Review the textbook chapters in ethical issues in research Review the textbook chapters on the ethical

The responsible conduct of research is essential to protecting both human and non-human animal subjects. Vulnerable populations have been exploited throughout the centuries, and even today, research subjects are at risk of injury or death. As a researcher, you must be able to identify potential areas of ethical concern. Sometimes these areas are obvious, whereas other times you must consider the far-reaching effects of the research on study participants.

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In this Discussion, you will consider the possible ethical dilemmas that might occur while conducting your research.

To prepare for this Discussion:

  • Review the textbook chapters in ethical issues in research
  • Review the textbook chapters on the ethical requirements for research
  • Consider the informed consent process needed for your research
  • Consider the potential populations participating in your search
  • Think about any conflict of interest for yourself or other members of the research team

By Day 4

Post a comprehensive response that addresses only the following:

  • Identify the population and setting of your research
  • What are two ethical issues that may affect your proposed research?
  • How can you avoid these issues?
  • Will your research require IRB or IACUC review? If so, what level of review? Why?

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