Rhetorical Analysis

This analysis is limited to  500 words.

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To complete this assignment: 

• Read

Virginia Heffernan’s article, “Comment is King”

• Read

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“How to write a rhetorical analysis”

• Familiarize yourself with the

Rhetorical Triangle web page (Links to an external site.)

and with

the video lecture led by Professor Pearson (Links to an external site.)


Next, carefully read “

Why Our Memory Fails Us” by Christopher F. Chabris and Daniel J. Simons (Links to an external site.)

Once you have read through the arguments of Chabris and Simons, and feel that you have a solid grasp for the case they are making, click on the “Comments” section and select the tab for “Reader Picks”; carefully read the top three comments. Using Heffernan’s article, the Rhetorical Triangle website and video, and “How to write a rhetorical analysis” as your guide, methodically deconstruct arguments that are presented, both by Chabris and Simons, and the most popular comments. 

Drawing on your understanding of Logos, Pathos, and Ethos, analyze the argument presented by Chabris and Simons: 

• How do they build their case in what they see as the problems of relying on one’s memory? 

• Do they play on the emotions of their audience or do they rely more heavily on facts and studies? 

• What is their tone as authors? Reflect on why the top three comments were found to be convincing by so many other readers. What techniques using logos, ethos and pathos did they use to make their points so effectively?

Provide supporting evidence for your essay. Your evidence can come from any of the required readings for the week as well as outside sources. Use MLA citations for your sources outside class readings.

 Write a thesis statement at the top of your essay. This does not count against your 500 word limit. Failure to list a thesis statement will result in a deduction of 5 points.

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