Response to Classmates Discussions

Response to these classmate discussions 100 – 200 words. These is 4 document uploaded with 2 classmates each and their discussions. All you have to do is response to the discussion that is all. 100 – 200 word will do 

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BUS 637 Week 5 – Discussion Forum 2

Guided Response: Respond to at least two of your fellow students’ or instructor posts in a substantive manner and provide information or concepts that they may not have considered. Each response should have a minimum of 100 words and be respectful of others’ opinions and beliefs that differ from your own. Support your position by using information from the week’s readings. You are encouraged to post your required replies earlier in the week to promote more meaningful and interactive discourse in this discussion forum. Continue to monitor the discussion forum until Day 7 and respond with robust dialogue to anyone who replies to your initial post.

Solai Meyappan

WednesdayOct 21 at 6:04pm

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The proposed standards outlined in the article do have worldwide application. In order to compile the proposed standard, the world’s largest companies were examined (Paine et al., 2005). This signifies that the collected data was from a global pool, rather than one region. This means that various cultures, religions, and other environment-specific differences between countries were taken into account. Some of the core competencies summarized by the standard principles include honoring agreements, respecting human rights, and maintaining the community’s health and safety (Paine et al., 2005). These guidelines are universally important. Regardless of location, most people can agree that the standard principles have merit and are essential to doing business safely and with integrity. 

The eight outlined guiding principles are proficient when defining world-class ethics standards. These eight principles breakdown into numerous key concepts. In turn, providing a comprehensive description of what a world-class ethically run company entails. Another benefit of the eight guiding principles is its simplicity. These eight principles can be universally understood in a timely manner. While concise, the eights proposed codes are expansive enough to help guide a company into developing world-class ethics standards.  

The eight guiding principles have application in small and large organizational settings. There is definite value in implementing the eight guiding principles as a foundation in my organization. When an organization is still in the process of defining their codes of conduct, the eight guiding principles can have the most impact. When organizations are still defining standards, they are not set in their ways. As a company becomes more established, it can become difficult to break old habits. While the eight guiding principles can help redefine a company’s codes of conduct, it is easier if it is the company’s baseline to expand and tailor when setting expectations.

Linked is an article that defines additional ethical behaviors that are geared towards healthcare professionals: (Links to an external site.)



Paine, L., Deshpandé, R., Margolis, J. D., & Bettcher, K. E. (2005). 

Up to code: Does your company’s conduct meet world-class standards?

 Harvard Business Review, 83(12), 122–133

Elyse Dinome

YesterdayOct 22 at 9:03am

Manage Discussion Entry

Guidelines are more of a loose recommendation that is given. They are looked at as what you should do, but if you go down your own path that is most likely okay as well and there really is not punishment for not following them. Rules are something that is more set in stone and can have consequences if not followed. On the other hand, rules are orders that call for punishment if not obeyed.  After reading the required article, it seems that the eight given can be applied worldwide and no matter the cultural differences most of them are applicable in every country.

Everyone wants to be treated with respect and loyalty, the importance of each of these principles just may be weighed different depending on where you go. I looked at a lot of these as social standards whether it be in business or not, these principles seem to follow some sort of unspoken worldwide standard. In my organization I think that I would use the eight principles as a guideline to the behavior expected out of my employees. I feel as though all eight can be accomplished in a larger organization, if it is a smaller business it may need to be scaled down a little bit to fit the nature of the environment since it can be a more personal/intimate experience.

Paine, L., Deshpandé, R., Margolis, J. D., & Bettcher, K. E. (2005). 
Up to code: Does your company’s conduct meet world-class standards?
 Harvard Business Review, 83(12), 122–133

Week 5 – Discussion Forum 1

Guided Response:


Respond to at least two of your fellow students’ or instructor posts in a substantive manner and provide information or concepts that they may not have considered. Each response should have a minimum of 100 words and be respectful of others’ opinions and beliefs that differ from your own. Support your position by using information from the week’s readings. You are encouraged to post your required replies earlier in the week to promote more meaningful and interactive discourse in this discussion forum. Continue to monitor the discussion forum until Day 7 and respond with robust dialogue to anyone who replies to your initial post.

Lisa Schreiner

SundayOct 18 at 12:32pm

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Site usability refers to the simplicity people find while using a website. Technopedia (n.d.) discusses simplicity as the ease in navigation, attractive use of font size and color, automatic page resizing based on device use, and promotions.

An article with sound usability from the Nielsen Norman Group (n.d.) is Refine, Remodel, Rebuild: 3 Strategies for Experience Improvement. The article reflects the following two practices; reviewing the opportunities available for improvement in the customer service experience and detailing three specific options to follow as the organization deems fits its strategy.

An article that offers information about practices that frustrate usability from the Nielsen Norman Group (n.d.) is Opening Links in New Browser Windows and Tabs. The article reflects the difficulty people find using multiple web browsers windows and the cumbersome nature relative to mobile devices versus computers. These practices create confusion and frustration among users with lost material, pop-ups, and downloads; those less tech-savvy lose interest, therefore lose a customer.

The Nielsen Norman site could undoubtedly be more usable with a description of its offering at the top and more attractive coloring and fonts to start. Using drop-down menus to filter options is efficient for sorting through multiple changes. Opening links automatically to a new web browser is nice to keep the original search page intact.




Nielsen Norman Group. (n.d.). Articles & Videos. (Links to an external site.)

Technopedia. (n.d.). Website Usability. (Links to an external site.)

Britney Graves

MondayOct 19 at 3:33pm

Manage Discussion Entry

Usability isn’t just about how well users can find what they’re looking for on a website. (Witten, 2018) explains that “The usability of a website tells us how effectively, efficiently, and satisfactorily its visitors or users can see, or examine by other means, the website. That includes everything a user would typically experience when they visit the website, including any navigation bars, menus, content, images, videos, hyperlinks, buttons, forms, games, etc.” (p. 3).
Usability is a plethora of components that come together that impact the experience of the person. It can influence their thought on your product and if they want to revisit your site. For this discussion, I’ve decided to view the Red Bull website and found its usability to be one of the best I’ve experienced. There are only four tabs, so it wasn’t overwhelming. There were no subcategories, which reduced search time and frustration. Finally, the images were strategically placed and limited, which help avoid an eyesore.

One website provided insight into having multimedia on websites. (Nielson, 1995) says, “Unconstrained use of multimedia results in user interfaces that confuse users and make it harder for them to understand the information. Not every webpage needs to bombard the user with the equivalent of Times Square in impressions and movement” (p. 1). Having too much movement, photos, or colors can distract users and rush them off the site. There are many things that frustrate usability; however, the one that stuck out to me the most was registering to view the site. (Kumar, 2019) explains, “This mistake is commonly made by e-commerce sites. For instance, you must have come across plenty of sites that ask you to register before you checkout. I am sure 9 times out of ten you must have abandoned such sites” (p. 2).

Information on both sites was useful, but I do have critiques about each site. Nielson’s site doesn’t offer suggestions on how much is too much. For example, having five different colors and five pictures may seem to look perfect for the web designer, but Nielson may consider that too much. While registration may seem like a hassle Kumar doesn’t consider that some of the sites that ask you to register are because the site is for paying customers, which keeps the site running. Or they’re hoping to obtain your email to send out discount codes.

After learning about site usability and visiting the Red Bull site, I would make changes to the Nielson Norman site for usable. First, the site was filled a lot of text, and while there might be great information there, it was too overwhelming to read. Second, the site’s background was plain and uninviting.


Kumar, S. (2019, September 15). 10 Characteristics Of A Bad User Experience. Usability Geek. (Links to an external site.)


Red Bull Gives You Wings. Red Bull.

Witten, B. (2018, March 13). What Is Website Usability & Why Is It Important?–Why-Is-It-Important (Links to an external site.)


BUS 638 Week 5 – Discussion Forum 1

Guided Response:


Respond to at least two of your classmates by commenting on their posts with constructive comments that move the conversation forward. Though two replies are the basic expectation for class discussions, for deeper engagement and learning, you are encouraged to provide responses to additional students and to respond to any comments or questions from other students. In addition, responding to the instructor’s questions or comments is mandatory. Continuing to engage with peers and the instructor will further the conversation and provide you with opportunities to demonstrate your content expertise, critical thinking, and real-world experiences with the discussion topics. If you share additional resources, please follow APA format guidelines to cite the resources.

100 – 200 Word

David Harris

WednesdayOct 21 at 6:34pm

Manage Discussion Entry

What are the unique characteristics of the four P’s in your selected foreign target market?

The four P’s are product, price, promotion, and place. Egypt is our selected target market. The product offerings in Egypt are unique and full of culture. Fez Tarboosh is a special item sold in Egyptian markets. Fez Tarboosh is a special for its citizens. When it comes to price, Egypt is considered a very cheap country. Television is the most efficient way to promote products in Egypt. Egypt is a lot of desert, there is only a small majority of space to conduct business.

Does your target market have niche markets inside of the target market that will provide additional marketing opportunities?

While there is not s specific niche market in Egypt, the way Egyptians are shopping is changing. The Egyptian market is trending now to an online type of market. Online growth rate has seen massive improvement and now sits between 150% – 200% as of 2018. The growth of e-commerce shopping in Egypt is opening the ability to cater to niche markets.

Share examples of marketing of a similar product or service in your selected foreign market and describe the four P’s.

The four P’s of marketing will begin to have an effect in the Egyptian market. As previously mentioned the e-commerce market is beginning to boom in Egypt opening up the ability for niche markets. This will also open up other markets in retail brand names, from local and international markets

Find and share an example of a marketing error in your foreign market and describe how you will ensure your team does not face similar challenges.

Egypt has been known to make some marketing errors, especially when trying to attract foreign business in the form of tourism. Egypt in the past has posted websites, without attachable and working links. They have made other careless mistakes by linking twitter and Facebook together, which makes the link unusable.

Find and share an example of a global or international marketing campaign that utilizes corporate social responsibility (CSR) to promote the global image of the global firm (Links to an external site.)




GPSMYCITY Inc. (2018, August 28). 17 Uniquely Egyptian Things to Buy in Cairo. Retrieved October 21, 2020, from

Egypt: Reaching the consumer. (n.d.). Retrieved October 21, 2020, from (Links to an external site.)

Peng, M. W. (2017). 

Global business (4th ed.)

. Retrieved from

Jason Stack

WednesdayOct 21 at 7:09pm

Manage Discussion Entry

International Marketing

            The four P’s of marketing could be considered a pillar of marketing foreign or domestic, but let us discuss them in an international situation. The country of choice is Swede. Therefore we will be looking at the four P’s (Product, Price, Promotion, and Place) in this market. REI is an outdoor sport, camping, hiking, and clothing supplier for outdoor enthusiasts, which is precisely the product that will be supplied. Specific detail must be paid to Pricing, as Peng (2017) suggests that customers are price sensitive. It is essential that products not be priced so high to deter customers and ensure a maximum profit. Next, the promotion of the first international expansion of the REI CO-OP is the world-famous outdoor enthusiastic country of Sweden via several media forms. Last, the place of the product is another essential part of the marketing mix. More exact than just the country, the first international storefront placement must have enough population to support the sales and be as close as possible to supple the countries’ outdoor activists. Additionally, REI wants to appeal to those seeking activewear that might not be exactly looking for outdoor supplies. This could be the inside niche market REI can explore further once established.

            There has already been some research to whom will be our largest competitors in the Swedish market. A near domestic equivalent to REI in the Swedish market is outnorth. They offer similar products with more predominant European produced products. Another identified competitor in the Swedish market is Naturkompaniet. This organization goes a little further into supply the outdoor enthusiast with offerings to the bushcraft community to outdoor activity vacations. These are two organizations that REI must evaluate closely and see what they do great and what could be improved. Now that we have explored a few competitors that REI will have with the Swedish entrance let us look at some marketing challenges.

            REI is a cooperative of outdoor enthusiasts, a great combination of the Swedish community’s socialistic and energy sustainability ideals. One mistake that organizations find is how much the country is concerned with green technologies. Therefore one of the biggest mistakes of an American organization moving into the Swedish community would be to uphold that egocentric wasteful American stereotype where big is better even at the expense of wastefulness. REI Co-op holds some of the same ideals within its organization, making Sweden such a great fit. Additionally, corporate social responsibility can be utilized as a part of a marketing campaign, so let us look a an example.

            Organizations find that doing good for the environment or promoting some activity that betters our lives is a powerful marketing strategy. Organizations such as Bosch and lego are investing much in reducing carbon footprints, addressing climate change, reducing waste, and investing in environmental protection technology. According to the Digital Marketing Institute, the upcoming Millenials and Generation Z have a considerable connection to organizations participating in such activities and supporting those companies with an active CSR program (par. 5). These two organizations invest hundreds of millions of dollars into CSR programs, and their customers recognize and invest in like-minded organizations.

Peng, M. W. (2017). Global business (4th ed.). Retrieved from

Simon @ DMI. (2019, November 15). 16 Brands Doing Corporate Social Responsibility Successfully. Digital Marketing Institute.

BUS 638 Week 5 – Discussion Forum 2

Guided Response:


Respond to at least two of your classmates by commenting on their posts with constructive comments that move the conversation forward. Though two replies are the basic expectation for class discussions, for deeper engagement and learning, you are encouraged to provide responses to additional students and to respond to any comments or questions from other students. In addition, responding to the instructor’s questions or comments is mandatory. Continuing to engage with peers and the instructor will further the conversation and provide you with opportunities to demonstrate your content expertise, critical thinking, and real-world experiences with the discussion topics. If you share additional resources, please follow APA format guidelines to cite the resources.

100 – 200 Word

Marc Anthony Reynoso

YesterdayOct 22 at 9:03pm

Manage Discussion Entry

Hi class,


When considering the pros and cons of HCN’s knowledge of the local culture and business practices, and locals are fluent in the language and can manage workers using local resources, which are strong pros. A con may be that individuals in the HCN don’t consider international dynamics when viewing day-to-day operations. It is vital for companies to be diverse and have an open mind. On the contrary, pros for onboarding TNCs and PCNs, include diversity among individuals and thoughts and best practices. Cons for onboarding TNCs and PCNs, include the pool of people with necessary job skills, could be limited, and they may not understand the company’s values or common practices (O’Donnell, n.d).
To mitigate the risks of hiring the wrong individuals, it is vital to strategize because picking the wrong individuals will negatively affect the company. It is essential to cast a narrow net as this allows for more direct and effective individuals. Casting a wider net gives one a broader applicant pool. And more choices are always better than fewer (O’Donnell, n.d). Another strategy to practice is using technology to narrow down the pool of candidates. Using an applicant tracking system casts a wide net to bring in applicants by driving traffic directly to your posting, and it screens for the top candidates immediately (O’Donnell, n.d).
Regarding the compensation systems in China, it is important to incorporate a compensation package and bonus offers. Employers can appreciate their hard work by bonuses, either at a fixed interval, distributed monthly, quarterly, and annually. Hence, their expected frequency should be stated in the employee’s contract (Shen, 2018).
It is common practice in China to act ‘accordingly’ when considering laying off or reducing pay. Acting ‘accordingly’ means one should not just fire or reduce someone’s wages in China and expect to walk away unscathed. Yang states, In a termination setting, one needs to negotiate a deal with the employee where the money is paid, and in return, there is a signed agreement (Yang, 2020).


-Marc Anthony 




Stevenson, M. (2017, January 29). The Pros and Cons of Hiring Locals over Expats. HR Exchange Network. (Links to an external site.)


O’Donnell, R. 7 Common Hiring Mistakes (and How to Avoid Them). Recruiterbox Blog. (Links to an external site.)


Shen, J. (2018, June 15). How to Structure a Compensation Package in China. FDI China. (Links to an external site.)

Yang, G. (2020, August 5). China Employee Layoffs and Salary Reductions: An Admittedly Warped View. China Law Blog. (Links to an external site.)

Michelle Buckley

YesterdayOct 22 at 7:59pm

Manage Discussion Entry

As part of the international HR Team faced with hiring a transition team and permanent positions in Shanghai, China there are several considerations to take into account. The Division Head would like to take a geocentric approach which Peng (2017) defines as a method to find the most suitable managers, regardless of nationality. These leaders can be host country nationals (HCNs) or expatriates who can either be parent-country nationals (PCNs) or third-country nationals (TCNs). HCNs are advantageous because language and cultural barriers do not exist however, communication and coordination with headquarters can be impeded. PCNs have the advantage of having close cooperation with headquarters however, these positions are more costly because the company usually covers additional living expenses in a foreign country. And TCNs have the advantage of being a neutral new connection between headquarters and the host country, but this could impede relationships with other employees and the host country’s government (Peng, 2017).

To reduce the likelihood of expatriates (PCNs and TCHs) returning early, not meeting their objectives, or otherwise failing, multinational companies (MNCs) should take care of the selection processes.  The person should have a strong command of the local language, be adaptable to local culture, have strong emotional intelligence, have a positive outlook, and have previous international experience.  In addition, the family of the expatriate must also be supportive of the decision to move internationally.

Currently, compensation systems in Shanghai, China are much less incentive and merit-based than those in the United States. Peng (2017) states, “collectivistic Chinese managers would prefer more equal compensation when compared with their individualistic US counterparts” (Peng, 2017, p. 496). With this information, a hiring manager might lean towards hiring more HCNs for cost savings. However, “China and Shanghai in particular, currently has a huge undersupply of talent particularly among mid to senior-level positions in both domestic and MNCs” (Lee, 2013, para. 1). With the geocentric approach this MNC is taking, the best fit for the role should be chosen.

When it comes to the practice of downsizing or reducing costs, companies must decide whether to lay-off employees or implement pay cuts across the board. The current pandemic has made this a very real scenario for many companies. According to Cho (2020), many companies in China in a variety of industries are negotiating with employees to implement pay and benefit cuts rather than having to lay off employees. Creating a hiring and human resource management process for an expanding MNC is complex and decisions should be considered from many angles. 


Cho, Y. (2020, March 14). Wage cuts begin in China as coronavirus weakens companies. NikkeiAsia. (Links to an external site.)

Lee, A. (2013, December 16). How do salary levels compare to the cost of living in Shanghai? Quora. (Links to an external site.)

Peng, M. W. (2017). 

Global business (4th ed.)

. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)

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