Research paper 5 pages – due in 30 hours

This paper needs to be a minimum of 5 pages long (not including the works cited page).. the content should end at the BOTTOM of the 5 pages..

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It is on Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe

The annotated bib, thesis and outline, and feedback is attached.. 

/Feedback for annotated bib: 70/100

 None of your annotations make much sense, nor do they prove that you have read the articles, because the annotations are so vague and tend to repeat themselves.  Also, some of your entries are missing info, and others are not in the most recent version of MLA.   

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Feedback for thesis and outline: 35/50

 You have one point in your thesis that can’t be proven, but that point in the thesis also doesn’t have a matching point on the outline.  Also, I’m not sure what that ¶ at the end is.  


5 pages

These are short answers.. could be a sentence or two if that is all it takes..


What is the difference between speed, velocity, and instantaneous velocity? Give examples of each. 


Gracie says acceleration is how fast you go. Alex says acceleration is how fast you get fast. They look to you for confirmation. Who’s correct?


What does it mean to say that momentum (or any quantity) is conserved?


An apple hanging from a limb has potential energy because of its height. If the apple falls, what becomes of this energy just before the apple hits the ground? When it hits the ground?


If a moving car speeds up until it is going twice as fast, how much kinetic energy does it have compared with its initial kinetic energy?


What is the relationship between work and power?


What is the principal difference between a radio wave and light? Between light and an X-ray?


What is the law of reflection?


What is the angle between a light ray and its wavefront?


Which part of an atom is positively charged, and which part is negatively charged?


How does the charge of one electron compare with the charge of another electron?


How does the number of protons in the atomic nucleus normally compare with the number of electrons that orbit the nucleus?


What is meant by saying that charge is conserved?


How is Coulomb’s law similar to Newton’s law of gravitation? How is it different?


What is the role of “loose” electrons in heat conductors?


By what means is heat transferred by convection?


What are the four common phases of matter?


What is evaporation, and why is it a cooling process?


What is condensation, how does it differ from evaporation, and why is it a warming process?


Under what conditions can we say that “a thermometer measures its own temperature”?


How does heat differ from thermal energy?


By whom, and in what setting, was the relationship between electricity and magnetism discovered?


In what way is the rule for the interaction between magnetic poles similar to the rule for the interaction between electric charges?


In what way are magnetic poles very different from electric charges?


What effect does Earth’s magnetic field have on the intensity of cosmic rays striking Earth’s surface?


State Newton’s law of universal gravitation in words. Then do the same with one equation.


How does the force of gravity between two bodies change when the distance between them is tripled?


Give two examples of a fluid.


Distinguish between mass density and weight density.


Distinguish between force and pressure. Compare their units of measurement.


Discounting the pressure of the atmosphere, if you swim twice as deep in water, how much more water pressure is exerted on your ears? If you swim in salt water, is the pressure greater than in fresh water at the same depth?


What is the source of all waves?


Distinguish among these characteristics of a wave: period, amplitude, wavelength, and frequency.


How are frequency and period related?


What is the relationship among frequency, wavelength, and wave speed?


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