets a sense of loneliness. Thus, e-book reliant on technology leads to a negative impact on the mental of the student. This gives a paper book the benefit of the doubt that it is a better tool of learning. This is because it does not have a negative health impact.

In conclusion, paper book is a more reliable tool for learning. It has proven for many years to be a stable in impacting knowledge. An education system aiming at having a consistent tool for learning will consider a paper book. With the advent of technology, paper book provides a secure method of making the transition to the new methods. Education system should be constant and reliable


Wang, Z. &. (2018, September). Towards more reliable transfer learning. . In Joint European Conference on Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases , pp. 794-810.

Topic: The senses

Purpose: Assessing and comparing hearing and sight.


Human being has five main senses i.e., taste, smell, hearing, sight, and touch. The sense organ associated with each sense direct information to the brain to aid individuals comprehend and perceive the world around us. Hearing and seeing are two forms of senses that facilitate communication. Sounds communicate to the brain at a higher speed than sights.

Thesis statement: Ecological observations provide major differences between hearing and vision and their coordination facilitate a higher quality of life.

Preview Statement: When it comes to hearing sounds, there are chances to have silence. Silence is basically the absence of sound (Wiazowski 2018). For seeing, a zero experience does not exist based on the perception that “black is the absence of color.” All the human senses are different from each other, though their functions are inclined towards creating a better life experience.


1. People do not experience their senses individually. Instead, the brain interconnects hearing and vision to create individual conscious experience.

I. Definitions

· Examples: Examples of media through which sound may be heard include gaseous matter, liquid, and sound. An example of sight is being capable to see well in the darkness and seeing land after sailing for a week.

· Explanation: Hearing entails the perception of sounds by detecting changes in the pressure of the surrounding medium and vibrations. Seeing involves the perception of objects using the eyes.

II. Comparisons and Constants

· Similarities: For both hearing and sight, the sensory inputs are on the head and come in pairs. Hearing and sight signals are both processes by the brain and they both use the same mathematical strategy for recomposing and decomposing input.

· Differences: It is commonly believed that there is no significant difference between visual memory and auditory memory (Pasoulas 2019). Vison is the perception of persistent surfaces, whereas hearing is the perception of mechanical activities on volumes.

2. What one can see can influence what one can hear and hearing can also influence the vision. Even though speech or sound is perceived via the ears, what one can see influence what is heard.

i. Definitions

· Examples: The hearing process include a reliance on a sequence of complex steps converting the sound waves in the air into electric signals that can be perceived through the ear. Vision also upon the passing of light via the lens and the corneas, which combine to produce retina.

· Explanations: Sounds are normally produced through the mechanical vibrations of objects, implying that information are conveyed by the sounds about volume instead of surfaces. Eye lens, just like in a camera, focus on objects and direct the light to the retina that has special sensors referred to as rods and cones.

ii. Comparison and Contrasts

· Similarities: Both auditory and visual inputs are separated into sine waves. Both sight and hearing are subject to illusions and mental processing is very important in both senses. Auditory clues interact with visual clues to sound location.

· Differences: Sounds relies on the shape, internal structure, and material of object without the interaction with the environment. Contrary to sounds, the observer during a sight interacts directly with light waves.


In conclusion, ecological observations provide major differences between hearing and vision and their coordination facilitate a higher quality of life (Enoch 2019). we cannot experience our senses individual, instead, conscious experiences of the world are created by out hearing and vision. Hearing can affect vision, just like how what one sees affect what is heard.


Enoch, J., McDonald, L., Jones, L., Jones, P. R., & Crabb, D. P. (2019). Evaluating whether sight is the most valued sense. JAMA ophthalmology, 137(11), 1317-1320.

Pasoulas, A. (2019). Hearing, Sight and a Host of Other Senses.

Wiazowski, J. (2018). Sight, touch, hearing–the current options and challenges in access to math content for learners with visual impairments. In Forum Pedagogiczne (No. 2). Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie.

PersuasiveSpeech Self-Evaluation



Megan Pederson

Date of Speech:

Due-date of self-evaluation:

Use this page as your cover page. The self-evaluation must be two to four pages, 12 point, double-spaced, Times New Roman font.

Use the speech checklist to write your paper regarding your success of completing the items on the checklist. Along with the speech checklist: Did you properly fill out your outline? Did you use notes? What blunders did you have during your speech? What would you have done differently and/or what will you try to improve upon for your next speech?

InformativeSpeech Self-Evaluation



Megan Pederson

Date of Speech:

Due-date of self-evaluation:

Use this page as your cover page. The self-evaluation must be two to four pages, 12 point, double-spaced, Times New Roman font. Standard 1” margins.

Use the speech checklist to write your paper regarding your success of completing the items on the checklist.

Persuasive Speech Self-Evaluation Checklist

1. Were your Name, Topic, and Purpose (listed at top of outline)

2. Was the type of audience listed on the outline (for, against, neutral, or apathetic)? Was the type of speech listed (actuation or dispositional)?

3. Did the speaker use the appropriate tone throughout the speech that corresponds to the type of audience determined?

4. Did the speaker move the audience in some way?

5. Introduction and Conclusion as a whole: Are the opening and closing phrases clear and coherent, portraying a similar thought to tie the speech together? Does the introduction include the following: effective attention getting strategy, listener relevance cues, speaker credibility statements, statements to set the context, thesis/claim, and preview statement?

6. Deductive or Inductive Pattern: If deductive, is the thesis clearly listed near the top of the speech? If inductive, is the thesis clearly listed in the conclusion and not in the introduction? If inductive, is there a theme listed in the introduction?

7. Claim: Is the claim listed as a complete sentence in the form of a fact, value, or policy? Is this a clear, coherent, and complete sentence? Does the claim reflect the speaker’s position?

8. Method of Organization: Is this listed on the outline after the word “Body” (for example: Body – Motivated Sequence) and used effectively in the speech? Was one of the persuasive speech methods used during the speech (basic argument, comparative advantages, invitational, motivated sequence, problem no solution, problem solution, problem cause solution, and refutation)? Did the wording of the method of organization cohere with the wording in the claim and major points?

9. Sense of Logos in Major Points, and Minor Points. Do the major points cohere with each other, the claim, and action step. Are the major and minor points developed strategically with types of support strategies and kinds of support materials?

10. Pathos–Emotion and Imagery. Did the speaker implement five strategies? (Human Needs – Maslow’s; Human Sentiments and Passions; The Senses; Figures of Speech; at least one; Structures of Speech.) A goal of five should be implemented into the persuasive speech.

11. Ethos–Aura of Credibility in the Delivery. Was there a perception of honesty, wisdom, and goodwill? Did the speaker have a good speaker credibility statement? Did the speaker implement credible kinds of support and reference materials?  Did the speaker implement the “ethos strategy”? 

12. Did you properly fill out your outline?

13. Did you use notes?

14. What blunders did you have during your speech?

15. What would you have done differently and/or what will you try to improve upon for your next speech?

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