role play

i want a role play done according to instructions attached. how to close a deal example is on another pdf attached.

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Yashar Dehdashti, Ph.D.

for Win-Win


Prospecting &
Sales Call

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the Sales

Closing &



for Win-Win
Prospecting &
Sales Call
the Sales
Closing &

 What is the ultimate goal in the selling process?

 Closing the sale means obtaining a commitment from the
prospect or customer to make a purchase.

 Closing implies that the selling process has been
successful in reaching its ultimate goal (i.e., customer

 Where in the selling process does the close happen?

 The close does not necessarily happen towards the end!
 Closing can happen at any point in the selling process,

not just at the end of the sales presentation.

for Win-Win
Prospecting &
Sales Call
the Sales
Closing &

 Assumptive Close
 The natural assumption of the salesperson is that s/he will

 This method allows the salesperson to verbalize the

assumption of a sale to see if it’s correct:
 “I can ship it to you on Monday. I’ll go ahead and

schedule that.”
 “Let’s get this paperwork filled out so we can get the

order into the system.”
 “You need Model 455 to meet your specifications. I’ll

call and reserve one for you.”

 Minor Point Close
 Agreeing on something small might often lead to agreeing

with the whole deal

 “What color do you prefer?”
 “Do you want to use our special credit terms?”
 “When would you like our technical crew to do the


 Direct Close
 The most straightforward method of closing
 Use it when the buyer shows strong buying signals

 “It sounds to me as though you are ready to make the
buy. Let’s get the order into the system.”

 “If there are no more questions I can answer, I would
sure like us to do business today. What do you say?”

 Summary of Benefits Close
 It is formal
 Appropriate when the seller feels s/he should review the

sale terms

 “Ms. Buyer, we’ve agreed that our product will
substantially upgrade your technical capabilities, allow
you to attract new business, and all the while save you
money, isn’t that right? Let’s go ahead and place the
order today. I will have my service technician out to
train your staff next week.”

 Balance Sheet Close
 Gets the salesperson directly involved in helping the

prospect see the pros and cons of purchasing
 Creates a two column list: “Reasons for Buying” and

“Remaining Questions”
 Helps find out what is holding the prospect back

 “Mr. Buyer, let’s take a few minutes to list out and
summarize the reasons this purchase makes sense for
you, and also list any remaining questions you may
have. This will help us make the right decision.”

 Buy Now Close
 Creates a sense of urgency with the buyer to purchase


 “We have a price increase on this product effective in
two weeks. Orders placed today can be guaranteed to
ship at the current price.”

 “My company is running a special this week. This
product is currently 20% off the regular price.”

 “I’m almost out of stock on this product in our

 Get together in your chosen groups.
1. One group member should assume the role of the buyer

and another should assume the role of the seller.
2. Try two closing methods. Start with a method of your

choosing. The buyer does NOT agree. In the 2nd round,
use the buy now close to convince the buyer.

3. The selling object is up to you.
4. Write down a scenario for the interactions between the

buyer and the seller.
5. Send the final video to me by 11:59 pm Fri (10/23).

  • Session 19_10-20
  • ���MKT/MGT-3331-01 Sales Management�Fall 2020��Tue. 1:30-2:45 PM �Online through BB Collaborate�Thu. 1:30-2:45 PM �AMB 124�������
    Where We Are …
    �������Closing the Sale & Follow Up �����
    Where We Are …
    What is a Close?
    What is a Close?
    Closing Methods
    Closing Methods
    Closing Methods
    Closing Methods
    Closing Methods
    Closing Methods
    Closing Methods

Instructions for Role Play 4

For the Role Play 4, please do the following.

1. Look on BlackBoard under Users and Group/Groups to find out your group
number and refresh your mind as to who you are in a group with.

2. Get together in your chosen groups.

3. Try two closing methods. Start with a method of your choosing. The buyer does
NOT agree. In the 2nd round, use the buy now close to convince the buyer.

4. The choice of the selling object is up to you.

5. Write down a script for the interactions between the buyer and the seller. The

scenario should be 1.5 pages long (double-spaced, 12 font).

6. Send the script as a Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF file to me by 11:59 pm on
Thursday (10/23).

For working on group projects outside of the classroom time, the best online tool is
Microsoft Teams ( You just need to enter your TxWes
credentials and look up your teammates by name or email address.

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