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The translation model that provides a framework for practice change

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            The most concern and unmet challenges towards the prevention and control of the epidemic obesity at the national and state level (Florida) are on how to ensure that the socially deprived individuals are benefiting from the interventions proposed by public health. There is a disproportionately increased level of obesity amongst ethnic minority, individuals with lower income, and other population who are marginalized. The present policies, systems, and the interventions aimed at addressing the environmental issues are targeted at promoting the physical, economic, social, and information environment, but are not considering the inquiries into the environmental context thus increasing the level of disparities when it comes to dealing with obesity (Willows et al., 2016).

            Therefore, the effective method that can be adopted to help in dealing with the issue of obesity among the population is the adoption of the analysis grid for environment linked to obesity (ANGELO) model. This model is helping in dissecting obesity-promoting environments (intervention settings) on both macro or micro level and the kind of food or the exercise activity influences. This model is pointing out the importance of the policy, system, and environment (PSE) towards changing the determinants of the type of food being offered and availability in the places of employment, learning institutions, public places, and restaurants among other places (Kumanyika, 2019). ANGELO model is considered to be a participatory way of developing community-driven health programs. The model gives an opportunity of involving the community members in the implementation program by actively taking part in planning, implementing, and leading to short and long-term benefits in the healthcare outcomes. 

The value of the interprofessional team in addressing the practice problem

            Obesity is considered to be a complex systems issue whereby personal actions associated with nutrition and physical activity interacting with the genetical features, socioeconomic aspects like the availability of healthy foods, knowledge about the healthy diet, and the types of the physical exercise. This challenge is also witnessed in the treatment process by the healthcare providers due to the barriers related to the deficiency in knowledge and training on aspects of the present evaluation process and counseling approaches as well as the behavioral management methods on obesity (Sanchez-Ramirez et al., 2018).

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            The complexities being experienced as well as the multifactorial nature of the obesity disease makes healthcare providers overwhelmed. The consequences is that most of the healthcare providers avoid these problems altogether since they do not feel comfortable about conversing issues related to overweight and obesity with the clients (Sanchez-Ramirez et al., 2018). Other healthcare providers do consider obesity as a public health issue and that there is a lack of enough resources to help in dealing with it.

            The process of dealing with these challenges requires joint effort and interprofessional collaboration. Obesity is a greater threat to health and it requires a consistent approach towards addressing the issue. Evidence has confirmed that the interprofessional team are important in the improvement of the obesity outcomes. Therefore, the process of motivating healthcare professionals to work collaboratively with individuals from other fields and disciplines in providing all-inclusive healthcare services is important in the successful management of obesity conditions. The World Health Organization (WHO) is reporting that the implementation of the interprofessional collaboration, learning to work as a team, respecting the perspective of another person in the healthcare, and multiple disciplines help work effectively towards the improvement of the patient outcomes (Sanchez-Ramirez et al., 2018).

            The obesity care team can include the obesity care providers such as the physician, nurse-practitioner, physician assistant, obesity educator, registered nurse, registered dietitian, the registered pharmacist, and the mental healthcare providers. These teams work together to provide an insight into the success, concerns, and struggles. They help in prescribing medication, recommending the goals for the body mass index (BMI), order the laboratory tests, provide the physical examination, make recommendations that are based on the individual needs, guiding on a healthy diet, and offering the psychological support to the patients especially when the mental status of the patient is affected by the condition (Sanchez-Ramirez et al., 2018).    

The strategies to be implemented to inspire others towards embracing the change

            The successful strategy that can be adopted is one that is aimed at changing the lifestyle of the population. The lifestyle choices, in this case, are those which exposes a patient to the risk of developing obesity disease. Therefore, it is important to ensure that there is the availability of information about healthy food and beverages. This is important in ensuring that the population are eating food and attaining the dietary guidelines for the fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and the non-fat or low-fat dairy products (Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 2016). For the school going children, it would be important to create a local school wellness policy to help in the promotion of health and the reduction of childhood obesity.

            Another strategy is to encourage physical activity and limiting the sedentary activity among youths and children. This is important in creating safe communities that are supporting physical activity and discouraging or limiting the number of hours that children are spending while watching the television (Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 2016). 


Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. (2016). Position of the Academy of Nutrition and. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 116(1), 129-147.

Kumanyika, S. K. (2019). A framework for increasing equity impact on obesity prevention. American Journal of Public Health, 109(10), 1350-1357.

Sanchez-Ramirez, D., Long, H., & Hein, C. (2018). Obesity education for front-line healthcare providers. BMC Medical Education, 18, 278.

Willows, N., Fehderau, D. D., & Raine, K. D. (2016). Analysis Grid for Environments Linked to Obesity (ANGELO) framework to develop community-driven health programmes in an Indigenous community in Canada. Health Soc Care Community, 24(5), 567-575. https://doi:10.1111/hsc.12229.

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