Research Topic and Outline

 Research Topic and Outline

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  1. The final project for this course is a Research Paper. The first two assignments will help you find the tools needed to prepare and gradually build your final research paper. The research paper for this course will be argumentative. The argumentative research paper requires you to take a position on an issue and support the position with persuasive facts and statements.
  2. First, select a Research Paper TOPIC that can be assessed using health care economics principles.

The following topics the issue you are going to discuss.

  • Impact of diabetes on healthcare costs
  1. Second, provide your research paper with the following OUTLINE (Your final paper assignment should include a detail explanation of this outline):

a. Introduction -Your introduction should give a brief overview of the topic you are going to discuss. The last sentence of your introduction section should be your thesis statement. Your thesis statement should start with – The purpose of this paper is to…..

b. Body of paper – The body of your paper should organize how you plan to address each required section of the paper. Each supporting item is then broken down into smaller supporting items.

  • An overview of the issue
  • Why is this issue a concern from a health care economics perspective?
  • Who are the major parties involved in this issue?
  • Which market forces have an impact on this issue?
  • How is demand illustrated in this issue?
  • How is supply illustrated in this issue?
  • How has the affordable care act impacted this issue?
  • How are health disparities demonstrated in this issue?
  • How has this issue been improved in other global markets?
  • What is your recommendation for making improvements based on economic principles?

c. Conclusion – The conclusion of your paper should summarize your thesis statement and the supporting items discussed in your paper. In this outline, please indicate what you expect the finding to be.

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d. References – Provide list of five (5) bibliographic references (using APA format). Your final research paper will require seven (7) bibliographic references. (You may use your textbook as a reference and you should have a minimum of 6 academic outside references including 3 peer-reviewed journal articles

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Assignment 2 Purpose: To help organize your thoughts for the Final
Presentation and to ensure all necessary research is completed prior to starting
the construction of the Presentation.

**Note: This is a hypothetical, general example covering material from biology to
give you an idea of how to format your outline and include the required subtopics
and subsections. Please construct your outline according to the instructions and
subject-specific requirements/topics listed in the Assignments section.

Assignment 2 Outline: Giant Monkey Tree Frog

I. Introduction
A. Common and Scientific Names

1. Common names: giant monkey tree frog. Also known as: blue and
yellow frog, bicolored tree frog, giant monkey frog, giant leaf frog or
waxy-monkey tree frog.

2. Scientific name: Phyllomedusa bicolor
B. Geographic Range

1. Amazon Basin (Frost, 2009)
a. Brazil
b. Colombia
c. Bolivia
d. Peru

C. Specific Location (Country, State, City)
1. Brazil (Frost, 2009)
2. Columbia

D. Specific Location Biome
1. Brazilian Atlantic Rainforest (de Paula Lima et al, 2010)

E. Background and Description
1. Not at risk of extinction. (Frost, 2009)
2. Morphology

a. Unique from similar frogs by a pupil that is vertically elliptical
(Gagliardo, 2009)

b. Nocturnal (Gagliardo, 2009)
c. Males 91-103 mm, females 111-119 mm (Encyclopedia of Life)
d. Dark green back with a white or cream belly (Encyclopedia of Life)
e. Spots can be found all over the organism, especially on the flank

and back legs (Encyclopedia of Life)
f. Fingers are clear brown and have green adhesive discs

(Encyclopedia of Life)
g. Dark colored iris (Encyclopedia of Life)

3. Physiology (Folger, 1995)
a. Skin Pigments

i. Protect against sun damage
ii. Help in camouflage to blend into trees
iii. Regulate temperatures

b. Various secretions help
i. Retain water
ii. Prevent infection

II. Life Cycle of the Organism

A. Egg Mass
1. Consist from anywhere of 10 – hundreds of eggs

Formatting: Note
the format with the
Roman numerals.
Each subheading
under the Roman
Numeral (e.g. the
capital letter) is


Required Introduction
Sections: (Common and

scientific names,
Geographic range, Specific

location (country, state,
city), Specific location


Tip for Assignment 4: The
introduction information

plus background and
description can be written

in several introductory
paragraphs. The first

introduction paragraph
should introduce the

species and the rest of the
paper as a standard

writing practice.

The required subtopics
(minimum) of the Outline and
Presentation are: Introduction/
Background, life cycle,
structure & function, etc.), and
evolution and additional

Each subtopic should have a
minimum of two subsections.

Don’t forget to cite
internally to your outline
where appropriate, and be

sure that all references
listed in your reference list

below are included
internal to your outline

and vice versa.

Page 2 of 4

(Gagliardo, 2009)
2. Released on leaves near waterways(Gagliardo, 2009)
3. Eggs are rolled or folded into leaves with the aid of the male

(Encyclopedia of Life)
B. Tadpoles

1. Mating and conception (Jeffries, 2003)
a. Queen female enters breeding reception once a year during

summer month
b. Fall into water when they hatch after 8 – 10 days (Encyclopedia of

c. Larvae are free swimmers (Gagliardo, 2009)
d. Length of time as a tadpole depends on the temperature, in

general it is 6 – 10 weeks. (Venancio & Melo-Sampio, 2010).
C. Life Expectancy ten years (Encyclopedia of Life)

III. Structure and Function
A. Pupil that is vertically elliptical (Gagliardo, 2009)

1. Adaptation found in species that are predators and are nocturnal or
active at dawn and dusk. (Koryos, 2014)

2. Adaptation evolved separately (Koryos, 2014)
B. Skin adapted for survival in the Rainforest

1. Unique skim pigments that protect against dehydration, infection and
sun damage. (Gagliardo, 2009)

2. Unique secretions that are used by indigenous people in rituals. (den
Brave et al, 2014).

IV. Evolution
A. Classification

1. Some debate – can be classified differently depending on the source
2. Lineage

a. Animalia
b. Chordata
c. Amphibia
d. Anura
e. Hylidae
f. Phyllomedusa
g. Phyllomedusa bicolor

B. DNA analysis indicates a close relationship between Pelodryadinae and
Phyllomedusinae (Wiens, 2010).

C. Fossil Information
a. The earliest well-documented amphibian is Ichthyostega, which

dates back 363 mya. (Carroll, 1988).
b. Frogs evolved about 200 mya. (Wells, 2010).

D. Adaptation Pedal luring (Bertoluci, 2002)
V. Additional Interest

A. Ritual of Sapo (Kambo)
1. “Kambo” is the common name for the Giant Tree Frog in Peru (den

Brave et al., 2014)
2. Skin secretion used by indigenous people of Peru as a lucky charm to

improve hunting (Erspmaer et al., 1993) or to purify the body (den
Brave et al., 2014).

3. A healer will induce a burn on the right shoulder (in men) or the leg (in
women) and skin secretions of the Giant tree frog are added to the
burn. (den Brave et al., 2014).

Page 3 of 4

4. The active ingredient is several different peptides that act to excite
nervous system in the flight or fight response (smooth muscle
contraction, vasodilation, relaxation of arterial muscles as well as an
inducement of an opiate- like response. (den Brave et al., 2014).

VI. Conclusion
A. Phyllomedusa bicolor, also known as the giant tree frog, is a common frog

found throughout the Amazon Rainforest.
B. The giant tree frog has unique adaptations that allow protection against

sun damage, prevent dehydration and combat infection.
C. The giant tree frog has a life cycle common to many other frogs: egg,

tadpole, mature frog.
D. The giant tree frog has eyes with a vertical pupil.
E. Frogs evolved over 200 million years ago.
F. Indigenous people in Peru use skin secretions in rituals.


Bertoluci, J. (2002). Pedal luring in the leaf frog Phyllomedusa burmeisteri

(Anura, Hylidae, Phyllomedusinae). Phylomedusa 1(2), 93 – 95.
Carroll, R. (1988). Vertebrate Paleontology and Evolution. New York, NY: W.H.

Freeman and Company.
den Brave, P., Bruins, E. & Bronkhorst, M. (2014). Phyllomedusa bicolor skin

secretion and the Kambo ritual. J Venom Anim Toxins Incl Trop Dis. 20, 40
doi: 10.1186/1678-9199-20-40

Edson de Paula Lima, J., Rodder D. & Sole, M. (2010) Diet of two sympatric
Phyllomedusa (Anura: Hylidae) species from a cacao plantation in southern
Bahia, Brazil. North-Western Journal of Zoology. 6(1): 13 – 24.

Phyllomedusa bicolor Giant Leaf frog. (n.d.). In Encyclopedia of Life. Retrieved

Erspmaer, V., Erspamer, G., Severini, C., Potenza, R., Barra, D., Mignogna, G., &
Bianchi, A. (1993). Pharmacological studies of “sapo’ from the frog
Phyllomedusa bicolor skin: A drug used by the Peruvian Matses Indians in
shamanic hunting practices. Retrieved from

Frost, D.R. (2009). Amphibian Species of the Word: An Outline Reference.
Version 5.3 (12 February 2009). Retrieved from

Gagliardo, R. (2009). ABCM Specialty Taxa Husbandry Phyllomedusines (Leaf
Frogs). Retrieved from
sines +&cd=8&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us

Koryos (2014). The functions of different pupil shapes. Retrieved from

Mendes Venancio, N. & Melo-Sampio P. (2010). Reproductive behavior of the
Giant Leaf Frog Phyllomedusa bicolor (Anura: Hylidae) in the Western
Amazon. Phyllomedusa 9(1): 63 – 67.

Wells, K. (2010). The Ecology and Behavior of Amphibians. Chicago, IL:
University of Chicago Press.

Tip for Assignment 3:
The conclusion should

summarize the presentation
highlighting main points
without introducing new


Tip for


citation and

and a
minimum of 5


Page 4 of 4

Wiens, J., Kuczynski, C., Hua, X., & Moen, D. (2010). An expanded phylogeny of
treefrogs (Hylidae) based on nuclear and mitochondrial sequence data.
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 55, 871–882.



Impact of Diabetes on Healthcare Cost



18 November 2020

Impact of Diabetes on Healthcare Cost


Every individual within the healthcare system today understands the weight of the cost of diabetes. It is an “Elephant” that most people ignore; it is essential. The option is not viable since several clinicians and scientists tend to neglect the disease’s financial opportunity and concentrate on other issues. Individuals staying with the condition feel the consequence of the illness alongside the healthcare experts who deliver the services, and payments take the issues a primary concern. Therefore, the cost of having the disease may be ignored, yet it is an issue of concern that affects 70 percent of the healthcare providers and health. Diabetes care needs to have a better presentation of the studies related to diabetes.


Several diabetes associations have given out their report on the cost of diabetes in the entire nation. According to the current research, the direct costs of diabetes continue to rise, thus creating an alarm (Rosella et al., 2016, p400). In the entire United States, the price of diabetes rose to $116 billion by the ear 2007. The increase was surprising by 2012 when the record showed that it was $ 176 billion, and by 2017, it was $237 (Mapa-Tassou et al., 2019, p5). The cost of diabetes becomes a concern of healthcare since several people are diagnosed with the disorder yet do not have sufficient funds to foot their hospital bills and carter for the rest of the healthcare requirements. On the other hand, the healthcare system is also faced with the challenge since the cost increases to the point they may not accommodate all the healthcare facilities. Therefore it becomes an issue of concern to healthcare. As a result, healthcare’s economic value reduces as a lot of money is spent on the management of diabetes.

The cost of diabetes mostly incorporates a few parties. The parties are the patients with the disease who may fail to meet the value of the disease. Also, the patients’ families is another party involved as they must meet the cost of staying with patients. The healthcare experts are the third party as they must meet the cost of insuring an individual’s safety. The government responsible for meeting the extra cost of financing the healthcare facility and providing the laws that govern the sector is a party involved (Islam et al., 2017, p2). All the market sectors which produced various medicines and other materials have an impact on the issue. They must deliver quality products and services to different healthcare sectors.

Since there are several patients diagnosed with diabetes, they require lots of attention and unique services. As a result, the demand curve of the materials used alongside the drugs increases, increasing the supply and cost. An increase in demand for any healthcare-related product increases the supply (Turner et al., 2018, p207). The health affordable act tries to impose laws regulating the disease’s cost, making it somehow accessible but not every individual. On the other hand, they have special consideration for certain people. They give special attention to other people. Also, the financing sectors consider the healthcare facility first before any other issue is considered. Pagano et al., (2016, p947) posit that the problem has been addressed to ensure globally every individual does not face difficulty when addressing health issues, particularly diabetes. The cost must be reduced. Therefore, I may recommend that based on the economic principle, the improvement should be made faster to assist the individual who might not be able to sponsor themselves. Equality should be considered in the healthcare facility.

In conclusion, the cost of diabetes is a threat to the entire world. It is an “Elephant” that most people ignore; it is essential. The option is not viable since several clinicians and scientists tend to neglect the disease’s financial opportunity and concentrate on other issues. Individuals staying with the condition feel the consequence of the illness alongside the healthcare experts who deliver the services, and payments take the issues a primary concern. Making adjustments would prove favorable to many people. The findings are expected to be favorable to ensure that all the issues concerning the cost of diabetes on healthcare are addressed.


Islam, S. M. S., Lechner, A., Ferrari, U., Laxy, M., Seissler, J., Brown, J., … & Holle, R. (2017). Healthcare use and expenditure for diabetes in Bangladesh. BMJ global health, 2(1).

Mapa-Tassou, C., Katte, J. C., Maadjhou, C. M., & Mbanya, J. C. (2019). Economic impact of diabetes in Africa. Current diabetes reports, 19(2), 5.

Pagano, E., De Rosa, M., Rossi, E., Cinconze, E., Marchesini, G., Miccoli, R., … & Bruno, G. (2016). The relative burden of diabetes complications on healthcare costs: the population-based CINECA-SID ARNO Diabetes Observatory. Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases, 26(10), 944-950.

Rosella, L. C., Lebenbaum, M., Fitzpatrick, T., O’reilly, D., Wang, J., Booth, G. L., … & Wodchis, W. P. (2016). Impact of diabetes on healthcare costs in a population‐based cohort: a cost analysis. Diabetic Medicine, 33(3), 395-403.

Turner, R. M., Ma, Q., Lorig, K., Greenberg, J., & DeVries, A. R. (2018). Evaluation of a diabetes self-management program: claims analysis on comorbid illnesses, health care utilization, and cost. Journal of medical Internet research, 20(6), e207.

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