Research Paper

Need a 3000 word research paper (not counting quotes) in APA style completed by 5/7.  I have the title and instructions needed for the paper.  Paper is on mental health.

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Interdisciplinary Studies 375
Language & Society
Dr. A. R. Washington


Integrative Final Writing Assignment

Course participants will develop an interdisciplinary conceptual essay that explores a complex
topic at the intersection of language and society. Recall that a complex problem consists of multiple
components or challenges that interact as part of a larger system and thus “require study by
different disciplines” (Repko, 2015, p. 4). This paper will require students to apply coursework
taken as part of their interdisciplinary education as well as their reading and learning in INT 375
to identify a complex, real-world topic about language use, examine and deconstruct it, and begin
synthesizing approaches to address it according to the process and principles of interdisciplinarity.
Ideally, the topic will engage with one or more of the student’s concentrations or areas of academic

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This assessment fosters a critical awareness of language and will help students to develop skills
in creative and critical thinking, systems thinking, contextual thinking, integrative thinking, and
communication in the form of clear, organized writing, among other skills. Through this activity,
students will demonstrate their achievement of integrative and applied learning as students make
connections to and between relevant experiences and academic knowledge in INT 375
(Connections to Experience), and then reflect on, adapt, and apply their learning in new and
different situations to solve problems or explore issues (Transfer). Because this assessment
explores phenomena at the intersection of different fields of study, it will also familiarize students
with academic writing within multiple disciplines and encourage students to make connections
between those fields (Connections to Discipline), which is foundational to an undergraduate and
particularly an interdisciplinary education. Moreover, this assignment requires students to
effectively and intentionally use language in ways that enhance meaning and overall
communication and descriptively (not prescriptively) approach linguistic variation (Integrated
Communication). Finally, this assignment attends to Programmatic Goals 1 – 3 in asking students
to define, discuss and apply interdisciplinary studies while synthesizing disciplinary insights in
order to address real-world questions.

Your rough draft constitutes 8% of your course grade. The final writing assignment will
contribute to 16% of your final grade.

Specific guidelines
Each student will need to identify a real-world topic, theme or complex phenomenon involving
language use in society. Then students will select four (4) conceptual terms from the course
readings and write an essay of approximately 3,000 words (not including quoted material) that
clarifies the theoretical concepts (i.e., defines, explains and discusses the terms according to at
least the required readings) vis-à-vis the subject they have chosen. Your paper will follow the
classic five-paragraph essay structure (i.e., introduction, body paragraphs, conclusion), though
you will exceed three body paragraphs as necessary, and should incorporate the following

Interdisciplinary Studies 375
Language & Society
Dr. A. R. Washington


• Introductory paragraph
o Provide a topic sentence (or two) to state or establish the subject; provide background

information regarding the topic so that the reader understands it and is engaged. Is this a
complex, interdisciplinary topic? If so, please explain how.

o Use this paragraph to introduce the theoretical concepts you will explore in relation to
your topic.
§ State your thesis, i.e., the purpose, position or point of view on the topic, in a sentence

or two. This thesis should connect the chosen theoretical concepts to your real-world

§ Provide a brief overview of your paper in the form of outline sentence(s), which will
describe the main topics covered in the body paragraphs.

o Provide a sentence to transition to your next paragraph.
• Body paragraphs

o Each paragraph should explore one of your chosen theoretical concepts in relation to your
real-world topic. Begin with a topic sentence that identifies the new focus or main idea
introduced in this paragraph in relation to your thesis. Be sure to clearly define your
theoretical concept according to the appropriate literature before going further in your

o Provide several supporting sentences, which will utilize specific details and/or
appropriate examples or evidence, to develop (or expand) and explain the central point or
idea. Supporting sentences should be closely related to the topic sentence and therefore
the theoretical concept of the paragraph. They provide coherence within the paragraph
and unity around a central idea.
§ In addition to your required textbook, draw upon at least five (5) appropriate,

scholarly supplemental sources (e.g., books, academic journal articles, news or
magazine articles, other credible texts that demonstrate your concepts or topic) in
crafting your supporting sentences.

o Provide a sentence to transition to your next paragraph.
• Conclusion paragraph

o Restate your overall purpose or thesis for the paper and/or summarize the major points
and any broader implications or takeaway points of the essay regarding the chosen
theoretical concepts in connection with your real-world topic. Use distinct wording from
the introduction and body paragraphs. Do not introduce new, unrelated ideas in the
conclusion, but do leave the reader with a final thought to ponder.

• Conventions and Presentation
o Please format your paper according to APA guidelines. Be sure to acknowledge any

sources and properly cite them. Make sure that your references comply with APA

o Remember to use clear, precise, and descriptive language. Double-check your paper for
consistent and standard spelling, punctuation, capitalization, grammar, word
choice/usage, and sentence structure.

Interdisciplinary Studies 375
Language & Society
Dr. A. R. Washington




3 2


Connections to
Connects relevant
experience and
academic knowledge

connections among
experiences outside of
the formal classroom
(including life
experiences and
academic experiences
such as internships and
travel abroad) to
understanding of
fields of study and to
broaden own points of

Effectively selects
and develops
examples of life
experiences, drawn
from variety contexts
(e.g., family life,
artistic participation,
civic involvement,
work experience), to
meworks of fields of

Compares life
experiences and
academic knowledge
to infer differences,
as well as similarities,
and acknowledge
perspectives other
than own.

connections between
life experiences and
those academic texts
and ideas perceived
as similar and
related to own

Connections to
Sees (makes)
connections across

Independently creates
wholes out of multiple
parts (synthesizes) or
draws conclusions by
combining examples,
facts, or theories from
more than one field of
study or perspective.

connects examples,
facts, or theories from
more than one field
of study or

When prompted,
connects examples,
facts, or theories from
more than one field
of study or

When prompted,
presents examples,
facts, or theories
from more than one
field of study or

Adapts and applies
skills, abilities,
theories, or
gained in one
situation to new

Adapts and applies,
independently, skills,
abilities, theories, or
methodologies gained
in one situation to new
situations to solve
difficult problems or
explore complex
issues in original

Adapts and applies
skills, abilities,
theories, or
methodologies gained
in one situation to
new situations to
solve problems or
explore issues.

Uses skills, abilities,
theories, or
methodologies gained
in one situation in a
new situation to
contribute to
understanding of
problems or issues.

Uses, in a basic way,
skills, abilities,
theories, or
gained in one
situation in a new


Fulfills the
assignment(s) by
choosing a format,
language, or graph (or
other visual
representation) in
ways that enhance
meaning, making
clear the
interdependence of

Fulfills the
assignment(s) by
choosing a format,
language, or graph
(or other visual
representation) to
explicitly connect
content and form,

Fulfills the
assignment(s) by
choosing a format,
language, or graph
(or other visual
representation) that
connects in a basic
way what is being

Fulfills the
assignment(s) (i.e. to
produce an essay, a
poster, a video, a
presentation, etc.) in
an appropriate

Interdisciplinary Studies 375
Language & Society
Dr. A. R. Washington


language and meaning,
thought, and

awareness of purpose
and audience.

(content) with how it
is said (form).

Alignment with
Assignment Goals

Includes all sections
required to produce a
complete, scholarly
paper on language and
society (i.e.,
paragraph, Body
Conclusion) and
abides by Conventions
& Presentation.

Includes most
sections and
components required
to produce a near-
complete scholarly
paper on language
and society (i.e.,
paragraph, Body
Conclusion) and
mostly abides by
Conventions &

Includes some
sections or
components required,
produces a partially
complete scholarly
paper on language
and society (i.e.,
paragraph, Body
Conclusion) and
somewhat abides by
Conventions &

Includes few of the
required sections or
components needed,
produces an
scholarly paper on
language and society
(i.e., Introductory
paragraph, Body
Conclusion) and
does not abide by
Conventions &

Total (out of 20)

1 This rubric was created using the Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U)

Integrative and Applied Learning VALUE Rubric. Retrieved from

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