Researching an Article

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The purpose of this assignment is for you to research and learn more about a topic related to this course that you is particularly interesting to you.

A second purpose of this assignment is, as you move on from this course and eventually your master’s program, to encourage you to continue drawing from the expertise of others, both those on the research side and those currently practice. You might want to start by reviewing the module topics and thinking about one or two specific topics or strategies that you would want to explore further.

It might relate to the role of student talk in learning or engagement, grammar and syntax awareness strategies or the stages of language development. It does not have to be about an exact topic that we covered – just something that relates to language use in the classroom or language development. Whatever topic you choose you will then find 3 sources to research: an academic journal article (or book chapter), a practice-based article and a video.

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For each source you will write a summary of the takeaways and implications for your own practice. Please note: these three sources do not need to be on the exact same strategy – just as long as they are somewhat related and all tie back to the topic of interest. Format: I am attaching a template that is totally optional but reinforces the content required. You are welcome to use something more creative like Prezi or Power point as long as all the required components are present. Academic Journal article: I recommend starting out by using Google Scholar and typing in key words that relate to what you are interested it. This can also be a way to narrow down your topic – see what is out that that interests you. Most often you can read the summary or abstract first to see if it’s something that is worth downloading and reading. As noted in the template, please list this article in APA format. Teacher Practice article: This type of article does not have to be in a journal but can be found on one of the many teacher-oriented web sites. Also, while they can be helpful, please do not use blogs for this assignment.Video: Of course, Youtube is often the best place to find practice-oriented videos. These are a nice complement to articles since you can see strategies and concepts in action. As stated in the template, you will also have an introduction of why you chose this topic and a final statement about how this topic extended your understandings from this course.

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