Revising draft essay

1. Revise and rewrite the draft essay according to the feedback.

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2, The first attachment is the materials of essay, the second is the draft essay, and the third is the feedback for the draft essay.

Draft Submission for the four questions of strategic plan report (for those who will like feedback on their report).  

•  Feedback or opportunity for improvement will be provided to the draft.

The assignment is to be done individually.   

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  Here are two relevant research resources:

Use google Philippines.

In the library, the following database is very useful:

• Global  Newsstream :  Global  Newsstream enables users to search the most recent global news content, as well as archives which stretch back into the 1980s featuring content from newspapers, newswires, and news sites in active full-text format. This product provides one of the largest collections of news from the US, Canada, Europe, Africa, Asia, Latin America, and Australia. All titles are cross-searchable on the ProQuest platform allowing researchers easy access to multiple perspectives, resources, and languages on the topic they are researching .

Strategic Plan report

For one of the Inland Empire “client” firms (from the list in the course materials on the Blackboard), identify three potential Filipino-owned partner firms in the Philippines (using the internet and library research). 

· Develop a statement of strategic intent for your client firm, visualizing it one year from now, when it has formed relationships with all the three Filipino partner firms you are proposing, and explaining the vision, mission, values, arenas, vehicles, differentiators, staging, and economic logic at that time.

· Create a blue ocean strategy for your client firm to grow in the Philippines in collaboration with the three partner firms.  Identify what each partner allows your client firm to create resources, add capabilities, eliminate the limitations to core competencies, and reduce the limitations to dynamic capabilities and growth in the Philippines (using 2 x 2 chart).   Identify 1 bullet for each of the three partners (3 total) for each of the four boxes of the blue ocean strategy (12 total).  Use research on your three partner firms.

· Conduct a technological 3 M (monetary, machine, method) functional strategy analysis, organizational 3 M (manpower, material, marketing) functional strategy analysis, and ecosystem 3 M (manufacturing, motivating, manipulating) functional strategy analysis, for your client firm’s business in the Philippines.   For each of the analysis, identify which of the partners has a market taking approach, which has a market seeking approach, and which has a market making approach to each of the functions, and explain how they use that approach with respect to that function. Substantiate with research on each firm.  Briefly conclude by deciding for your client firm which partner firm to use for which of the nine functional strategies.

· Conduct a six forces analysis of the industry your client firm is in, using research and data on the industry in the Philippines

· Identify and analyze four different scenarios for the future competitive growth of your client firm in the Philippines,  in collaboration with the three partner firms separately (sequentially) and with a fourth partner of your choice (using 2 x 2 chart)

Your report must have at least six references besides the websites of the client and the partner firms, based on your research, besides the materials from this course, and cite them in the APA format.


Strategic Plan Report

Student’s Name: Zhanqiao Liang

Course Title: MGMT 3900

Instructor’s Name: Professor Vipin Gupta

Due date: 10.30.2020

Pixa Company, Core Application services Inc. and Tj wellness wealth are among the three potential Filipino-owned partner firms in the Philippines. A statement of strategic intent for my client is meant to set firms’ future to be strategic and broad policy directions. It gives the firm a clear path for the future (Minghui, Stone & Semedo, 2018). The strategic intent serves the purpose of why the firm exists and why it will live in the future by remaining competitive. It gives the firm a clear picture of what the firm must focus on to achieve its objectives and visions. It acts as a motivation to the stakeholders, and it gives clarity to the firm’s vision. It helps the management to focus more on the priorities.

The strategic intent will help influence the firm to see what is not achievable and provide a competitive environment. A well-elaborated strategic intent should be able to help the firm set its goals and objectives of what is required for them (Garcia, & Paguia, 2018). This includes focusing all the attention on the firm to achieve its vision. This is by motivating people by sharing your vision, which should be achievable. Strategic intent mainly focuses on building the firm from step one by utilizing other firms’ ideas and exploiting available resources to build an empire that will be competitive in the future.

The firm’s vision explains where the firm wants to be in the future or how it will meet the demands of the stakeholders. It describes in detail the dream of the firm and future aspirations. The firm may position itself in such a manner it wants to be operating in every corner of the world in the future. The vision describes the viewpoint of the company shortly. It helps to contribute to effective decision making as well as a business plan. Significant firms’ vision must be very clear, be simple to understand, must be shorter for the purposes of memorizing, and must harmonize the firms’ culture and values. The vision should be realistic such that it should be achievable.

The firm’s mission statement intends to serve the stakeholders. It states what the company is doing and the strategies laid down for the company to achieve its goals. A clear mission statement should state the firm’s kind of activities, the stakeholders, and what makes the firm unique from others. The mission should unique in such a way that it will be in everybody’s mind. It must be achievable and attainable (Minghui, Stone & Semedo, 2018). The mission should be motivating for the staff and stakeholders. It should be credible in such a way the stakeholders can be convinced easily. The mission should be simple in such a way that any action can be taken.

The value statement of the firm shows its soul. It clearly elaborates what the company believes in. mostly, they act as a referral to what the firm should do or not. It acts as a set of guidelines for the firm. Before the firm merges with other firms, it should elaborate on its values because they might be used as future reference. The statement clearly states the firms’ priorities, and this can be used as a useful tool for marketing. Examples of core values include integrity, servant leadership, respect, sportsmanship, and responsibility.

A good strategy for the firm will consider some elements to arrive at the answers. Question for arenas will be where the firm activeness will be, for the differentiators, the question will be how the firm will arrive where it wants to be, the vehicles is how the firm will win at the field/marketplace, the staging question will be what will be the speed, and the economic logic question will be how to obtain returns. The arena will focus on the areas the firm will specialize in. The differentiators are the unique features of the firm’s product that will help thrive from its competitors (Minghui, Stone & Semedo, 2018). Factors that help in selecting differentiators include the decisions made previously and the ability to come up and execute thriving differentiators that make tough decisions. The vehicles refer to ways for engaging in targeted arenas. There are different ways to make firms enlarge their market. Staging refers to the speed and timing of the available resources. This includes the capital and human resource. Economic logic refers to how all firms will make a profit. This will help the firms come up with ways on how to develop more revenue.

The blue ocean strategy will begin by knowing the business and the product to tackle. After having the right approach, build the team with confidence. Out of the Pixa Company, my clients will benefit from controlling pests and disease invasion out of pests invasion. Through the Core Application Service Inc, clients will benefit from system development, and TJ Wellness Company will help the clients become aware of their health issues (Larsen, 2017). The next step is to understand where I am by getting clear about the current state. The next step is to view where you want to be by ignoring all the limits and discovering a new clientele pool. The next step is to reconstruct the boundaries created by marketing and come with a new market strategy. Lastly, launching the blue ocean move and run a test in the market and finally concentrate on the potential of the market.

Factors taken for granted in the industry should be eliminated; factors that are below the standard of the sector should be reduced. Elements that the industry has never created, should be made. The characteristics that have never been raised way beyond the industry requirements, should be presented (Larsen, 2017). Four actions to create a blue ocean will involve the scenario of yellowtail wine. This is uplifting x by using partner one who already has uplifted x. uplift y by using partner two, who had already been uplifted z by using partner three, who had already uplifted z.

The two approaches to market-making (Blue ocean) strategy will include market-making, which comes up with an inclusive network, integrating, trading, and bringing on board stakeholders with a lot of influence of my strategic vision. The differentiation is another strategy that creates a diverse network, responding, and at the same time servicing stakeholders that do not have much influence. In market taking, partner 1 hire human resource with minimal commitment and its capacity for work done for cost-effective growth, partner 2 focuses more on a human resource that puts more effort in employees to develop new and innovative skills for improved development while partner 3 focuses more on employees for cost-effective differentiation.

The client should do away with business model costs by considering to work with partner one on his strategy, and the same case to the other partners with their plan. The client will add more value and differentiate the business model by working differently by handling each partner’s different systems. By reducing the unwanted costs and raise wanted benefits, the client will work with each partner differently with their different approaches.

The six force analysis will include; the potential entrants, substitutes, vendors, customers’ competitors, and complementors. For the potential entrants, I want to have knowledge on profile for the new firms producing music and, at the same time, know the factors influencing their strategic progress in the industry. For the substitutes, I want to have knowledge of what is in the profile of substitutes, and it does not produce music and know the factors that influence the growth in music (Larsen, 2017). For vendors, I want to know what is in their profile to input resources to firms that produce music and the factors that influence their growth. For the customers, I may want to know the profile of the music producing firm that customers select. The competitors, I want to know what is in their profile in the producing firm and commentators I want to know what is in their profile to what they add value to the music producing firms.

The Pixa Company that deals with pests’ remedies, cannot do well without reliable means of shipping to the rest of the world if the company wants to supply the products to the world. LBC is the most reliable company to use since it offers door to door delivery to the rest of the world. The Core Application Service Limited cannot increase its sales volume without proper marketing means despite the quality and reliability of its products. The best way to improve sales is through digital advertisement (Larsen, 2017). The TJ Wellness needs to have processing machinery for their products to increase their sales. The case of yellowtail wine eliminates the aging qualities, strict regulations, and different marketing styles. Raise the reality between cheap and expensive wines and retain involvement in the store. Reduce wine range and complexity and the prestige of vineyard. Create a comfortable type of selection, create more fun while enjoying the wine, and create how the drinking will be more pleasing.


Minghui, R., Stone, M., Semedo, M. H., & Nel, L. (2018). New global strategic plan to eliminate dog-mediated rabies by 2030. The Lancet Global Health, 6(8), e828-e829.

Garcia, R. C., & Paguia, D. (2018). Socio-Economic Need Assessment of a Rural Area in the Philippines. Available at SSRN 3303031.

Larsen, D. S. (2017). Strategic Plan Final Report. Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy, 41(2), 139-140.

Parker, L. E. (2018). Creation of the National Artificial Intelligence Research and Development Strategic Plan. AI Magazine, 39(2).


1) In Q 1, you should have a statement of strategic intent chart, filled in with your research findings.

2) In six forces analysis, make sure your analysis includes research related to the Philippines for each of the six forces. Your analysis should not be such that could be used for any nation. You should show evidence that your analysis is specific to the Philippines.

3)This report requires conducting research and creating tables and charts with information about different partner firms.  You have not done that.  I encourage you to look at the same report.   You will need to completely rewrite your report.

· Develop a statement of strategic intent for your client firm, visualizing it one year from now, when it has formed relationships with all the three Filipino partner firms you are proposing, and explaining the vision, mission, values, arenas, vehicles, differentiators, staging, and economic logic at that time.

· Create a blue ocean strategy for your client firm to grow in the Philippines in collaboration with the three partner firms.  Identify what each partner allows your client firm to create resources, add capabilities, eliminate the limitations to core competencies, and reduce the limitations to dynamic capabilities and growth in the Philippines (using 2 x 2 chart).   Identify 1 bullet for each of the three partners (3 total) for each of the four boxes of the blue ocean strategy (12 total).  Use research on your three partner firms.


Conduct a technological 3 M (monetary, machine, method) functional strategy analysis, organizational 3 M (manpower, material, marketing) functional strategy analysis, and ecosystem 3 M (manufacturing, motivating, manipulating) functional strategy analysis, for your client firm’s business in the Philippines.   For each of the analysis, identify which of the partners has a market taking approach, which has a market seeking approach, and which has a market making approach to each of the functions, and explain how they use that approach with respect to that function. Substantiate with research on each firm.  Briefly conclude by deciding for your client firm which partner firm to use for which of the nine functional strategies.

· Conduct a six forces analysis of the industry your client firm is in, using research and data on the industry in the Philippines

· Identify and analyze four different scenarios for the future competitive growth of your client firm in the Philippines,  in collaboration with the three partner firms separately (sequentially) and with a fourth partner of your choice (using 2 x 2 chart)

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