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respond to the two classmates in a 175 word count separately and include reference and citations

Tina Sanchez

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Hello Class!

Read Ch. 9 of 
Exploring Research and respond to
the “Test Yourself” section on p. 199.

What do you think a primary advantage of an interview is over a more structured tool such as a questionnaire, and when might you want to use the interview technique?

I believe the primary advantage of an interview rather than a questionnaire is that the interviewer will be able to observe non verbal cues and communication. The interviewee can answer the questions but the body language tells otherwise. Some of the questions asked may make the interviewee appear to be more nervous or more emotions in which, it should be noted or collected. These non verbal cues or communication will allow the interviewer note on how the person was emotionally and mentally. The more ‘personal’ data, the interviewer will be able to make an effective decision. In general, interviews are most personable and flexible. It can really lead to other topics and get to know the person in a deeper level rather then questionnaire. Sometimes, quesionnaires might not even truly define the person and lose a chance for someone to get to know the interviewee.

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Jenny Parden

Tuskegee Syphilis Study

– Discussion Starter

Good Afternoon Class, there is a classic example of this in history. Do you remember talking about the Tuskegee Syphilis Study? Here is a very brief account of the study:

In 1932, the Public Health Service, working with the Tuskegee Institute, began a study to record the natural history of syphilis in hopes of justifying treatment programs for blacks. It was called the “Tuskegee Study of Untreated Syphilis in the Negro Male.”

The study initially involved 600 black men – 399 with syphilis, 201 who did not have the disease. The study was conducted without the benefit of patients’ informed consent. Researchers told the men they were being treated for “bad blood,” a local term used to describe several ailments, including syphilis, anemia, and fatigue. In truth, they did not receive the proper treatment needed to cure their illness. In exchange for taking part in the study, the men received free medical exams, free meals, and burial insurance. Although originally projected to last 6 months, the study actually went on for 40 years.

Here is one link for more information. Also, there is an excellent book titled Bad Blood that tells the entire story.

A lot happened in Tuskegee. There is also a historical example of segregation with the Tuskegee Airmen. 

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