Research Paper First Draft


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Each week, view the video lectures under Learning Activities to learn about the parts of the research paper. This week, you will learn about the Abstract.



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The purpose of this assignment is for you to prepare a first draft of your research paper (without the data and interpretation of data). You will receive feedback and will submit your final version later in the course.


Develop a draft of your research paper using the components that you have developed in the course so far. Make use of your sentence outline and annotated bibliography. Add a full abstract, introduction, literature review, methodology section, and reference page. You will not have content in your results and discussion section until you collect data in Week 5.

Submit your assignment to Grammarly. Revise your assignment based upon the results from Grammarly. Submit evidence that you submitted and used the Grammarly results.


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Information Governance

Student Name: Sunil Kumar Parisa

University of Cumberland’s

Date: 03-21-2020


INTRODUCTION …………………………………….….. 1

LITERATURE REVIEW………………………………………2


FINDINGS/ RESULTS…………………………………….…..4





In the modern world, the corporation’s data has become an essential part of any organization. Organizations create and keep essential customer and transaction data to guide the process of decision making. (Deepak 2018) Information governance encompasses all the activities concerned with data collection, analysis, and interpretation in the process of decision making. Modern businesses are fueled by the availability of information and data. Information and data have become one of the most critical business assets. Information technology has huge impacts on modern businesses in the modern world. Information governance is very critical in the process of managing the organizational data, which helps in the decision-making process; information governance ensures that the information collected is kept safe from intruders. Organizations follow certain information control processes to secure their information. (Smallwood, 2019) This report outlines the information governance research in the sequence of; literature review, methodology, findings, and conclusions, and the final section cover the resources used in this research in the pages below.


Information governance had a long history around the 20th century when various organizations developed the concepts of information and data capture. Prior to that, many organizations and corporations kept huge manual records with corporate information and data. (Rasouli et al, 2016) Traditional systems did not provide for effective systems for managing huge data sets. The majority of the companies and corporations used manual approaches to manage their information, which made retrieval of that data cumbersome and a tedious process. Information governance developed due to the need to secure essential information for businesses. One of the crucial steps in the development of information governance was EDRM. (Mikalef et al, 2018) The model had the initial function of identification and solutions of the previously existing systems. The early developers of the information governance appreciated that the traditional systems were highly inefficient and resulted in significant losses in business. The 21st century marked the start of the information age. Many organizations started depending on the information in various aspects of life and business functions. (Deepak 2018) The development of the technology of data storage and the advancement of information systems became very important in information governance.


This research will use the quantitative techniques in carrying out the study on information governance in modern corporations. The tool of data collection that will be applied will be the questionnaire. The questionnaire will consist of both closed-ended and open-ended questions. The random sampling method was employed in selecting the study sample. Before the process of data analysis, data were cleaned to ensure that any missing figures were reconciled and outlier figures ruled out. The data collected was analyzed using Static data analysis software.


Corporations are investing in investment in information governance through technologies that help keep data secure. However, some important regulations govern the management of data and information by the organizations. Some organizations which ignore these regulations risk facing the court processes. (Smallwood, 2019) Many organizations have limited knowledge of the regulations that govern information storage and sharing. Information governance has a long history, but the start of the 21st century marked an important point in the application of information governance. Organizations that employ information governance face the risk of system intrusion by hackers. Information systems have enabled corporations to act with more efficiency and increased significantly business operations and profits.


Information governance is a concept that is integrated into the management, processing, archiving, controlling, and retrieving essential information of the organization. (Smallwood, 2019) Information governance allows organizations and corporations to comply with the globalization requirements in the business. Many businesses are producing big data and information which need to be managed effectively. This is achieved through the use of technology that has the capacity to store big organizational data and makes the process of retrieving that information easy. (Deepak 2018) The businesses face a number of compliance issues when handling some confidential information about their clients or customers. Disclosure of customer’s data is unethical; such data should only be shared after obtaining consent from the customers. The modern technology used by corporations to store data and other information handle large data, which provides important information about the direction and the future of the business. Corporate decision-makers use the data and the information generated by information governance systems to make rapid decisions when there develops a problem in the general organizational management. Information governance is not only restricted to storing organizational data. It also allows the organization to share data amongst the several departments or other similar organizations. Information governance is very effective in the process of monitoring the volume of sales. Information governance helps to integrate the various and diversified business processes and increases the general visibility of the entire information landscape in the organization. (Rasouli et al, 2016) The storage of data by an organization or a corporate is followed by strict regulations and compliance approaches. Information collected by corporations is always subjected to the risks of disclosure and loss due to advanced cybercrimes. There are many regulations that require organizations and businesses to keep the confidential information they collect safe. When intruders access the system of organizations, they access important information that can result in losses to the organization and the individuals or the employees. (Smallwood, 2019)


Modern organizations and corporations are investing so much of their resources to purchase systems that allow them to effectively store the huge data that their corporations generate. Information and data is a very important asset in modern businesses. If any business has to accomplish its mission and vision, it must invest in information system advancements. Information governance allows the organizational leadership to keep a timely record of the daily activities taking place in an organization. Organizations are able to detect any drastic decline in sales or the number of customers served in one day and make essential changes before things go out of hand. (Rasouli et al, 2016) Information systems allow the process of information sharing to facilitate departmental achievement. The sharing of information across the organizational departments ensures that the platform used does not compromise the confidentiality of the information. Corporations must secure their information systems by using the services of a cyber expert or application of other technologies that secure systems against intruders. Cybercrime can result in financial damages to an organization or corporation. Corporations that have invested in information governance are leaping from the benefits which accompany information governance, such as timely decision making and improved efficiency.


Deepak, S. (2018). Right to information act 2005 a study of its implementation in himachal pradesh.

Rasouli, M., Trienekens, J. J., Kusters, R. J., & Grefen, P. W. (2016). Information governance requirements in dynamic business networking. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 116(7), 1356-1379.

Smallwood, R. F. (2019). Information governance: Concepts, strategies and best practices. John Wiley & Sons.

Coyne, E. M., Coyne, J. G., & Walker, K. B. (2018). Big Data information governance by accountants. International Journal of Accounting & Information Management.

Kern, R., Mandelstein, D. J., Milman, I. M., Oberhofer, M. A., & Pandit, S. (2016). U.S. Patent No. 9,286,586. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

Mikalef, P., Krogstie, J., van de Wetering, R., Pappas, I., & Giannakos, M. (2018, January). Information Governance in the big data era: aligning organizational capabilities. In Proceedings of the 51st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.

Certification of Authorship

Submitted to (Professor’s Name): Dr. Mary Cecil

Course: __ITS 833________________

Student’s Name: __Sunil Kumar Parisa____

Date of Submission_03/21/2020_____________________

Purpose and Title of Submission: __Research Sentence Outline____________________

Certification of Authorship: I hereby certify that I am the author of this document and that any

assistance I received in its preparation is fully acknowledged and disclosed in the document. I

have also cited all sources from which I obtained data, ideas, or words that are copied directly or

paraphrased in the document. Sources are properly credited according to accepted standards for

professional publications. I also certify that this paper was prepared by (me)

for this purpose.

Students’ Signature: ___________Date____03/21/2020________



Annotated Bibliography

Student`s Name

Professor`s Name

Institution Affiliation

Annotated Bibliography

Baruh, L., Secinti, E., & Cemalcilar, Z. (2017). Online privacy concerns and privacy management: A meta-analytical review. Journal of Communication, 67(1), 26-53.”Retrieved from

Summary: The article investigates privacy concerns and literacy which act as online services, how information is shared, and the integration of online privacy measures predictor. Privacy concerns have been linked to privacy management behaviors. Privacy boundaries can be controlled using privacy laws and privacy decision management of privacy depends on the benefits of information disclosure. The authors use a variety of scholars across 34 countries to bring about integration on the issue of data privacy and how they manage the issue. The analysis also helps in the provision of the privacy literacy that enhances the use of privacy-protective measures that the study seeks to put in place. This study is driven by the fact that the precedent pace of information technology has put the world at risk of lack of privacy as data exploration methods have advanced with the advances made in technology.

Evaluation: The article provides readers with factors that influence infringement of consumer privacy which is imperative to the general understanding of the behavior that leads to the adoption of privacy laws and how information is shared on online platforms. Privacy has gained worldwide recognition since the advancement of technology took place in the world. This article provides the emphasis that most internet users are worried about their privacy with the issue of privacy being a major challenge in the world. Therefore, the article emphasizes an individual`s right to have control of their personal information. Privacy has always been prioritized in the world but due to technology advancement communication and passage of information have found itself endangered thus making this source an appropriate tool in the research about privacy in communication.

Reflection: The article will serve as an essential material in understanding the discrepancies that exist in how retail shops handle and manage consumer privacy in their policies. Also, it provides privacy literacy techniques that can be deployed in retail stores. The authors understand how privacy is valued among consumers in the world, with most of the people being highly concerned about their privacy. The article thus provides an opportunity for the people to understand the need to fast have privacy literacy and the impacts of the loss of personal data through leakage or any other digital form. Therefore, this will be an essential tool in the research of privacy in communication and management of the bridges that result in data losses in various situations. This will also act as an avenue for any institutions that handle individuals` data learn the most appropriate ways in which they can ensure that their clients’ data can always be protected.

Gupta, M. P., & Dubey, A. (2016). E-commerce-study of privacy, trust, and security from the consumer’s perspective” Retrieved from

Summary: The article provides insights into the major problems of the retail industry are privacy, security, and trust. Transactions on e-commerce applications that make use of online banking and credit cards have compliance issues because they undermine authorization and authentication protocols. The source highlights the privacy of the customers` data as a key factor in the transaction process, in which there is an analysis of the roles that trust and organizations` reputation play towards e-commerce. This is especially with the globalization that has taken place in the world, the article thus the emphasis on the need of the institutions to invest in the most robust ways that would result into effective business to customer transactions with limited cases of data breach leading to increased cases of lack of privacy. The source also emphasizes the fact that e-commerce is only successful when there is the provision of integrity, authenticity, privacy, availability, non-repudiation, and availability of the required information through the use of appropriate means that have minimizes cases of the privacy breach.

Evaluation: The article is reliable because it provides retail stores with mechanisms that can be deployed in enhancing security on their websites to promote trust among consumers. Consumer loyalty to a retail store website is correlated to trust because personal information is addressed in the company policies. This source tries to provide a solution to the world of e-commerce especially with the fact that the world has been globalized with the advances in the information technology which has made the process of transaction easier but with numerous challenges of insecurity. Therefore, as this source calls for the privacy of the customers’ data among retail stores and any institution that might be dealing with clients data which their exposure might lead to devastating financial effects helps these facilities to plan and even manage to fall into traps of individuals who might be interested with their customers ` data. Therefore, this source provides an avenue for the organizations to learn in the most appropriate ways that they can ensure their client`s data is secure hence protecting their reputation and gaining the trust and confidence required in e-commerce.

Reflection: The source can be used in the analysis of the common e-commerce threats. Also, the technologies used in addressing e-commerce threats can serve as a solution to retail companies regarding the protection of consumer personal data. This is an appropriate resource when seeking to understand the threats that e-commerce is facing. Online transactions have become an area of concern for most of the traders and the companies involved due to the increased threats and chances of loss of funds and transactions that can easily be diverted if some critical information can be obtained. Therefore, to ensure that there is the protection of the reputation, creation of trust and efficiency in online transactions with limited cases of monetary losses, this source provides the best way that would ensure such issues are appropriately managed.

Farshidi, A. (2016). The new retail experience and unaddressed privacy concerns: how RFID and mobile location analytics are collecting customer information. Case W. Res. JL Tech. & Internet, 7, 15.”Retrieved from

Summary: The article provides useful insights about the importance of e-stores making customers their priority by informing them about the type of data that is collected by the retailer. The collection of data means privacy concerns. Lack of disclosure about privacy concerns to the consumer affects the online shopping experience. This article highlights a precedent pace in which information technology has taken place in the world. Retailers have resorted to the use of these technologies to ensure that their clients can shop by making orders, and even canceling any orders at any time and place as they wish. However, the author is quick to note that the success of this is only possible with the engaging of the customers to ensure that they understand online marketing and the importance of their data privacy when making these transactions. The source thus emphasizes the need for facilities to train their clients on the usage of these digital devices before concentrating on the transformation involved.

Evaluation: The article used case studies to illustrate ideas regarding privacy concerns that have taken place over the years in retail online stores. Also, it provided information about the types of information that is usually collected from consumers through websites and apps. The case studies that have been used in this article provides some of the best hints that retail stores have a role in ensuring that they protect their clients` privacy. The reputation of these facilities is depended on the effective management of the needs of the customers without affecting their interaction and experience with shopping facilities. Therefore, the author is effective in this case by ensuring that retails train their clients on how they will protect themselves from individuals seeking to breach their privacy thus making this an important source in this research.

Reflection: The article provides useful information that is relevant to the dissertation because it talks about the privacy regulation policies that can serve as a solution to privacy concerns in the retail industry. The policies that have been highlighted in the case studies identified have provided an opportunity for the retail shops and any facilities that have resorted to the use of online trade and e-commerce transactions to initiate some of the best policies that would result in effective protection of their clients’ data. Privacy, trust, and reputation of the retail facilities are emphasized in this article by ensuring that their clients get satisfied with their services with little cases of their privacy being breached. Therefore, with these measures put in place, this article becomes an important source required in ensuring clients’ data are private.

Martin, K. D., Borah, A., & Palmatier, R. W. (2017). Data privacy: Effects on customer and firm performance. Journal of Marketing, 81(1), 36-58.” Retrieved from file:///C:/Users/user/Downloads/dataprivacyjm

Summary: The article provides in-depth insights into the negative implications that occur when companies depend too much on consumer data. The article suggests that firm data practices should consider data management mechanisms rather than privacy concerns. Consumers are very anxious about the harm that comes from data vulnerability. Data vulnerability has become an issue of concern to the customers because most of the firms have resulted in increased usage of online platforms to conduct their businesses. This has come at the cost of the consumer`s outcry on the management of their data, the privacy of the data is not a major issue of concern in this article. The authors thus call for the management of the data at their disposal due to the risks that such data faces from external forces.

Evaluation: The article fails to address the aspects of privacy and dwells more on the impact data breach has on the organization. Further research is required in addressing how retail firms can recover from negative events. This article has opened an avenue for research among the scholars on the issue of privacy of the data for the firms and their customers. This is because, in a world where technology has become an effective tool in the transactions, the privacy of the data is important for the protection of the firm`s reputation and ethical consideration. Therefore, this article despite emphasizing the management of the data there is a need for the privacy consideration of these data due to the implications that come with the lack of clients` data privacy.

Reflection: The source can be used in the research question as a complementary tool to add information about the data vulnerabilities. Privacy concerns can also be included in the dissertation. This article provides another effective dimension of research that can be used in this dissertation, in which there is the consideration of the privacy of the data. The authors of this source have emphasized the management of the data which is crucial for any facility but the implication of the privacy of such data is exposed to unwanted hands makes it important for studies on the management of the data. Therefore, this article is a key source for this dissertation that would ensure we have an effective study for the situations at hand.

Metzger, M. J. (2017). Privacy, trust, and disclosure: Exploring barriers to electronic commerce. Journal of computer-mediated communication, 9(4), JCMC942.”Retrieved from

Summary: The article talks about the major concerns of electronic commerce transactions and growth among the consumers is bestowed in privacy and security concerns among populations. This can be drawn from the fact that some e-stores violate user agreement policies and use that data without customer consent. The author has highlighted issues of trust, privacy and disclosure of the customers` data by some firms as some of the major challenges that e-commerce and globalization face in the quest to ensure that there is effective online trading. Information technology has been incorporated into most of the facilities but the management of the clients` data is a major issue of concern that all facilities should be able to ensure that there no data leakage or even usage of such data for the purpose that it was not intended to. Therefore, this calls for firms to not expose their clients’ data to risks and hence help in supporting the use of online transactions that most of the firms have adopted.

Evaluation: The article provides examples of privacy policy statements and differentiates between a strong and weak privacy statement. This is detrimental in the retail industry because they can improve their privacy policy practices. Privacy of the customers` data is crucial for the success of the firms in a world where technology has become effective in discharging online transactions and conducting e-commerce businesses. This article thus provides some of the effective data privacy policies that make it easier to ensure that the clients are sure of the privacy of their data. Besides that, both the firms and the clients have to understand the privacy policies both weak and strong policies that would lead to the effective protection of the clients` data.

Reflection: The article is a reliable source and can be used in the study to address the disclosure of personal consumer information on the internet that raises privacy concerns in e-commerce. This is an article that highlights some of the most important factors that inhibit the growth of online trading in the world. In research where we seek to determine the most appropriate ways that would be used in ensuring that clients` data is highly protected. Therefore, this is a good source for this research as it will ensure that firms` reputation is not at stake through the protection of the clients` data thus making it an effective article in managing data privacy issues.

Muneer, A., Razzaq, S., & Farooq, Z. (2018). Data privacy issues and possible solutions in e-commerce. Journal of Accounting & Marketing, 7(3), 1000294.” Retrieved from file:///C:/Users/user/Downloads/Data_Privacy_Issues_and_Possible_Solutions_in_E-co

Summary: The article addresses the issues of privacy violation by the e-commerce owners to enhance growth. Concerns about security breaches in the retail industry are as a result of unauthorized access. Cookies are also raising concerns about security threats on retail sites. The reporting of the firms to use online trading has resulted in increased cases of concern on the management of the clients` data. This is because most of the firms have failed in their policy to ensure that they protect consumers` data. This has also been the case for the catches on the computers and digital devices that consumers use to access firms` stores. The article highlights such methods as the most common ways in which the data get exposed and thus provides measures on data privacy for firms` clients.

Evaluation: The article fails to provide retail companies with potential mechanisms in protecting consumer information, however, it provides the end-users with guidelines on how to conduct online transactions securely. This is a key crucial source in the management of online transactions for the clients due to the increased incorporation of e-commerce among firms. The article provides a rare opportunity to educate the public on the appropriate ways that can be used in the protection of their data as they transact online. However, despite the challenge that facilities face in the management of the data as highlighted in this article, this is a gap that can be exploited by other researchers. Therefore, this is an effective source in the study of data privacy as the privacy of the data begins with the consumer before it gets in the hands of the firms.

Reflection: The article can be incorporated to provide users with guidelines on how they can operate to avoid security threats on the websites. The insights in the journal will add value to the study based on the protection guidelines consumers need to adapt. The authors of this article have provided some of the major ways in which clients will unknowingly give out their critical data to the wrong hands. Therefore, this makes an important source for this research as it educates the consumers on the management of their data long before they can hand it over to the retail stores.

Pelteret, M., & Ophoff, J. (2016). A review of information privacy and its importance to consumers and organizations. Informing Science: The International Journal of an Emerging Transdiscipline, 19, 277-301.”Retrieved from

Summary: The article provides an overview of information privacy and the complexities that consumers and firms face. The article asserts that the inappropriate use of consumer personal information has an impact on the company’s decision making processes. Consumers are afraid of providing financial details. These authors have researched some of the critical factors in an electronic world that we have today, the issue of data privacy management that both organizations and clients must be able to protect to ensure that the transactions are done most appropriately. The source also provides the relevance of the privacy of the data to both the organizations and consumers that must always be protected.

Evaluation: The article did not provide in-depth information about the factors that influence a firm’s ability to make decisions regarding information privacy. Also, the article did not provide possible solutions on how to protect personal information gathered from consumers. The article only focuses on the relevance of the data to both consumers and organizations. These reasons for the significance of the data that both of these role players in an electronic world must be able to use resources at their disposal to ensure that everything runs smoothly. Therefore, this article provides a gap in which future researchers can be able to indulge in their quest to determine the firms` ability to make decisions based on the consumers` data and solutions on the protection of the consumers` data.

Reflection: The article is significant in the research question because it provides information about the issues that might arise from the sharing of personal information with a third party. The world has become electronically connected with transactions being done online. Retail stores have resorted to the use of online transactions which has also come with the risks of the transaction data being easily shared with a third party. Therefore, the provision of the complexities that both firms and consumers face in the protection of the data being highlighted in this article makes it an appropriate source in this dissertation hence making it a better source to be incorporated in the study.

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