Research paper

For your research paper, conduct research on how Descriptive Analytics, Predictive Analytics and Prescriptive Analytics can be utilized in any small or medium sized business and what must be done within the business to effectively implement and/or institutionalize Analytics (Descriptive, Predictive and Prescriptive Analytics must be discussed in your paper). You can research how large businesses use analytics and then discuss how these methods/tools can be used or are not viable for small and medium business. Explore many of the items that were identified within your questionnaire. You may also select a small or medium business in your area as an example for your analysis but remember the paper is about the use of Descriptive, Predictive and Prescriptive Analytics in any small or medium sized businesses and NOT large businesses or specific industries. 2 of 5 Analyze your research to identify one or more Research Questions. Example: you analyze the literature and determine that Predictive analytics requires a strong knowledge of statistics and advanced database systems. Other literature indicates that Prescriptive analytics requires a strong knowledge of data modeling, data warehouses and more advanced data systems. One Research Question might be “can all analytics methods be implemented in any size organization?”. Another Research Questions might be “do all businesses possess the knowledge needed to implement and maintain all analytics methods?”. Develop a Hypothesis using your Research Question(s) and your analysis of the research. Example, using the example Research Questions above, “Because aaa requires bbb, only ccc business have the ability to implement ddd analytics.”. A Hypothesis is a precise Statement that your research will either prove or disprove. Do not make it too generic – it should be specific. In the introduction section of your research paper, provide a general explanation of Descriptive, Predictive and Prescriptive analytics and define any terms used within the questionnaire and paper (i.e. how do you define size <# of employees or total-sales or total-investment>, organizational type, software & systems, etc.) as it relates to your paper. At the end of the introduction section, include your problem statement and your hypothesis(es). The content of your paper (from Introduction to Findings) must be at least 7 pages in length, double-spaced, 12-font. It must include at least 7 references, with at least 2 being peer-reviewed. The cover page, abstract and references are NOT included in the 7-page length requirement. Your paper must be formatted using APA guidelines. The quality and thoroughness of the paper, as defined in the rubric, will determine the grade assigned. Papers containing the minimum number of references and/or minimum number of pages will most likely not earn a high grade. Use the Research Paper template and Research Presentation template, provided in the Residency folder, for your Research paper and presentation. Make sure it contains all items shown in the Notes. Make sure the Hypothesis and References are included in the presentation and that the peer-reviewed references are identified in the last page of the presentation PPT.

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Running head: short name of title 1

Short title of paper 4

[ Enter Title of Paper here ]
[ Enter Group #
and the names {Last, First} of all Group members ]


[Replace this Note with an Abstract. The abstract should be added after the content of the paper is finalized. The abstract should be approximately one paragraph of approximately 150 to 300 words and summarize the content of the paper, background of why the paper was written and “big questions” answered by your research. If this were a published paper, the Abstract is typically the first thing a person would read and needs to encourage the reader to take the next step and read your entire paper.]


[Replace this Note with an Introduction. The introduction should be approximately one-two paragraph of between 150 and 500 words. The introduction needs to:

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1. Define Analytics and any other terms that will be used in the paper.

2. Explain what Problem your paper will address.

3. Introduce any other concepts or content specific to your paper.]


[Replace this Note with 1-or-more Hypothesis which is a short statement of what your research and analysis discovered. The Hypothesis is developed after the research has been conducted.

Literature Review

[Remove this note and enter details about the literature researched. Identify and prioritize the main topics identified in the research and in support of the topic.

· Main Topics should start with a title or section heading.

· Evaluate the literature as it applies to your research question and hypothesis.

· Analyze the evidence as it relates to the topic, especially noting where evidence from multiple sources either confirm each other, conflict with each other or supplement each other.

The review will include many paragraphs, each with its own Main Topic. Paragraphs should consist of 5 to 8 sentences.]


[Remove this note. Evaluation the problem statement and hypothesis as it applies to the research content. The analysis will include many paragraphs, each with its own emphasis. Paragraphs should consist of 5 to 8 sentences.]


[Remove this note. Summarize what was discovered in the literature review and Analysis areas of this paper. The findings may include many paragraphs but will not necessarily be of significant length. Paragraphs should consist of 5 to 8 sentences.]

Last Name, F. M. (Year). Article Title. Journal Title, Pages From – To.
Last Name, F. M. (Year). Book Title. City Name: Publisher Name.

Note: References are in Alphabetic order by last name. I highly recommend that you use the Reference Tab in WORD to create References and then Cite these references and add the Bibliography/Reference page at the end of the document.

1. Click Manage Sources, click New and enter details for each reference. Make sure the Style is set to APA before creating a new reference.

2. Find each area with your paper where you want to cite a reference and Click Insert Citation to choose the reference.

3. Create a blank page at the end of your paper and Click Bibliography and Click Insert Bibliography.

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