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Examining Alexa’s Skill in Ordering from Starbucks

Santosh Shrestha

University of Cumberlands

Business Intelligence – ITS-531

Dr. Steve Hallman

August 12, 2020

Examining Alexa’s Skill in Ordering from Starbucks

Amazon’s Alexa is one of the competitive voice assistant product in the market. It is capable of different voices and providing personalized responses (Sharda et al., 2020, p. 673). It comes with standard capabilities such as setting alarms, playing music, controlling smart home appliances, analyzing shopping cart, making phone calls and text messages and many more. In addition to the standard (native) abilities, people can use Alexa apps to download custom-made capabilities which is also referred to as Alexa Skills (Sharda et al., 2020, p. 674). Starbucks has collaborated with Amazon to in developing this Skill so that users can order drinks from Starbucks with the voice instruction given to Alexa. To activate this feature, it is required to enable the “Starbucks Reorder” skill using Alexa app. It is required to authenticate the Starbucks account to integrate between these two systems. One of the requirements is that the initial order cannot be placed through Alexa. Once the order is placed using Starbucks app, Alexa can reorder the item. In terms of mechanism behind this integration between Starbucks and Alexa, most of the heavy lifting is done in Starbucks system while Alexa is only instructing to order user’s last order. One of the reasons why Alexa has minimal functionality is to avoid the complications that user may go through. The skill is somewhat limited at the moment: you can only order a designated Usual drink by instructing Alexa to “tell Starbucks to start my usual order,” rather than ordering off the menu or changing up your routine (Liptak, 2017). It has provided convenience to the customers as they are able to place their regular orders easily using the voice assistant without having to wait in the line.


Liptak, A. (2017). You can now get Amazon’s Alexa to order your usual drink at Starbucks.

Retrieved from


Sharda, R., Delen, D., Turban, E. (2020). Robotics, Social Networks, AI and IoT. Analytics, data

science, & artificial intelligence: Systems for decision support (pp. 673-674). NJ, Pearson.

Week 7 – Discussion 1 2

Week 7 – Discussion 1

Akash Katragadda

ITS 531 – Business Intelligence

Dr. Steve Hallman

University of Cumberland’s


Alexa’s skill in ordering drinks from Starbucks

Artificial intelligence and advanced digital technology are overwhelming the world. Alexa has more aptitudes than any other time in recent memory, and Siri and Google Assistant have a lot of valuable apparatuses also. These stages influence one of the apparatuses that we as a whole convey each day our voice. Starbucks recently reported that they will let clients request utilizing their voice through another Alexa expertise and the Starbucks versatile application (Lignitz, 2017).

Alexa expertise is called Starbucks Reorder and permits clients to put in their standard requests as they approach their days. Presently you should simply say, “Alexa, request my Starbucks.” How’s that for extraordinary help. The new portable application highlight called My Starbucks Barista is fueled by AI and permits individuals to request and pay for their food and beverages with their voice (Lignitz, 2017). The informing interface will be natural to new and veteran clients of the application and it permits clients to talk or text simply like they were conversing with a barista IRL, drink customization’s incorporated.

Beforehand, early receiving brands like Dunkin’ Donuts and Coach have additionally evolved iMessage application to extend the span of their portable applications into messaging, yet none has tried to incorporate with Apple Pay for a smooth, rubbing less client experience like Starbucks is doing now (Hagan, 2017). The installment joining makes it simple and helpful for clients to produce gift vouchers, while he reconciliation with iMessage. makes a more private client experience that loans an individual touch to the gifting procedure. Together, they make for an incredible marked gifting experience that causes enroll more clients to utilize its versatile application and raises Starbucks’ image value. Therefore, brands hoping to remain associated with portable clients should take a signal and create comparative activities to investigate informing and conversational conditions (Hagan, 2017).

Hagan, J. (2017, April 4). Starbucks Launches An iMessage App That Let You Text Friends Gift Cards. Retrieved from IPG Media Labs:
Lignitz, S. (2017, January 30). You Can Now Place Your Starbucks Order With Alexa. Retrieved from Brit Co:

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Apple HomePod, Amazon Alexa, and Connected Devices

Santosh Shrestha

University of Cumberlands

Business Intelligence – ITS-531

Dr. Steve Hallman

August 12, 2020

Apple HomePod, Amazon Alexa, and Connected Devices

Apple HomePod is a virtual personal assistant by Apple. It consists of a great design, high fidelity speaker, Siri integration, tightly integrated apple music, and third-party music service support (Chase, 2019). It is required to be connected to the wireless network to communicate with other devices. It can connect with various smart devices such as Philips hue, Nest Cam, Smart refrigerator, and many more. The mechanism behind these connecting devices is that they have the capability of integrating with Apple HomePod. The account associated with these devices must be authenticated and, most of the time, connected in the same network. The HomePod functions as a hub for HomeKit, Apple’s smart-home platform (Chase, 2019). Smart devices such as Philips hue bulbs require a hub device to communicate with HomePod.

Amazon’s Alexa is undoubtedly the most selling virtual personal assistant device in the market. One of the most prominent examples of connected devices is Smart Plug. This plug can be controlled using Amazon Alexa and can be used to plug any devices and obliterates the idea of having to purchase a “Smart” device. iRobot Roomba, the smart vacuum cleaner is one of the popular smart devices that can be controlled using Alexa. Similarly, smart home surveillance cameras such as Ring Video Doorbell can be connected to the view live video on an Amazon Echo Show, the video-capable Amazon Alexa device (Griffith & Colon, 2019). In recent years, smart connected devices popularly referred to as the Internet of things (IoT) have gone mainstream and introduces much scope as well as security concerns.


Chase, J. (2019). Apple HomePod review: it only sounds great.

Retrieved from

Griffith, E. & Colon, A. (2019) The best smart home devices for 2020

Retrieved from

Week 7 – Discussion 2


Week 7 – Discussion 2

Akash Katragadda

ITS 531 – Business Intelligence

Dr. Steve Hallman

University of Cumberland’s


Apple Home Pod

The HomePod is amazing effectively combined with an iPhone; simply speak Hey Siri! from anyplace in the room and Siri responds with the its trusty gleaming globe illuminating on the speaker situated close by two volume control catches. “Hello Siri! Play Wake Up by Arcade Fire” – hang tight for affirmation and not long after the tune plays. We very appreciate requesting a recap of the present news toward the beginning of the day, sourced from the BBC or requesting the climate tomorrow. It sounds gimmicky yet it’s in reality more valuable and more utilized than we suspected (Beastall, 2019). Apple reveal to us that there are six mouthpieces from which HomePod can hear “Hello Siri” from over a room, in any event, when noisy music is playing-we never experienced Siri missing a stunt while requesting a solicitation, so can affirm this functions admirably.

HomePod isn’t only a keen music-speaker, it’s a Home Assistant as well, much like Google and Amazon’s more moderate renditions. HomePod can send messages by means of iMessage or WhatsApp, set clocks, updates and belt out shows on Apple Podcasts. It can likewise be utilized as a speakerphone with iPhone and with HomeKit to turn on or off lights and other HomeKit perfect embellishments (Beastall, 2019).

Alexa Smart Home

Amazon confirmed that Alexa was perfect with 20,000 items in September 2019, the organization has “expanded the quantity of items that help Alexa by 200%” in last eight months (Stables, 2020).

An Alexa speaker has the ability to control your lights, plugs and different gadgets and it’s so natural to set up. To begin with, you’re going to require some Alexa perfect gadgets, which including savvy bulbs, for example, Philips Hue or LifX, associated plugs, trailed by brilliant home centers, indoor regulators and surveillance cameras. Purchasing an associated bulb is the least difficult approach to gain Alexa to power your home lighting, yet it very well may be somewhat unreasonable on the off chance that you have enormous number of bulbs around the room. Alexa truly begins to bode well in your home when controlling brilliant home tech from an Echo gadget (Stables, 2020). Alexa is very capable at making savvy home tech cooperate. It’s anything but difficult to set up single order bunches that can control various lights, plugs and different gadgets together which implies a solitary order can set the disposition in your whole house, be it strolling in the entryway, preparing for some TV time, or simply turning everything off before bed.

Beastall, C. (2019, June 15). A week with the Apple HomePod. Retrieved from Ape to Gentleman:
Stables, J. (2020, July 16). Build an Alexa smart home: How to connect lights, plugs and more. Retrieved from The Ambient:

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