Research Proposal Assignment

1_ Outcomes of a positive activity intervention in addressing depression

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2_ Cognitive, behavioral and emotional aspects of depression in young adults

3_ Psychosocial risks factors associated with depression

4_ Internet based depression interventions addressing depression

Hope some of these ideas may help.

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With research proposal, survey method may be best. When doing this assignment you are NOT doing the “experiment”, you will solely be guiding and explaining what may happen. If you are up to the task, you may ask more questions. #KimWoods


Research Proposal Assignment Rubric and Guide

(Due 05.13.2021, submit via Blackboard)





Title Page

Title (10 pts)

Missing information (e.g. running head page number, institution), poor layout on the page, mistakes in spelling or format, title that doesn’t describe


All the information is present and properly formatted. But the title is not descriptive and the running header is not a good summary.

All the information is present and properly formatted. The title is descriptive and the running header is a good summary.

Abstract Page

Abstract (10 pts)

Missing or vague statements of purpose of the proposed study and relationships between variables.

A specific research question where the cause and effect are clear. But too many objectives.

The objective stated is specific, achievable and measurable. You will state the purpose of your study, the population you are studied, the sample you use and your method: qualitative or quantitative, instrument (interview, survey, questionnaire, etc.), and you predicted results.

Main Body


Introduction (15 pts)

Vague and/or general introduction

that has little connection to the

proposed research

Provides a general introduction that has little connection to the proposed research.

Provides a thoughtful introduction. Refer to the Proposal Introduction outline.

Literature Review (10 pts)

Each paragraph summarizes the results of one study without evaluation, integration or synthesis.

Relevant literature that covers the empirical evidence and theory needed to support hypothesis is described.

Prior empirical research and theory are integrated, evaluated and synthesized to show a clear path between the thesis statement and the hypotheses.

Research Design (5 pts)

Research design is presented without description.

Research design is presented but is not appropriate for achieving the objective of the study

Research design is presented and appropriate for achieving the objective of the study. Is this an experimental, survey, qualitative, etc. study?

Study Population and Sample (5 pts)

Too general without describing participant characteristics or incentives.

Gives the number of participants.

Gives the number and type of participants.

Measures (5 pts)

Incomplete or vague descriptions of

instruments, questionnaires, etc.

Describes all the measures and/or apparatus and provides references where appropriate.

Describes each instrument or measure used with example items, units of measurement, reliability and validity, citing sources (including full materials in appendix is optional). If an experimental design, method of assignment to treatment condition and the differences between the conditions are clearly described.

Work Schedule (5 pts)

Disorganized and incomplete description of what will be done in the experiment or manipulating the dependent variable while measuring the independent variable.

Orderly description of what will occur in the experiment, making clear what the different stages of experiment are.

Organized presentation of the processes used to design study: IRB submission, collect data, data entry, and data cleaning, and report writing. For data collection, beginning with informed consent through the manipulation check and debriefing, referring to but not repeating the information in the materials and apparatus section.

Facilities (5 pts)

Vague, brief or incomplete facilities description.

Facility is complete.

The facilities clearly support the proposed project.

Personnel (5 pts)

Vague, brief or incomplete vita.

Vita is complete.

The vita shows that the PI is qualified to undertake the project. Responsibilities for all personnel involved in the research (clinician, psychologist, technicians, research assistants, etc) are included.

Budget (5 pts)

Vague, brief or incomplete budget.

Budge fit the proposal

The budget clearly supports the proposed project.

Data Analysis

Data Analysis Plan and Expected Results (5 pts) *

Incorrect or incomplete predicated results and statistics for the given hypothesis.

Predicted results and planned statistics for the major hypothesis.

Specific planned descriptive and inferential statistics for each major hypothesis.


Discussions (10 pts)

Vague and/or general discussion that has little connection to the proposed research

Provides a general discussion

that has little connection to the
proposed research

Provides a thoughtful discussion by focusing on “data”, “big picture”, “limitations”, innovation and future.


References (10 pts)

Incomplete list, or the sources don’t match the reference list.

All the sources in the paper are in the reference list in the correct order.

All the references are cited and in the list correctly and they include the key sources for this proposal.

Formats (5 pts)

Font, spacing, and APA format are incorrect.

Font and spacing, font and APA, or spacing and APA are correct.

Font, spacing, and APA format are correct.

Length (5 pts)

Does not meet 7 page (including references and cover page) criteria by more than 2 page.

Does not meet 7 page (including references and cover page) criteria by 1 page or less

Adheres to 7 + page (including references and cover page) criteria.

Grammar (5 pts)

There are 7 or more grammatical errors.

There are 5 grammatical errors.

There is 3 or less grammatical error.

Total = 120 pts

*statistics quick cheat sheet

T-test: statistical analysis method for comparing 2 groups.

ANOVA: statistical analysis method for comparing 3+ groups.

Correlation: statistical analysis method for finding relationship between 2 variables.

Regression: statistical analysis method to find out how multiple independent variables
a dependent variable.

Running Head: PSYCHOLOGY


PSYC3362375 Senior Research Seminar

Spring 2021

Genesis Garcia

Professor Wei Zhang






Ruíz Díaz, H., Insfrán, K., Andrada, F., & Ayala, J. (2017). Research on the prevalence of Anxiety and Depression in psychology students and their relation to Personality traits. Revista Científica de la UCSA, 4(1), 17-28.

Siddaway, A. P., Wood, A. M., & Taylor, P. J. (2017). The Center for Epidemiologic Studies-Depression (CES-D) scale measures a continuum from well-being to depression: Testing two key predictions of positive clinical psychology. Journal of affective disorders, 213, 180-186.

Hanson, K. (2019). Positive psychology for overcoming symptoms of depression: A pilot study exploring the efficacy of a positive psychology self-help book versus a CBT self-help book. Behavioural and cognitive psychotherapy, 47(1), 95-113.

Amani, R. (2020). The role of family function in teenagers anxiety and depression. Clinical Psychology and Personality, 13(2), 77-84.

Vazquez, C., Duque, A., Blanco, I., Pascual, T., Poyato, N., Lopez‐Gomez, I., & Chaves, C. (2018). CBT and positive psychology interventions for clinical depression promote healthy attentional biases: An eye‐tracking study. Depression and anxiety, 35(10), 966-973.


According to the research conducted by Ruíz Díaz et al., (2017) depression and anxiety is a common problem being experienced by students in college. After researching with 69 students who had been students in UCSA, they found out that 17% of the sample suffered from anxiety while 22% of the sample suffered from depression. This is an astonishing finding among university students who are supposed to be the future and help the country and their families in the coming future. The conclusion was the involvement and engagement of psychological training in university and higher learning institutions to help prevent the rate of depression and anxiety from within youths.

In his research, Hanson (2019) tested the effectiveness of positive psychology and the influence it had in helping to solve the prevailing depression issues in society. According to his findings, he realized that positive psychology could cut and prevent depression among people. In his research, 115 people were involved, and according to the findings, positive psychology has an influence and impact on how people perceive themselves and how far and how much they can go to get away from depression.

According to all research, depression is increasing at a very alarming rate. Although youths are highly affected, the results are that many people (from all age groups) are diagnosed with depression. The articles have given out their findings and provided suggestions on how to deal with increased depression cases. They show a strong connection between depression, activities people are involved in, and the victim’s mindset and how it influences their recovery rate from the disease as more people continue suffering from depression. It is important to come up with a fast and easy solution that can help in solving this nightmare. A good number of people are suffering from depression, and they have to be helped overcome the situation. The articles have good recommendations that, when implemented, can help in solving the issues at hand.

Cover Page

(1 page)

Running head: ALL CAP LETTERS 50 MAX 1



(350 words max)

For example:

The proposed study aims to ….



Literature Review


Research Design

Study Population and Sample


Work Schedule




Data Analysis Plan and Expected Results



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