Response to Discussion 6 (2) CM

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Sheree Watson

I love this question simply because this something I break down to my students a lot. Like I stated before my students are from a very poor area. They see a lot of things in their neighborhood. They also witness many things in their neighborhood. Some of my students are involved in real gang. I know some of my kids can’t help what happen in their lives outside of school. But they have even discuss what is going on in their lives with me and I love it. We have a strong bond now and it continue to build. When I see my students are stressed out I pull them to the side and ask what is going and see can I help in anyway. They usually tell me what’s going on. I simply try not to judge but I’m going to tell them my honest opinion and I’m sure they are really okay. I’m not only their teacher I go into mama mood too. The kids call me mama bear or ma sometimes and I think it’s cute. I know some of them don’t like school because of their environment. Like I told them I’m not going to push college on you all but you can go take up a trade and make more than a drug dealer. I also let my students know the streets is never the answer. It is so much that my kids are facing in their neighborhood. I want them continue to know they have so many opinion out here in this world other being in the streets. That’s why I continue to have the one on one with them. I will always be that person they can lean on. Like I stress from the first day of school respect will take you a long way. I want them to show everyone respect even outside of my classroom. Everything don’t deserve a reaction. My students attitude be on all time high when they get mad. One thing I tell them don’t ever let nobody take you out your comfortable zone baby words can’t hurt. So when they are in their environment they won’t have unnecessary problem with anyone. I’m trying to help mold successful men and women. And I continue to say my kids because when they are in my care they are my kids. I don’t care how much a child misbehave they all want to be loved on.


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Marquia Berry

              Being a teacher will not be an easy task. I am also well aware that students will come from various paths of life. This meaning, that they will not have the same upbringings, teachings, rules, guidelines, positive role models at home etc. that they can follow. I know that when dealing with my students I will have to keep an open mind.

              As the teacher and leader of the classroom, I am the person who will set the tone of what is expected from the students. By setting the tone, it is up to me to set rules and guidelines of how the students in my classroom are expected to behave. Once those guidelines have been set and discussed, if they are not followed then the students should know what the consequences are that follows misbehavior. Marshall stated some key steps that motivate the students’ behavior. The step that stood out to me was promoting the desire to do the right thing instead of obedience. Not all children are obedient to their caregivers/parents at home so they do not want to feel like someone is telling them what to do, especially if they don’t follow those same guidelines at home. I believe that giving the rules to follow and holding them to that standard is what will promote them to do the right thing. For instance, if I am making a rule of not being late to class but I constantly show up late every day and I am unprepared to teach, then what does that say about timeliness? Being late, absent, and not being prepared to learn will not matter to the students. Some students need to see that positive example in order to reach the higher levels of hierarchy that Marshall has outlined. I will try to be the best example of what should be done, while setting the rules of what is expected from my students.


Brensha Richardson

A couple of years back, an understudy of mine lost his dad to a sudden disease that messed up. After two days my understudy came to class. Amazed, I let my understudy realize that in the event that he expected to go on vacation to be with his family, I would later work with him to assist him with making up for lost time with materials he would miss. I was allowing him to be missing from class. He would not like to. Actually, he said that being in class helped him disregard his issues.

His explanation impacted me. As an understudy, and even now as an instructor, being in class has consistently offered me a safe-haven where I could tune down everything else and submerge myself in a network of information searchers, if just for a couple of hours every week.

Today, developing quantities of schools and colleges all over the nation – including Dartmouth College, Rice University and Stanford University, among numerous others – are incidentally dropping their up close and personal classes to manage the effect of the COVID-19 circumstance. The discussions on our grounds, just as on proficient Listservs, have gone to the subject of scholastic progression plans as the country keeps on managing the effect of COVID-19. As I glance through the materials set up by different educating and learning focuses and instructional innovation gatherings, I have seen that the assets have zeroed in solely on the hows of innovation: devices to record addresses, make conversations and delegate tests. However while the mechanical skill to basically interface with our understudies is essential, it isn’t adequate to proceed with the instructing and learning attempt.

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