Research Question and Summary

RES/709 v4

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Research Outline

RES/709 Research Outline

Frank Frimpong-Manso

University of phoenix

RES 709: Research Conceptualization and Design

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Prof Marlene Blake

November 23rd 2020

Proposed Dissertation Title

1. Problem Statement

The problem is that children in single parent households face a lot of social and economic challenges, resulting in their emotional, upbringing and educational achievements being affected negatively.


CHUKWUKA, F. O. (2018). Impact of Single Parent on Child Education in Primary Schools in Oshimili South Local Government Area of Delta State. International Journal of Innovative Education Research, 6(1), 101-107.

Part 2: Background to the Problem

When a child is born, his first place of contact is his own family. As a result, the child’s initial socialization and education are obtained from the family. Families, on the other hand, can either be broken or intact. A broken home is not structurally intact due to separation, divorce, or the parents’ death. Such families tend to have detrimental effects on the child, including their performance in school. The child would also be affected emotionally as children tend to grow morally upright and become emotionally cared for by both parents (CHUKWUKA, 2018). In families with two parents, the father always carters for the requirements for the educational advancement of a child while the mother supplements the father’s efforts. When one of the parents is absent, such as the father, the mother would not be privileged enough to cater to all the child’s basic needs and supervise their academic performance at the same time. This is the same scenario that would occur when the mother is not present in the family.

Life in a single-parent household can also stressful for both the parent and child. Such families may be faced with challenges such as inadequate finance. In a study conducted to confirm if there are differences in the children’s educational attainment from single parent households and that of children from intact families, it was determined that the influence is apparent in secondary education (Fučík, 2016). The study, therefore, shows there is a significant impact on single parents’ households towards the achievements of children educationally.


CHUKWUKA, F. O. (2018). Impact of Single Parent on Child Education in Primary Schools in Oshimili South Local Government Area of Delta State. International Journal of Innovative Education Research, 6(1), 101-107.

Fučík, P. (2016). Where Are the Effects of Family Structure? The Educational Level, Current Partnership, and Income Level of the Czech Adult Population Socialised in Single-Parent Families. Sociologický časopis/Czech Sociological Review, 52(03), 375-402.

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