Sap mis 3310

MISY 3310 SAP Purchasing Module

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SAP, pg. 3

Open a Word Document and immediately save it as LastName, FirstName – SAP. As you work through the exam, you will use this document to record screen shots and document numbers as instructed. Type the report number above each screenshot or recorded document number as you work through the assignment.



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1. Create a Purchase Order

Global Bike needs to purchase 500 additional Headlamp Kits to keep up with its orders. Open the app named: CREATE PURCASE ORDER ADVANCED.

Use the Search function to enter the Vendor (Shining Light Inc ###). In the Header area, select the Org. data tab to enter Purchasing Organization (US00), Purchasing Group (N00), and Company Code (US00). GBI will be purchasing 500 units (Material LAMP1###) at a price of 5.50 USD with delivery one week from today with delivery from the Miami Distribution Center (Plant = MI00) and from the Trading Goods Storage Location (TG00).

Fill out the PO for this order and then press Enter. Double check that the price has not changed. If so, manually enter the correct price and press Enter. Click the Conditions tab in the Header area to review the PO’s Net Value.

Report 1A: Take a screenshot showing the Material to be purchased and the Conditions tab BEFORE saving the PO.

Report 1B: What is the Net Value of the PO?

Save your PO.

Report 1C: What is the document number message for the Purchase Order you just created?

2. Create Goods Receipt

Create a Goods Receipt for your PO. To do this, open the following app:


Enter your PO number or search for it using the Purchasing Documents per Material tab. After entering the PO number, press Enter to bring in the PO’s information. Verify you have the correct PO. If needed, click Storage Location to enter TG00. Press Enter to check your document and to pull up any data from the Material Master. Click the arrow at the end of the line item to access the Item Detail page; activate the Delivery Completed checkbox. Click Apply to return to the Goods Receipt screen.

Report 2A: Take a screenshot of the Goods Receipt BEFORE saving.

Click the Save icon.

Report 2B: Record the message received for the Material Document you just created.

3. Verify Goods/Material Receipt

Check the Stock/Requirements List to verify the Trading Goods you just received are in stock. To do this, click the app named:


Enter your Headlamp Kit (LAMP1###) into the Material field, then press Enter to pull up the Stock List.

Report 3: Take a screenshot showing the Materials you received are in stock.

4. Create Invoice Receipt

Create an Invoice Receipt for the Trading Goods you received; open the app named:


Enter the Invoice date (use today’s date), invoice Amount (the Net Value of the PO from Step 1) and USD as Currency. An invoice amount must be entered for this step to work correctly. Also enter XI (Input Tax). After entering the invoice Date, invoice Amount, Currency, and Tax Code (from the drop-down list), click the PO Reference tab; click in the empty field to search for your PO number. When the Search dialog box opens, use the Vendor field to perform your search, then click Execute. Select the correct PO from the displayed list and then click Copy. This will return you to the
Enter Incoming Invoice
screen. Press Enter to pull up the Vendor data. Activate the Booking OK checkbox in the line item. Click the Simulate button. Do NOT Save yet, even if everything is correct.

Report 4A: Take a screenshot of your Simulate screen.

Check to make sure the Bal. is equal to 0.00 (at the bottom of the screen) and that there is both a Debit and a Credit Line Item showing in the Simulated Posting. If not, leave the transaction and start again using the correct dollar value, or remember to click the Enter icon to retrieve Vendor data.

If your value is equal to 0.00, click Post at the bottom of the screen to save your Invoice.

Report 4B: Record the document number message received after saving.

5. Post Outgoing Payment

Post the Outgoing Payment to your Vendor. Use the app named:


Enter today’s date for the Document date, set the Period field to the current month (use 01 to 12) and check that KZ (Vendor Payment) appears as the Journal Entry Type. Under Bank data, enter 100000 for Account and the Invoiced amount from the previous step under Amount; enter USD as the Currency to the right of the Amount. Under Open Item Selection, click in the Account field, then search for your Vendor Account number. Once your Vendor number is entered, click Show Items.

All Open Items for the Vendor should appear as line items at the bottom of the screen. Check to see if your invoice is there. Click the Clear button to enter the payment information in the right pane.

Report 5A: Take a screen shot BEFORE saving this document.

Click POST to save your payment.

Report 5B: Record the displayed document number message.

6. Document the Outgoing Payment

Document the Outgoing Payment by reviewing the Display Supplier Balances report. Open the app named:


Search for your Vendor’s Account number and enter the Company Code (US00) and the Fiscal Year, then click GO to display the report. This report shows the transaction history for the selected Vendor in aggregated form; click the Balance under Debit to show all payment transactions as well as the large payment for the Purchase Order process you just completed.

Report 6: Take a screen shot showing the payment transaction history for your Vendor (make sure the current transaction amounts can be seen).

7. Show Status and History of Purchase Order

Display your PO and show its associated documents. Use the app named:


Enter ### in the Search field and your LAMP1### in the Material field. Click GO to pull up the list of Purchase Order Items.

Click Purchase Orders, then scroll down to find the Line Items from your latest PO.

Report 7A: Take a screenshot showing the Status of your PO items.

Click Goods Receipts and then scroll down to find your Vendor’s line items.

Report 7B: Take a screenshot showing the Goods Receipt line item of your PO.

Click Supplier Invoices; scroll down to find your Vendor’s line items.

Report 7C: Take a screenshot showing the Supplier’s Invoice line item for your PO.

Submit this as directed by your Instructor.

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