Research and project preview.

1) Research the variety of enumeration tools available. Select one tool and explain what it does, how it works and what type of information it extracts (example:  Softerra LDAP Browser is the industry-leading software for browsing and analyzing LDAP directories. It provides a wide variety of features for handy viewing of directory contents, getting information about directory infrastructure and objects.)

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2) Final Project Preview:

a. Select an information assurance topic you’re interested in. According to NIST, the definition of information assurance is:  Measures that protect and defend information and information systems by ensuring their availability, integrity, authentication, confidentiality, and non-repudiation. These measures include providing for restoration of information systems by incorporating protection, detection, and reaction capabilities.

b. Email me with your topic idea so I can review and approve it. 

c. The paper should be five pages (double-spaced), NOT including a cover page and reference list. That’s five pages of content in your own words and backed up by scholarly resources. Please use APA format. 

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Remember, I do have a zero tolerance plagiarism policy. If you’re plagiarism score is above 40%, it will be a zero on the assignment. If the score is between 25-40%, I will scrutinize it carefully. Writing your own content and not plagiarizing is relatively easy to do so there are no excuses. 

Please email with any questions or clarifications you need. 

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