Revised Assessment 2


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Applying Research Skills

Learner’s Name

Capella University

Developing a Health Care Perspective

Applying Research Skills

February, 2018

Comment [A1]: You effectively used the APA
Template paper format.


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Applying Research Skills

With the advent of new technologies and treatment methods, health care organizations

are facing many challenges. Patient safety is one such challenge that needs to be addressed not

only by health care professionals but also by other stakeholders in the business. Ensuring patient

safety is essential for providing quality

health care.

As a medical transcriptionist, I am responsible for converting voice-recorded reports of

health care professionals into text. Although I am not directly involved in treating patients, any

errors that occur during the transcription process could result in inaccurate documentation of

medical data. For example, one of my colleagues documented the dosage of Lasix as 400 mg

instead of 40 mg in a discharge summary. When the health care professional who had dictated

the report reviewed it, he was able to spot the error in the dosage and correct it, which helped

prevent the patient from having a dangerous reaction to the incorrect dosage. This incident

helped me realize the importance of preparing accurate documents for ensuring patient safety

and delivering quality care. I developed a keen interest in issues relating to patient safety ever


Identifying Academic Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

Using Summon, Capella University Library’s search engine, I accessed databases relating

to health care, such as ProQuest Central and PubMed Central. I used keywords such as health

care issues, patient safety, and quality of care to search for peer-reviewed literature relevant to

patient safety. Using the advanced search option, I limited my search to scholarly and peer-

reviewed journals, choosing journal article as the publication type, medicine and nursing as the

subjects, and articles published within the last five years as the publication date range.

Comment [A2]: You effectively summarized a
health care problem and described an interest in the
topic, and provided an informative example.


Copyright ©2018 Capella University. Copy and distribution of this document are prohibited.

Assessing Credibility and Relevance of Information Sources

To ensure credibility, I selected peer-reviewed journal articles that were published within

the past five years. I made sure that the selected sources were published by authors who were

well-known in the field of health care and had extensive professional experience.

To ensure that the chosen sources of information were relevant to the topic, I confirmed

that they contained accepted facts and opinions on issues relating to patient safety and quality

care. I also checked whether each information source had a clearly defined purpose and

contained pertinent information about patient safety and quality care.

Annotated Bibliography

Kronick, R., Arnold, S., & Brady, J. (2016, August 2). Improving safety for hospitalized patients:

Much progress but many challenges remain. The JAMA Network, 316(5), 489–490.

Retrieved from https://jamanetwork-

This article provides a viewpoint on the progress that hospitals have made toward

reducing patient harm and understand the factors that have led to this progress. The

authors cite reports released by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)

and the National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) to analyze the occurrence of issues

relating to patient safety in hospitals. The authors hypothesize that improvement in health

care safety for hospitalized patients may have been possible because of reasons such as

an awareness of the importance of improving safety culture with evidence-based

suggestions. The authors conclude by expressing the need for finding ways to maintain or

accelerate the rate of decline in adverse events relating to patient harm. They believe that

Comment [A3]: Sub-headers are a helpful
resource to use to organize your writing!

Comment [A4]: As you noted, it is best to select
current peer-reviewed academic journal articles to
ensure current practices.

Comment [A5]: In your annotation, you
effectively identified the purpose of the article.


Copyright ©2018 Capella University. Copy and distribution of this document are prohibited.

investing in patient safety research programs and ensuring that patient safety remains a

high priority for hospital leadership teams can help reduce the number of adverse events.

This article is relevant to patient safety because it examines evidence of reduction in

patient harms in hospitals and offers approaches to reduce such harms.

Morris, S., Otto, N. C., & Golemboski, K. (2013). Improving patient safety and healthcare

quality in the 21st century—Competencies required of future medical laboratory science

practitioners. Clinical Laboratory Science, 26(4), 200–204. Retrieved from https://search-



In this article, the authors express their concern about health care professionals,

particularly medical laboratory science (MLS) practitioners, being insufficiently trained

to achieve the five core competencies that the Institute of Medicine (IOM) identified in

2002. The authors discuss ways to incorporate patient safety practices and concepts in the

MLS curricula to ensure that future MLS practitioners are well-versed in the above-

mentioned competencies identified by the IOM. The authors conclude that by focusing on

the aims and competencies identified by the IOM, future practitioners will be better

equipped to deal with patient safety concerns while practicing MLS. This article was

chosen because it offers a solution for dealing with patient safety issues and explains how

patient safety concepts can be incorporated in the curricula for courses pertaining to

Comment [A6]: In your annotation, you clearly
summarized the main argument and the topics


Copyright ©2018 Capella University. Copy and distribution of this document are prohibited.

health care, such as MLS, to enable future health care practitioners to provide effective

health care.

Parand, A., Dopson, S., Renz, A., & Vincent, C. (2014). The role of hospital managers in quality

and patient safety: A systematic review. BMJ Open, 4(9).


This article provides a systematic review of available empirical literature to understand

how health care managers are involved in delivering quality health care and ensuring

patient safety. Based on the literature review, the authors suggest that board-level

managers should spend more than 25% of their time on patient safety and quality to

ensure positive outcomes; however, most of the reviewed studies indicate that they spend

much less time than that. The authors also present a quality management input process

output (IPO) model, a framework that will help managers function effectively and

achieve health care quality and safety. The authors conclude that there is a need to make

certain changes in hospitals to ensure the active involvement of managers in quality

improvement. The article is relevant to patient safety because it discusses the role of

health care managers in influencing patient safety and quality care outcomes and also

proposes a model to help managers understand this role.

Ulrich, B., & Kear, T. (2014). Patient safety and patient safety culture: Foundations of excellent

health care delivery. Nephrology Nursing Journal, 41(5), 447–456, 505. Retrieved from


Comment [A7]: In your annotation, you
effectively included the conclusions and findings of
the article.

Comment [A8]: You listed the full reference for
the source in APA format (author, date, title,
publisher, et cetera) and used APA format for the
annotated bibliography. An impressive application
of APA formatting!


Copyright ©2018 Capella University. Copy and distribution of this document are prohibited.


This article provides a general understanding of the concepts of patient safety and patient

safety culture. The authors explain that the health care system is complex and patient

safety is the responsibility of every individual in a health care organization. They discuss

some tools that can be used to measure patient safety culture, for example, the Safety

Attitudes Questionnaire and the Patient Safety Culture Improvement Tool. They also

examine several strategies to encourage a patient safety culture, such as ensuring that

patient safety is given as much importance as other core business functions. This article

was chosen because it offers strategies for preventing adverse events relating to patient

safety and emphasizes the importance of teamwork within a health care organization to

ensure safe patient care.

Learnings From the Research

I gathered important facts and scholarly opinions about patient safety by going through

peer-reviewed journal articles. This research enriched my knowledge about patient safety. For

example, after reading the article on improving safety for hospitalized patients by Kronick,

Arnold, and Brady (2016), I learned about patient harms (such as catheter-associated urinary

tract infections and pressure ulcers) that I was unaware of before this research. Further, by

creating an annotated bibliography, I was able to build a repository of scholarly resources

relating to patient safety. This will make it easier for me to choose relevant resources while

writing the paper on issues concerning patient safety.

Comment [A9]: Peer-reviewed journal articles
are validated sources. Outstanding article choices!

Comment [A10]: You effectively summarized
the main points learned from your research.


Copyright ©2018 Capella University. Copy and distribution of this document are prohibited.


Kronick, R., Arnold, S., & Brady, J. (2016, August 2). Improving safety for hospitalized patients:
Much progress but many challenges remain. The JAMA Network, 316(5), 489–490.
Retrieved from https://jamanetwork-
Morris, S., Otto, N. C., & Golemboski, K. (2013). Improving patient safety and healthcare
quality in the 21st century—Competencies required of future medical laboratory science
practitioners. Clinical Laboratory Science, 26(4), 200–204. Retrieved from https://search-
Parand, A., Dopson, S., Renz, A., & Vincent, C. (2014). The role of hospital managers in quality
and patient safety: A systematic review. BMJ Open, 4(9).
Ulrich, B., & Kear, T. (2014). Patient safety and patient safety culture: Foundations of excellent
health care delivery. Nephrology Nursing Journal, 41(5), 447–456, 505. Retrieved from

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