Researsh Paper

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Topic: Software Vulnerability Analysis

Research Paper Instructions

Your Research Paper needs to focus on one or more themes covered in this INFA 670 capstone course. The themes include: software assurance and confidence, certification, formal verification, vulnerability analysis, auditing systems, secure software development, and build in security from the ground up.

The INFA program is a Professional Science Master’s program. As such as, you are encouraged to choose a topic that is relevant to your place of work. Getting input or feedback from your employer on your topic and approach is very much encouraged. The course being a capstone course,  this research paperwork gives you an opportunity to incorporate knowledge from other INFA courses which you have taken. It needs to be strongly emphasized that papers must not be “recycled” from these previous INFA courses, even if written by you. To do so is unacceptable and will result in a “zero grade” for the assignment.

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You are required to research a specific issue in your chosen topic area concentrating on analyzing the issue and evaluating the available solutions to the issue. The paper needs to discuss the corresponding benefits and limitations of these solutions and then provide recommendations.

Your Research Paper must demonstrate graduate-level writing ability and comply with the format requirements of the Publications Manual of the American Psychological Association. Careful attention should be given to source citations, proper listing of references, and the presentation of tables and graphs. Be sure to carefully cite (using correct APA-Style in-line citations) all sources of information in your paper.

UMGC policies regarding plagiarism will apply to the Research Paper as well as all other deliverables in this course.

Please refer to UMGC policies on academic dishonesty and plagiarism.

Papers for this course must meet the following criteria:

· Papers must be your original work.

· Papers must not be “recycled” from previous courses, even if written by you.

· The emphasis of papers must be analytical, i.e. the paper should pose a research question or problem, and attempt to answer the question or problem with an analysis of available sources and reference material, as well as your own perspective.

· Research papers must NOT seek merely to summarize the relevant details of a topic, even if that topic is new to the writer. The value in this assignment is in reaching a sufficient understanding of a set of material to allow you to provide an informed opinion on some application of the material to a specific issue.

· The paper should be between 12-15 pages, double-spaced, exclusive of cover, title page, table of contents, appendices and bibliography. Your paper must use APA formatting with the exception that tables and figures can be inserted at the appropriate location rather than added at the end. Submit the paper in your Assignment Folder prior to the submission deadline.

· Papers must be submitted in Microsoft Word format ( x).

The Research Paper will be graded against the following criteria:

· Abstract: 5%

· Clear statement of thesis to be analyzed and its relevance: 15% 

· Technical Content (depth and accuracy of information and analysis): 40%

· Recommendation, answer, or conclusion supported by research and analysis: 15%

· Clarity, Organization, grammar and spelling: 15%

· APA Style: 10%

Please be sure to spell check and carefully proof read your paper prior to submitting it.

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