Research Paper

 Topic of paper is located in the abstract (see attached file). Must follow these requirements. 

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1. The paper is to be 12 pages long which includes the cover page and references. 

2. The references should be less than 5 years old, unless approved by me.

3. Either APA or MLA style can be use as long as I can verify the citing.

4. Topic must be approved and correspond to the abstract. (two to three paragraphs describing the research you plan to do.

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5. Must use 5 different sources 

6. Citation must be in the form of works cited


The Role of Labor Unions

While it is important to understand the role of labor unions in business today, it is equally important to understand union history and their impact on the American economy. The existence of labor unions is controversial. Some hold the belief that unions are designed to protect the wellbeing of workers and increase pay and benefits. Others believe that unions are self-serving and cripple economies.

Unions represent the broader American dream by operating within an inclusive workforce. Unions often employ people of any education background. For many, unions are a way to bypass extensive college or higher education costs and join the workforce. They provide competitive salaries for unskilled workers and offer benefits that may not be available elsewhere. Overall, unions are interested in the wellbeing of whom they employ.

An argument against unions is that historically they have been overseen by criminal organizations such as the mob. The connections to the mob run deep, particularly regarding construction in major cities. Unions are self-serving in that they often exclusively hire those that belong to the mob life, or family members of existing union employees. It is important to explore the reasons unions exist, and how they impact the current U.S. economy. Examining labor unions in turn helps to better understand the broader world of business.

Works Cited

*, Name. “Mafia/Union Ties Still Strong.” Labor Relations Institute, 4 Nov. 2017,

Bivens, Report • By Josh. “How Today’s Unions Help Working People: Giving Workers the Power to Improve Their Jobs and Unrig the Economy.” Economic Policy Institute, 2017,

Sherk, James. “What Unions Do: How Labor Unions Affect Jobs and the Economy.” The Heritage Foundation,

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